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    aotf got a reaction from pastu in Worms...?   
    My personal experience with nerites was "never". I waited several months with my nerites in a quarantine bucket and did multiple 90% water changes (I drained the tank to the gravel). Even after that, my nerites slowly died after being reintroduced to the tank.

    It could have been from other causes too, so I'm curious to see if others have had success with fenben and nerites.
  2. Thanks
    aotf got a reaction from Muratkocer in carbon rili crossing   
    From what I understand, you can put Blue Dream neos in with your carbons. They're bred from the same lineage so you should be ok.
    Other blues may create WT offspring (Blue Velvets for sure, I did something similar).
  3. Thanks
    aotf got a reaction from Muratkocer in carbon rili crossing   
    I also want to address the blue jelly/blue velvet thing:
    Don't try to mix blue jellies with your carbons. You'll almost certainly get WT for the first generation. Crossing the WT to each other will give you a bunch of low-grade neos (carbon, red rili, blue jelly, blue dream), but the traits that are specific to each lineage won't mix. Think of it as undoing generations of selection for a specific trait. You're just revealing what each lineage has been selected away from. It's fine if you want a variety of lower grade shrimp with some WTs thrown in, but I personally think you're better off starting with specific line. 

    The blue velvets are trickier: when you see blue velvets for sale, they're usually just blue jellies (red rili lineage) but sometimes they're actually blue dream (carbon lineage). If you see "blue dream velvet", that usually means carbon lineage, but I've purchased "blue dream velvets" that actually came from a chocolate lineage, which many would call blue diamonds instead. If the blue velvets are a light blue, they're probably blue jellies. Check for tiny splotches of red around the eyes and antenna, that should be a tip-off that you're looking at red rili lineage.
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    aotf got a reaction from Shrimporama in Aura Pinto   
    Every time you update this journal, my jaw drops. 
  5. Thanks
    aotf got a reaction from Shrimporama in Panda gobies   
    I did the same research and found that panda loaches look relatively safe for dwarf shrimp (I found a cute video of them feeding together, the panda juveniles were about the size of a CRS), but as with any nano fish, assume fry are at risk until proven otherwise. Also, their pattern apparently changes as they age and they look distinctly less panda ish.
  6. Like
    aotf reacted to chappy6107 in New Shrimps Dropping Dead HELP   
    You will get good and bad reviews of aquatic arts as alot of their stock is imported and that by itself can cause a higher than normal death rate within the next few days of receiving them.  I have nothing against them, but I prefer to buy my shrimp from sources I know are home bred and healthy.
    now on to your biggest concern.  You can not blame/assume the seller is at fault without knowing your complete water parameters.  The basic parameters you posted are generally good enough for fish, but when it comes to shrimp(even neos) you need to know your gh/kh.  Many, many, many areas tap water is not healthy for shrimp.  Some like myself have to use remineralized ro water.  I would invest in a gh & kh test kit.  And as far as water changes try to keep it to a maximum of 10% per week at most.
    and welcome to the forum!
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    aotf got a reaction from Shrimporama in Help with saving my shrimp's eggs?   
    Stress not! Hatching eggs is surprisingly easy. An egg tumbler makes your job easier but isn't strictly necessary in case you don't want to shell out right now.
    First off, how close were they to hatching? The closer to the end date, the higher your rate of success will be.
    As long as the room they are in isn't abnormally cold, don't worry about the heater.
    If you have an air pump laying around, having some bubbles in the glass (not too many, tie a knot in the tubing) will help keep the eggs aerated.
    If not, do a small water change (with tank water, not tap) twice a day with a syringe. This is good practice with the aeration as well but can be done less frequently.
    Remove as much of the mom's material as possible. Any organic stuff that isn't a live egg can grow mold, which is bad for the water and the eggs. It also helps to decluster the eggs so that if one goes bad, it isn't directly next to another --still healthy-- egg.
    For the first couple days, check every day for dead eggs and remove them from the water. Otherwise, they will get moldy and the mold will consume the live eggs.
    Consistency and patience are key, but you'll be well on your way to some shrimplets!

    If it you makes you feel any better, the first time I ordered shrimp, I got a berried shrimp in the bag. I was so excited! She died a week or two later, so I had to artificially hatch my first berried female's eggs in a jar on my counter. Most made it! If I did it then, so can you.
  8. Thanks
    aotf got a reaction from oem in crs in south florida   
    I'm not in Florida (CA, actually)  and I don't keep CRS but I want to say that what you're offering is incredibly generous. I'm glad that the shrimp community has people like you.
    Best of luck wherever you're moving!
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    aotf reacted to smokey5011 in crs in south florida   
    Is there anyone in the south Florida area (west palm beach) that would like to local pick up some CRS. I have a nice colony started but I am moving out of state and cant take with me. Would like to give them to someone who maybe is just starting out or who couldn't afford to buy them yet. Prob close to 150 shrimp of all sizes. Let me know. 
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    aotf got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Heater for Shrimp Tank   

    I got myself a fancy in-line heater to keep my tank at exactly the temperature I thought I needed for my shrimp. After losing my colony slowly over several months, I turned it off in order to reduce the number of unknowns in the tank. I can't say whether or not my heater was killing my shrimp but my tank now fluctuates between 69-74F throughout the year (maybe 3F range in a  given day) and the shrimp seem totally fine with it.
    Unless you live in a really cold area, you don't really need a heater. At worst, the heater can take a little too long to turn off (or the thermostat gets stuck) and cook your entire tank without you noticing.
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    aotf got a reaction from Shrimp Life in WTB Blue Bee (Caridina sp.)   
    I'm pretty sure they do exist although they're really not all that popular. That article also lists them as Caridina, which seems to be incorrect. They're most likely referring to Paracaridina. The glamour shots are really nice but if you see what they look like with a potato, you'll probably be less impressed. I think the blue coloration is a sign of stress and they might be more brown normally.

    There were more people selling them 2012-2013, although there are some sales on Aquabid from ~2014-2015.
    (btw, I'm probably wrong about all of this. All the information above is from 15 minutes of searching inspired by your post)

    rostick555, who is a user on this forum, sold some a couple years back. Maybe he can point you to someone else who has some? 

    Good luck!
  12. Like
    aotf got a reaction from schleppey in WTB Blue Bee (Caridina sp.)   
    I'm pretty sure they do exist although they're really not all that popular. That article also lists them as Caridina, which seems to be incorrect. They're most likely referring to Paracaridina. The glamour shots are really nice but if you see what they look like with a potato, you'll probably be less impressed. I think the blue coloration is a sign of stress and they might be more brown normally.

    There were more people selling them 2012-2013, although there are some sales on Aquabid from ~2014-2015.
    (btw, I'm probably wrong about all of this. All the information above is from 15 minutes of searching inspired by your post)

    rostick555, who is a user on this forum, sold some a couple years back. Maybe he can point you to someone else who has some? 

    Good luck!
  13. Like
    aotf got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Blue Shrimp   
    I just checked out some of your stock and those are some amazing looking blues.
     @DreaminginBlue Now you know where to get your blue dreams   
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