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    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to CarissaLynn in First Shrimp Breeding Tank - Neocaridina   
    I absolutely love the idea of keeping a journal - especially right now when I am still new to aquariums in general and this will be the first time I set up a bit tank with a purpose/goal outside of just wanting a nice looking tank
    This will mostly be for me but absolutely feel free to join in the journey with me if you'd like and if you notice anything I could be doing better or differently please feel free to let me know - I want to learn and grow and do the absolute best I can for these little shrimp!
    I have not decided which Neocaridina I want to breed yet - I currently have bloody mary, cherry and pumpkin in my betta tanks (and actually I currently have 3 baby cherry shrimp 'cause one of my shrimp had shrimplets - I only managed to find 3 so I think my betta found the rest but trying to keep these alive and safe and hopefully raise them up!). I am torn between breeding cherry shrimp since they are so popular I feel like I'd have an easier time building a relationship with a local fish store and selling them and doing a color I really love (like the orange pumpkin, or green jade, or a yellow guy). Not too focused on that just yet as my tank isn't bought/set up yet.
    I have planned out most of the tank, what I am going to buy, and the rough idea of the order I am going to do things in but still researching - I'm trying to not rush this project for the sake of my wallet and just because I want to do everything right. I have decided that I am either going to go a 20L or a 29g, currently waiting for the petco $1 per gallon sale which the employee said will probably be happening next month. I need to buy an aquarium stand - that truthfully is my next important step, no point buying the tank with no where to put it on. I did both decide and already order a corner matten filter - I ordered it to fix a 29g, if I end up doing the 20L I will just have to cut the foam, glass pieces, and PVC down to size which isn't a big deal. Torn between the tank size because 29g would be better if I down the line want to add breeding guppies in the same tank but I am very short so the 20L would probably be better for me in terms of maintaining without needing a step ladder or anything like that lol.
    I just received my gH and kH test kit in the mail yesterday so was able to test my tap water right out of the sink to get an idea of what I am working with right now. I need to order a TDS tester to know that aspect but my tap as of right now is:
    kH: 4   |   gH: 9   |   ammonia: 0ppm   |   nitrites: 0ppm   |   nitrates: 0ppm

    The next things on my agenda to do is get a TDS tester and buy/build the aquarium stand so I am ready to go once the petco tank sale hits. I also need to remember to test my pH of my tap water when I get home too.
    Will have the corner mattern filter tomorrow so as soon as the sale hits can get that put into place and worry about setting up the rest of the tank after that.
  2. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to ShrimpFarm in ShrimpFarm Project   
    Here we go with new movie, this time Crossbreeds:
  3. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from TheGardenofEder in Fathersday Sales!   
    What grade are they? Pics?
    12 Bkk mix, panda, shadow, and blue bolt $120 shipped
  4. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Will take more but I have so many babys growing up would be worth the wait to see the deeper blue and more spots on the galaxy

  5. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to DevinB in White eyed pintos   
    A few pictures of my newest adventures in selective breeding, white eyed pintos and black king Kong's. 

  6. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from JonRon in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    -Only been 3 days and already a momma. Was kinda upset seller sent me an adult til I found out it was a female. Still kinda risky to transfer tho, especially since I dont acclimate my shrimps.
    -Alot of the BB from the first sellers are FEMALES ❤️, so lucky. I should really selective breed them, but I'll let nature take its course for now. Will take pics of them later when I have a chance.
    -Need to do a W/C Wednesday. So happy the tank is doing well, and hope it stays that way.

  7. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to nicpapa in shrimp Tanks   


    crs Babies


    Red pinto with  eggs

  8. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to Valek in Magic Powder or Bacter AE   
    I went with Magic Powder, thanks for the feedback 
  9. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to Dluxeshrimps in Blue diamond shrimp for sale   
    10 blue diamond shrimps for $50 shipped! 
    Will go out Monday 
    10 blue Ramshorn Snails shipped for $25
    10 pink Ramshorn Snails shipped for $25
  10. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to nicpapa in shrimp Tanks   
    update of shrimp room. I begin with taiwan bee - pintos..      
  11. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to Shrimp Life in Magic Powder or Bacter AE   
    Magic Powder all the way. 
  12. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to NateFromSA in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Love these guys

    Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk

  13. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to rwong2k in My blue bolt shrimp   
    happy long weekend everyone. wanted to share a few quick photos of my new shrimp

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  14. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to madcrafted in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    Could also be rhabdocoela. They are small white flatworms that feed of detritus and are of no harm to baby shrimps like planaria. I constantly see them in my tanks along with detritus worms and daphnia. Overfeeding is usually the culprit. They are helping to clean up your mess.
    Just use a jeweler's loop or magnifying glass to positively i.d. them.
  15. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to Memphis118 in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Updated tank as of 5/21 

  16. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from Tibee Inc in Will consistency breeding Galaxy Pinto (Low) increase quality?   
    It will only increase overtime to a certain point. You need to introduce a higher grade to increase the overall quality and cull..
  17. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to aotf in Card tank sanity check   
    I decided to be a bit more thorough in my testing and -surprise surprise- it looks like my substrate was the culprit all along. Really frustrating since it's crushed red volcanic rock, which I was sure would be inert. Shame on me for not testing it before using it, I suppose.
    The tests:
    tank water + fresh Controsoil overnight => pH 6.2, kH 0
    took rocks out of tank + sock full of Controsoil in tank overnight => no change in anything except sH = 1 (sock content of water)
    RODI + fresh "inert" substrate 4 hours => pH 6.8, kH 1 (from pH 6, kH 0)
    At that point, I concluded the substrate was to blame and decided on what I had to do.

    A good part of yesterday was spent ripping out the entire tank, swapping the gravel for Controsoil and rescaping/replanting everything. Can't say my back was too pleased with it all but I got it done and moved the shrimp back in. It looks like I may have lost one or two in the process (the pH dropped from 6.8-7 to 6.2 in a couple hours) but I'm hoping this is for the better. I got a tally of my bees while moving them and of the 26 I originally received, only 14 remained. Oof.
    I'll post a pic in the next photoperiod.

    Thanks again for making me look for the cause (rather than try to convince myself everything was ok)!
  18. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from Pachu in Hello from new york   
    Welcome to the forums!
  19. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from Jamisondaniel33 in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    -Gotta grab some DI water tmr, gonna fill the tank a little above substrate to start the cycle atleast. 
    -Hopefully by the time the tank is cycled the cube has exploded with juvies already. Not sure what variation I'll get but im looking forward to it.
    -Has anyone also seen ellen wang ...uhh is it a zebra bb? Looks so beautifully amazing. Not sure how he crossed it but its definitely unique.Will post a pic at the end. Also, please remove his picture if its not allowed to be shown. Thank You.

    -some of them came out for feeding. they really like @Jamisondaniel33 home made food. Really recommend ya try his product, its no joke.

  20. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to Memphis118 in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Food is working out pretty well. They were $10 a bag for 40g. TDS wise, havent noticed too much change. I hover about 150 to 160 each week. Once it hits 160, I normally do a 20% WC
  21. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from wyzazz in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    -Gotta grab some DI water tmr, gonna fill the tank a little above substrate to start the cycle atleast. 
    -Hopefully by the time the tank is cycled the cube has exploded with juvies already. Not sure what variation I'll get but im looking forward to it.
    -Has anyone also seen ellen wang ...uhh is it a zebra bb? Looks so beautifully amazing. Not sure how he crossed it but its definitely unique.Will post a pic at the end. Also, please remove his picture if its not allowed to be shown. Thank You.

    -some of them came out for feeding. they really like @Jamisondaniel33 home made food. Really recommend ya try his product, its no joke.

  22. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from nicpapa in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    -DOA came in all alive this time. Packaged really well,but the inside was abit wet dunno why... Was able to snap some pics of the new fellas before they went into hiding. 
    -need to do another 1/2gal w/c tmr and clean the front tank again
    -may start on the cull tank this week actually. Found some time to atleast buy the glass/look for them at lowes
    This one looks really promising and is the smallest of them all. Hope it grows up well (female maybe :])

    Here is one of the three zebras. Couldnt get a good picture, I apologize as my phone isnt as good and the side glass are dirty

    Random shot 

    Looks like this wine red is a female..please help confirm but im 90% sure. 

  23. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from nicpapa in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    Will definitely invest into a scoring knife the next time around. 90% finished with the halfmoon, just need to cut the pipes abit more. Could have done a better job but it was a good and fun learning experience.

    -looks like the seller gave me a low grade mosura bb

  24. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty got a reaction from NickAus in Snail/worm HELP   
    Just to let you know, the chemicals stay inside the tank for 6+ months and it's not consider safe to add back in the snails...if you can't wait that long, gradually do a 100% w.c so the shrimps can adapt.
  25. Like
    ILikeAsianBooty reacted to wyzazz in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    DIY is the way to go for sure in this case!
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