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    RyeGuy411 reacted to manticore in Bicolor moss ( bright green with brown) no 30   
    hi there, i am posting here picture with a moss i had in a tank for about 5 months now. it developed interesting with very bright green tipps and brown also more inside. i really like it much, it is kind of fluffy.
    sorry for picture quality, the white lines in the pictures are Lemna minor roots

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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from High5's in Light for 20L   
    I just got a Beamswork for my 20L and I am very impressed for the cost. I got the 6500k version and it was only $29.99
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    RyeGuy411 reacted to mayphly in Tester Shrimp in New Tank   
    I added a test shrimp yesterday to a newly cycled tank. It's been 24 hrs and he's doing fine. How long would you wait before placing all your shrimp into a new tank?
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    RyeGuy411 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in GH for TBs   
    I honestly feel everyone's water is different. What may work for one, may not work for another. That's why there's such a range that's acceptable.
    I had to drop my gh to 3-4 to see baby survival. Some others have done fine with 6ish, but unfortunately not mine.
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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from ShrimpP in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found this little one, it has a skull that looks like the punisher on its back sweet!!

  6. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from eozen81 in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found about five of these little guys swimming around a few days ago.

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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Lyana in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found about five of these little guys swimming around a few days ago.

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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Jadenlea in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found this little one, it has a skull that looks like the punisher on its back sweet!!

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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from KlimparOn in No New Content Showing?   
    There is nothing showing when I click on View New Content button when I can clearly see there is new content posted since I last logged on. Is anyone else having this issue? I tried logging out and back in and I tried logging in on phone on the full site and still shows no new content. What the heck, I feel like this cant just be me.
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    RyeGuy411 reacted to h4n in Are there any "shrimp only" brick n mortar stores in the U.S.?   
    Adrand if you ever do. Make sure to stop by my store!
  11. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in Shrimp Daddy Products   
    I’m glad you’ve been hearing/reading a lot of good reviews on the products. I’m glad the word is spreading. It’s been a long time coming as he has been developing his products for personal use way, way, before he started selling it and introducing it to the NA demographic. As one of the first (in NA) to have access and gotten a chance to try out SD’s lineup, I feel like I’ve had a pretty good grasp of the products. I feel confident my knowledge is sufficient to share and help others.
    To answer your question and give you a better idea of what to expect from his products, I’ll share a little insight.
    Originally, SD frequented ShrimpNow Forums and that is where I originally reached out to him for assistance. He was the resident “Guru” I should say. I saw from his in-depth observations and detailed analysis of certain problems and knew instantly he was the go to guy for my questions.
    So I started off using stuff most of us are already using or have used in the past. Stuff like Salty Shrimp GH+, Mosura, Shirakura, etc.. All that O.G. Shrimper stuff. Having gone from trying to keep shrimps and failing miserably (pre. Commercially available mineralizers we have today) and then switching to stuff like Salty Shrimp GH+ and experiencing great success, I was left with a HUGE sense of accomplishment. So shrimps were breeding and living, great. But like most of us, the sense of accomplishment slowly dried up and I sought other means of improving upon what I already knew and had. Hence I sought a new way to better improve my shrimp keeping experience. Insert, ShrimpNow and googling of this “Hyoushoku” and finding his personal blogger, Shrimpy Daddy. More reading and learning, I was left with a sense that I needed to reach out to this man. PMs and convos later I had some minerals arriving at my doorstep (free of charge and post) with tons of instructions on how to dose, what to expect, and misc. instructions on how to handle my rampant algae issues.
    What I received in the mail was SD’s Revive Minerals and Revive Vivace. What I dose was Revive Minerals and Revive Vivace. What I experienced (of which I’ve documented in pictures on much older posts) was a HUGE improvements in the coloration of my Blue Bolts and Shadow Pandas. What was white area with tiny specks of blue became vibrant blue. What was a dull black became a shiny black reminiscent of a well polish piece of armor. It was shiny and so deep. Basically, I had an ugly duckling into beautiful swan moment. All this time, I was still using Salty Shrimp GH+ as my mine mineralizer (of course, a huge container for dirt cheap prices that would last years, why not??!?)
    After experiencing the massive success with SD’s Minerals, I knew that was it and that I needed to get my hands on his other stuff (He has his Bianco Minerals and other stuff at this time). This is not to say I wasn’t or didn’t already have experience with other “mineral” supplements. I had tried Borneo Wild, Shirakua and Mosura Mineral Supplements and those never worked. Well.. maybe not never.. but didn’t live up to my expectations or justification of price. How many folks have excess products sitting in their stands or fish areas half used? Anyways, A couple of packages later and some time passed, I got my hands on his personal mineralizers and foods (yepp… he makes foods as well..) and I was well on my way to being fully decked out with SD products.
    Now, I have MOST of my tanks switched over to the Bianco Mineralizers. Few tanks reminded still using the Salty Shrimp GH+ but that is because I’m too lazy to reset the tank, and what would I do with a 1000g container nearly 80% full. My NA mindset got the best of me when I decided to go large and save money. ALL my tanks are dosed with the Revive Minerals and Revive Vivace (on rotating weeks) and it works great. Interestingly, I do notice that tanks setup fully with the SD lineup have shrimps that behave much differently than those with the Salty Shrimps. My SD tanks have shrimps that are more “brave” than those using the Salty Shrimp. They’re more actively swimming around and roaming. They aren’t as skittish when I’m around.
    Is it common to mix MK x Mosura TDS up? I’ve never done that and it seems strange to me that a product is designed and produce only to need to be mixed. And mixed with an off-brand product not relating to its own line. For SD Mineralizers, I dose per instructions and it hits my TDS, GH, and KH (Gamma for Tigers), exactly or nearly exactly each and every time (this is common amongst liquid mineralizers). I’ll always have a +/- of 15-20 TDS when using the Salty Shrimps.
    Long story short, I would say Revive Minerals and Revive Vivace are both good entry products. Once you use it, see results, and open up to it, then you can get more. I’ve fully embraced the SD lineup and so I have everything.
    Disclaimer: I do serve as SD’s NA logistics. I fulfill his orders similarity to how Amazon fulfills their vendor’s orders. Just wanted to be open and clear as to have folks know. Maybe because I am his logistics partner, I may be bias. Who knows. Anywhose, my wordy and very long 2 cents.
  12. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Amyers22 in Shrimp Daddy Products   
    I use Shrimpy Daddy products. They are a comprehensive system and are designed to work best in conjunction with all the components. The only other "product" I use is Bacter AE. There is a schedule for dosing the SD products and the amount depends on your water volume (not tank volume). Some are dosed daily and others weekly. 
  13. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to aquariumlover10 in ghost shrimp selective rack!!!!   
    i think im going to make a custom tank out of wood, it'll be in my bedroom so i want it too look pretty
    i will mount finnex stingrays above the tanks for light, on the top its not another level its just a bar to mount the light.
    the 3g hatching/rearing tanks will be on the top with the 5g cull and holding tanks in the middle.
    with the air pump(from grandpas converted lobster tank, 120 pounds of pressure) on the bottom along with green water holding tank, and a daphnia breeding tanks.
    i will use gang valves to split the air line from air pump.
  14. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to r45t4m4n in Mk Breed vs ShrimpyDaddy   
    I agree with everything you guys are saying, having the right minerals in the right proportions is important.
  15. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in clear netting?   
    I was thinking a 3D printed net of clear plastic. It would not be soft but would probably be smooth.
  16. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in Mk Breed vs ShrimpyDaddy   
    Ultimately, the choice between SD’s Line vs. MK’s Line will boil down to you and your personal preference.
    Many folks will argue that SD’s Line is complex, has a lot of steps, and overall not user friendly (especially for the newer shrimp keepers), but I don’t find that to be true. I agree there is a learning curve, but as all things, once you make an effort to understand it and do it, it will become easier. It’s only overwhelming because it’s different. It’s different because unlike some other products that arrived from overseas and sold to users, SD’s took the time and effort to actually provide detail instructions. It’s complex because it’s detailed, it’s detailed because he doesn’t want you to fail. It’s complexity is similar to a professor whose very knowledgeable in his field explaining something to you. You will be overwhelmed and think it the subject is too difficult. But in time it will become easier and I think you and your shrimps will be better for it.
    You could also take the set-it-and-forget-it method and use other products and it’ll still work. I actually recommend it if it’s something you know you’ll enjoy doing more. A hobby shouldn’t be something that you feel you’re tied down by. Do it for the joy, not as a chore. There’s doing something to get it done and doing something because you’re passionate about it. I’m passionate about shrimp keeping. I want me shrimps to look amazing. I want to buy cheap 10$ shrimps and have that 30$ look. I’m don’t plan on reselling or marketing them under false pre-tense, so it doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that they look their best.
    SD’s line cannot change genetics, you’re right. But there are other, equally, important factors that contributes to the overall look AND health of shrimps. That said, you could buy a hundred dollar shrimp and keep them in less than ideal parameters and they won’t look any better than ten-dollar shrimp. To me, SD’s line is about providing the very best possible advantage for shrimps to grow, be healthy, and look their absolute best.
    Even top level athletes didn’t get there relying solely on genetics. They became great because of a combination of things.
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  18. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to aquariumlover10 in ghost shrimp selective rack!!!!   
    so I a Thinking about trying to selectively breed ghost shrimp to get more red coloration.
    I'm think about getting this stand   http://www.lowes.com/pd_328959-80752-142430B-DS_1z11pf9__?productId=3468765&Ns=p_product_price|0&pl=1&Ntt=shelf
    and putting 4 large kritter keepers on the bottom, and 4 medium on the middle  http://m.petco.com/product/12031/Petco-Pet-Keeper-for-Aquarium-Fish.aspx?CoreCat=OnSiteSearch
    and using the air pump my grandpa gave me from his converted lobster tank to power a azoo oxygen plus11 in each tank http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3579+3954&pcatid=3954
    ill be using the large tanks as culling tanks and general holding tanks.
    I'll use the mediums as the tank to selectively breed them and to raise the shrimplets.
    ill be using Java moss and hornwort as plants
    2 finnex stingrays, and play sand as a sub for the holding tanks and culling Tanks, no sub in the breeding or raising tanks.
    this will all be after I move of course, but I think it'll work.
    stay tuned for links
  19. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to OMG Aquatics in Mk Breed vs ShrimpyDaddy   
    SD does not alter genetics.
    Not sure on the reverting part but if it reverts back to low quality, your tank is missing/lacking the minerals needed.
  20. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Faralon in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found about five of these little guys swimming around a few days ago.

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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from sarah in Rob's Budget 5gal CRS build   
    I would plug your heater in again, you want your tank really warm to cycle and keep pH at 7 this makes the bacteria colonize faster. I always cycle at 86F and use tap water with a buffering substrate.
  22. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found about five of these little guys swimming around a few days ago.

  23. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Shrimpie in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found about five of these little guys swimming around a few days ago.

  24. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Bongo Shrimp in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Finally have some pics worth sharing.




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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from fishcrazy in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found this little one, it has a skull that looks like the punisher on its back sweet!!

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