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    RyeGuy411 reacted to manticore in buce what is the fascination with this plant and what makes it so good   
    Han really has a nice collection of them and a fair pricing. i do recomand to take a look on what he has. it will be the easiest way getting them.
    The plants have really exquisite colors, and are more interesting than regular anubias. ones you have them at home you do realise whay they are so apreciated.
  2. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Greenteam in Pinto Mischling Project   
    Here's a young that was born from Pinto x WR.
    She grew up and now is a breeding pinto female. Shes currently full of eggs the father been a Pinto red father.

  3. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to gillznglass in Greetings from Montana   
    I am the other half of this thing that wygglz, to much, on this forum.
    I just wanted to say hello to everyone on the forum, and state how much I appreciate the knowledge shared on here.  When I get time I will introduce myself properly and show you a tour of the fish room. For now I will add a copy of the pm I just sent to h4n which shows the set up which I call the shrimp blender.  You may think that doesn’t sound right, because is supposed to be a shrimp breeder. Yes I am asking for his help, and feel free to chime in if you have any other ideas.
    Anyhow, here are just some poor quality up and running shots for a taste of what is to come, which I plan to go through everything from the RO set up to how and why I set water parameters the way I do, along with pics of a discus breeder set up I am in the process of robbing a bank to get done.  Soon after, I will rob another bank, to pick up some stendker discus from discus hans to blend with the shrimp. And I will answer the ever important internet question everyone wants to know.  Will it blend?  If unfamiliar with this internet question please search you tube for “will it blend” to get the idea.
    I apologize for making light of the situation I’m in, because the last thing I want to do is harm these beautiful creatures.  So please don’t think that I think this is cool.  Just looking for some help here and sometimes humor is the way I deal with a crap situation.
    Of course when I get all this posted, I would welcome any and all input and suggestions you have on improving the process I use.
    Thanks all!, and here is the pm to h4n.  Not so “pm” any more is it.  Right.
    Dear h4n,
    Sorry to contact you when I have not even introduced myself on the forum, but the situation is dire at this point.
    I am the other half to wygglz on this forum and have built a breeder set up for her from the ground up.  I have 8 20 longs all on a sump with Kaldness K1, filter floss, purigen, and some de nitrate all in the sump >>>>>> along with a bunch of baby shrimp ... in the sump...... and wherever else water goes.  …..some of which, have ended up going through a blueline pump with massive rotating blades, and survived.  They were found in various tanks throughout the set up along with maybe a dimm or two.  Hmmmmmm.  I have tried multiple forms of filter media in the overflows which somehow the little 1mm buggers end up getting though. Or worse yet they get stuck on top of the media and die. 
    I am using 1 inch 90 male NPT x 1 inch female slip screwed directly into a 1 " bulkhead. 
    I do have wonderful success in the fact there is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and believe it or not, a consistent 0 nitrate with a nice bio load, all due to this multiple tank set up, lots of plants, and 220 gallons of stable ph 7.4 water.  All of which I guess is not so useful to the lives of the little shrimp bugger fry.
    So my question is this.  Will you build me some stainless fry safe filter screens for the overflows?  I need 8 of them with an open end shaped like a tube with the top closed off as well, even though the top will be above the water line.  Think of it as an upside down HOB intake screen that has a round tube to slide it over.
    Here are some pics of the set up.  The white 90's were purchased from home depot.  Where the motto should be..... let’s do this... even if it is wrong!
    This is a view from the top of the overflow.  The outside diameter of the 1 inch fitting is 4.21 cm on my caliper. The photo below it shows the caliper measurement.


    This next photo shows the fitting from a front view which skims the water surface.

    This is the complete set up.

    The ideal length of the tube would be 4.5 cm.  This would allow the screen filter to fit over the top of the 1 inch 90 and slide down to the inside corner of the 90 and have the top of the screen above the water line but below the polycarbonate lid which fits inside the rim of the aquariums.
    I would also like to purchase some screen from you to use for various other projects, shrimplet safe of course.
    Thank you so much for your time, and hope you can help in this effort, because this set up works great for the health of the animals inside it, well except with the occasional blended shrimp of course. The shrimp are breeding like crazy, and I would be willing to bet I would see a lot more of them if you would be willing to build some screens.
  4. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Dukendabears in Found new product for shrimps   
    Shipping products quickly to the usa isnt cheap
  5. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Maurice in my PH pen   
    Awesome thanks RyeGuy411
  6. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to sarah in my PH pen   
    In my lab, we keep it submerged in the pH7 buffer solution.
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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Maurice in my PH pen   
    You can store it in the pH 7 buffer solution.
  8. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Maurice in my PH pen   
    Oh my goodness, I have been storing mine in RO water
    Is there any other solution that I can store it in except the storage solution as mentioned in the amazon link, as we dont get it around where I stay?
  9. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Amyers22 in Willow Moss or Queens Moss   
    I am a fissidens junkie currently keep 11 different types. I am in love with fissdens!! Although me new favorite could be jungermania truncata or "jade lotus" moss.
  10. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to sarah in WOW Cholla wood   
    Theshrimptank.com has awesome customer service (easy return/exchange) and super fast order fulfillment and shipping!
    I placed an order, and it shipped out a couple hours later (if that!), and included a freebie packet of snowflake.
    I ordered a few different foods to try, but the showstopper is definitely the cholla wood. All I can say is WOW. I got a regular one and a teddy bear piece, and I can't believe how amazing that teddy bear cholla is. Pictures really do not do it justice. It is huge, and really pretty!
    I've got it soaking now. Can't wait to get it into my tank.
    Thanks, Will!
  11. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to DETAquarium in Willow Moss or Queens Moss   
    I would suggest Queens Moss, but my favorite would have to be Mini Pellia. Use it in all of my shrimp tanks.
  12. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to EricM in Setting Up A Tank With An HMF Filter   
    also probably the most cost effective ways to build a rack of tanks. only 1 power source for all the filtration with a central air pump.
    the HMF material will last many many years. if you are building a rack for long term investment to possibly breed shrimp for a little funny money then HMF + air loop is the best way.
  13. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from EricM in Setting Up A Tank With An HMF Filter   
    Andy and I were having a conversation about aeration yesterday and after that I decided to build a closed loop air supply. I bought a new larger air pump and some manifolds and fittings last night. Should have this set up on wednesday night. It is ideal for my new rack. And I gave myself room to expand with 2-3 more tanks, I will be doing HMF's on all my new tanks.
  14. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from maylee in Is aerating your RO water a necessity?   
    There is some confusion going on here. Aerating RO is done for a few different reasons. One after mixing your RO and remineralizer aerating serves to mix the solution thoroughly  and allows the trapped CO2 to escape making your new water mixture the proper pH. Aerating stored RO in a large storage reservoir is for a different purpose. When you make large quantities of RO water and store them in a holding tank or garbage can the water can get stagnant and turn bad. Aerating keeps the water fresh. If you filter your own RO into small sealed, clean storage containers the water does not need to be aerated to keep it from going bad.
  15. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to EricM in First Shrimp Tank   
    SL-Aqua rising to the top again!  
  16. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from revolutionhope in Is aerating your RO water a necessity?   
    There is some confusion going on here. Aerating RO is done for a few different reasons. One after mixing your RO and remineralizer aerating serves to mix the solution thoroughly  and allows the trapped CO2 to escape making your new water mixture the proper pH. Aerating stored RO in a large storage reservoir is for a different purpose. When you make large quantities of RO water and store them in a holding tank or garbage can the water can get stagnant and turn bad. Aerating keeps the water fresh. If you filter your own RO into small sealed, clean storage containers the water does not need to be aerated to keep it from going bad.
  17. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from ChadO in Is aerating your RO water a necessity?   
    There is some confusion going on here. Aerating RO is done for a few different reasons. One after mixing your RO and remineralizer aerating serves to mix the solution thoroughly  and allows the trapped CO2 to escape making your new water mixture the proper pH. Aerating stored RO in a large storage reservoir is for a different purpose. When you make large quantities of RO water and store them in a holding tank or garbage can the water can get stagnant and turn bad. Aerating keeps the water fresh. If you filter your own RO into small sealed, clean storage containers the water does not need to be aerated to keep it from going bad.
  18. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Jaykidding in Looking for blue neos!!!!   
    Yeah lol no way 8-10 shrimp for 40 including shipping if say around 50-60
  19. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Taitibee Invasion!!!!

  20. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Tanman19az in Problematic Tank that has Controsoil as Substrate   
    I set up a ControSoil tank back in January 2015 and let it run dry for a month and then added Crystal Whites, Aura Blues, and some Carbon blue rilis... No deaths but even worse no breeding. They grew into nice adults...females were saddled and nothing happened. I blamed it on changing to liquid remineralizers but they still didn't breed after the change. I even messed with TDS levels.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from fishcrazy in Keeping Neos and Caridinas together...?   
    When keeping the two together you would want the appropriate water for the mores sensitive shrimps (crystals). Neos will adapt and can do ok at low gh.
  22. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to DETAquarium in Feedback   
    I just wanted to say it has been a pleasure working with Joe's Aqua. It has been about a full month since I received my EW E2 PRL from him and they have already had shrimplets, and I have two berried females currently. Here are a couple pictures of the gorgeous shrimp, I could not be happier with not only the shrimp, but with Joe's packing, communication, and the overall experience! Video coming soon.

  23. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from manticore in Manticore's Fissidens Nano Kingdom   
    Very nice Fissidens scape.
  24. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to manticore in Manticore's Fissidens Nano Kingdom   
    hi there, it has been some time since i didnt do any scapes... missed that one... 
    hope you like it. 
    i let you guess the volume
    In the pictures you see :
    Fissidens Amaria Taruya
    Fissidens incurvus
    Fissidens taxifolius
    Fissidens osmundoides,
    do you like the micro roots special for very small aquascapes?!
    and several other fissidens species
    also Juniperus moss

  25. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Shrimpy Daddy in Problematic Tank that has Controsoil as Substrate   
    One tank had a smell like kerosene, the other identical tank using the other half of the exact same bag did not have the smell. 
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