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    RyeGuy411 reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Just added 10 more JRB yesterday. Hence, I would like share their picture.


    They only arrived yesterday afternoon from Japan. Trauma from 3 days of traveling, part of the colour are lost. The colour should show up within two weeks. Given said that, their red colour legs are still pretty alluring.
    When their colour developed, I will share their photos again.
  2. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from EbiBunBun in Show off your shrimp ball!   
    My chocolate ball

  3. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Rodan76 in The Tale of the Golden Bees   
    I set up a new tank on November 7th. I definitely have MTS this is the fourth tank set up since June. I wanted to chronicle the tale with this journal. The tank cycled easily and I really like the set up. I have golden bees coming from mayphly today. Here are some progress pics.

  4. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from ANBU in The Tale of the Golden Bees   
    I set up a new tank on November 7th. I definitely have MTS this is the fourth tank set up since June. I wanted to chronicle the tale with this journal. The tank cycled easily and I really like the set up. I have golden bees coming from mayphly today. Here are some progress pics.

  5. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Blue Crown Aquatic Trade in The Tale of the Golden Bees   
    I set up a new tank on November 7th. I definitely have MTS this is the fourth tank set up since June. I wanted to chronicle the tale with this journal. The tank cycled easily and I really like the set up. I have golden bees coming from mayphly today. Here are some progress pics.

  6. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Vinman in New Here and New to Shrimp   
    Welcome this is a great place to learn!
  7. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in I HAVE BABIES   
    Like the phoenix life arose from the ashes.  Congrats!
  8. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from stonedaquarium in fire red mystery death   
    I had a TOD and guess what I have in it Fire Reds.  Hmm.  I could not figure out what was killing my shrimp 1 a day for about a month and a half.  I tested water levels constantly nothing out of the ordinary PH 7.6 Amonia-0 Nitrites-0 Nitrates <20 temp 76 Gh 9 KH 8.  I didnt change or add anything since the tank was set up in early July the TOD syndrome started in September.  Once I finally gave up and had lost all but three baby shrimp.  Some time passed about a month and I decided to add new Fire Reds one at a time from the LFS.  They lived huh weird.  It is no longer the tank of death.  I guess the only thing could have been was too much love.  Every time one would die I would test everything and usually do a water change.  I think it was just a viscious cycle.  The good part is I have a 1.75g bowl on my desk at work, no heater and up until a couple days ago no filter just an air stone.  All of my females 5 of 8 berried and now are starting to hatch.  I have soo many baby Fire Reds once they get a little larger I will use them to restock the TOD.
  9. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to jaded in The Beauty of Tuepfel   
    I have auras. Mine came from Canada through shrimp fever.
    Careful with purchasing these. Since they have been bred in Europe for years they have better quality and color to them. The ones we seem to be getting here in the states are mostly clear. I was lucky enough to get some saturated colors in the 20 that I ordered. These are the most colorful ones I have and the algae that they're on is Caloglossa.

  10. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Hiatus in Extreme shrimp might hold clues to alien life, NASA says   
    2.5G tank with dual 500w heaters should get you close.  Now the problem would be the pitch black, the pressure and the bacteria that feed on hydrogen sulfide.  Let me know how it goes LOL.
  11. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from h4n in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    You guys are making me hungry talking about crab and Hyoushoku talking about Sashimi.
  12. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    I think the hairy crab is also called the Chinese Mitten crab. That sashimi is making me hungry too. This is not hairy crab but sure looks hairy to me
  13. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Can't find a hairy crab picture. But I found a picture of Ootoro, another must eat every time I go back home:

  14. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in B&K #3?   
    Oh I see now thanks.  I didnt know any such publication existed.  That is pretty awesome I love reading things in hard copy, something about filipping pages that makes me feel good.  
  15. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to MK-BREED in 10G MK Breed Style Tank Setup   
    HI Everyone
    i'm MK-BREED CRS CENTER Founder
    thanks users love our products , and attentive records of all changes .
    i will begin to participate in discussions with everyone here.
  16. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from colorfan in favorite reasonably priced supplies   
    I usually research the product extensively first.  Ususally see the name of a product on a forum then research it on google then search for the product specifically on Amazon.  Then I spend hours reading reviews then usually check the forums again for more reviews, then maybe buy it.  I am a little OCD about certain things.
  17. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Shrimpie in How to remove tannins from IAL   
    The Purigen stinks out of the package it also says to rinse before use. I was a little extra cautious and rinsed it then soaked it overnight in a container of aged water with Prime.  The water I soaked it in overnight stunk just like the Purigen did out of the package.  I dont know if it was neccessary but just to be safe.
  18. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from mayphly in Blue Bolt tankmates with Golden Bees?   
    Thanks I currently have my tank cycling about two weeks in.  I see a nice slime layer building up on all surfaces and water parameters are moving along nicely.  I tested nitrates last nigh for the first time and they are at 20ppm.  I purchased the Goldens from Mayphly and will have them shipped some time in December.  I have already learned my lesson in rushing a cycle with my Neos lost about 125$ worth over the first couple months.  
  19. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Hello from WA state   
    Welcome aboard!
  20. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in favorite reasonably priced supplies   
    I usually research the product extensively first.  Ususally see the name of a product on a forum then research it on google then search for the product specifically on Amazon.  Then I spend hours reading reviews then usually check the forums again for more reviews, then maybe buy it.  I am a little OCD about certain things.
  21. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Blue Bolt tankmates with Golden Bees?   
    Thanks I currently have my tank cycling about two weeks in.  I see a nice slime layer building up on all surfaces and water parameters are moving along nicely.  I tested nitrates last nigh for the first time and they are at 20ppm.  I purchased the Goldens from Mayphly and will have them shipped some time in December.  I have already learned my lesson in rushing a cycle with my Neos lost about 125$ worth over the first couple months.  
  22. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Desireenfh in Blue Bolt tankmates with Golden Bees?   
    Cool thanks.  I was just looking to start with Golden Bees and hopefully when I know I can keep them successfully I wanted to add another shrimp with some color.  I have loved Blue Bolts from the minute I saw them and had plans if things work out to add a couple in some time in the future.
  23. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from ANBU in Blue Bolt tankmates with Golden Bees?   
    I was curious as to what happens when you add other shrimp with Golden Bees.  Specifically I was wondering what happens when you put a Blue Bolt in with Golden Bees.  What will the offspring be?  Does it make some Goldens Some BB or does it make lighter BB's?  
  24. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Should I have a heater?   
    I have a 1.75g planted bowl on my desk at work without a heater.  It always stays a perfect 70.  I have 8 Sakura Fire Reds in it and every female i have 5 out of the 8 are all berried.  They seem to be doing great at that temp.  I had considered a heater but for the tiny size of the bowl it would take up a lot of real estate.  You should be fine if your room temp stays consistent.
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