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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from h4n in Looking for orange eyed blue tiger shrimp   
    Erik Lucas (buypetshrimp.com) he is the go to guy for OEBT. 
  2. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to DETAquarium in Looking for some Extreme Blue Bolts   
    I second RyeGuy! Can't beat EW Extreme BB especially from Joe's Aqua, solid packaging, very easy to communicate, and beautiful quality shrimp.
  3. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from TomCruise in Looking for some Extreme Blue Bolts   
    Your best option for extreme BB is from Joes Aqua he is doing a preorder right now of Ellen Wang Extreme BB for $25 each. Its a great price for fantastic blues. Contact him via pm
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    RyeGuy411 reacted to h4n in Stainless Intake...shrimplet safe?   
    Seen this on Facebook.
    This is why you don't buy cheap imported ss filter guards
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    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from adrand in Hi I'm a new company catering to the shrimp community we make moss ledges!   
    Good to see you here Chaz and it was nice to get to meet you Saturday.
  6. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Ok here are he pics from the event.

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    RyeGuy411 reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Shrimp dying off what should i do with the plants and substrate   
    Hmmm... The reason why I started to develop my products is because that no commercial products can achieve what I wanted. (^_^")y
  8. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Freshly moult JRB, his shell is just inches away (pardon the low quality. I'm too lazy to setup my lighting gear again (^_^")y ):

    This poor little guy is my tester on a series of resetting water tests and zero acclimation test. I switch him between 2 tanks for 3 times (scoop and throw straight into another tank without acclimation) within 2 weeks. And he has performed the second moult within 2 weeks. Surprisingly, he is moulting, colouring up and surviving well. This is giving me very good test result.
    When all my tests are done, I will reward him by giving him a few pretty ladies to start a new colony. ^^
  9. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from gomezaddams in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Ok here are he pics from the event.

  10. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Roborep1 in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Ok here are he pics from the event.

  11. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Amyers22 in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Ok here are he pics from the event.

  12. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from Shrimple minded in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Ok here are he pics from the event.

  13. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from h4n in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Ok here are he pics from the event.

  14. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from JamesHe in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Ok here are he pics from the event.

  15. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to gomezaddams in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    I want to thank Han for your hospitality. it was a really cool event. The store is amazing! Small but so much to see in each tank I was amazed. I got an invite on a facebook group and wanted to see what was up. Knew I had heard the name in relation to plants before but had no idea what I was going to see. Was on the way to the ACA and took a detour to this event. Really nice folks totally worth the trip, even if it was mostly just to see his plants. Ill have to come back sometime after I have a tank set up specifically for this kind of planting. Thanks again and continued success!
  16. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in ShrimpFan's All Things Shrimps   
    Oh yes of course! I didn’t skip it, I think I jumped the gun on the scraper question and missed the second question completely – my apologies.
    So culling.. Well when it comes to JRB (or PRL for those whose Red Bees originated from HK or other parts of China, and Taiwan) below is a breakdown of what I’m looking for when I’m culling.
    My thought process for this is that these guys are either called Pure RED Line or Japanese RED Bees for a reason. They’re not called Japanese White Bees or Pure White Lines. As such, I do not put emphasis on how their white colored area looks. As such, any shrimps not meeting the red colors is immediately culled. The shade of red I’m seeking is a deep, almost crimson like, red color. I’ve owned a fair share of PRL and one thing I can comment on it how lack lustered the red color on my PRL looks. On some, it’s not even a red color… it’s more closer to an orange-ish color. I want RED, deep RED, nothing else. I want to bring an emphasis back on the red coloring of JRB/PRL. I feel like too many folks only look at the white coloring. A strikingly beautiful red color is what will captivate the observer.
    Whites.. when white is also considered but I place less emphasis on how the white looks. I’m currently happy with how the white is. My JRB have a purely white color. Almost like an ivory white. It’s an off-white. It’s creamy and texture-y. Of course, shrimps with any cracks in the white are immediately culled into the floating box.
    Continuing further, my females must demonstrate red swimmerets. This is hard to identify and I’m currently struggling to cull for as it requires lots of time observing and analyzing the females, but I do believe I have photo documenting such feature on my JRB. Lastly, the legs and the antennule. My JRB are bred to have a majority of their legs red (the lower 3rd of the leg) with the tips (extending from the body down) showing tints of white. As for the antennule, I cull any that doesn’t have a red or white coloring on the antennule. If you look closely, a few of my photos will show this feature as well.
    Upon my most recently trips to Asia (HK and Japan), I found a striking difference between the Japanese Red Bees of Japan and the Pure Red Lines of HK. I found that Japanese Red Bees are so much bigger than Pure Red Lines. Japanese Red Bee females grow to be nearly double the size than compared to their HK female counterparts. As such, female sizes in an important factor. I know folks might be thinking, well… if you’re immediately culling poor red colored JRB, how can you tell the sexes and how big they’ll grow. Well, of course I have a holding space for my culls. I’m currently keeping the culls inside the floating box. Once I finalize my PC air fans cooling hooked into an auto on/off, then I can add them to their 10G breeding/culling tanks. This project should be done soon and will effectively keep all my tanks temperature controlled. Also, I found that bigger females carries much larger clutches when they’re berried, but that makes sense, right?
    Additionally, my females must have that rounded belly showing the “breastplate” feature. I believe the German term is “Tigershaufel”. It’s hard to describe as I’m currently on mobile, but I can show an example when I’m home. This is a very key feature for me as I find it very beautiful and the rounded belly gives my shrimps a more “jolly” look. They look nice and friendly.
    Posture is very important to me. As such, I close monitor juvis to see if they carry themselves in a particular way. I like to have my shrimps demonstrating a “tail-up” posture when they are walking on the substrate, grazing. Reefers keeping sexy shrimps may get an idea of where I’m going with this… but for my case, my JRB aren’t fully extended up like the sexy shrimps. So, any shrimps that shows a dragging of their tails are culled. Also, good posture makes for great photography.
    There’s a famous RedBee breeder that goes by the name of JustBee. He’s well known for having amazing colored RedBees. I’m working towards shrimps looking like his.
  17. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from h4n in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    I'm going to upload pictures today. Sorry guys had a super busy weekend and walked into a disaster at work this morning.
  18. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    You better get on it bro. I don't have fb so I'm relying in you to post photos!!
  19. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to mproia in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    I think I can say without a doubt that we all had a great time. We made some new friends, learned a lot from each other and were lucky enough to walk away with some really cool stuff and some shrimp! Thanks to all our generous donators. If you were not able to make it this year please mark your calendar for next years gathering, well as soon as we figure out when it is.
    Hope to see you there.
    One of the shrimp I was lucky enough to get.

  20. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from h4n in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    So pumped for this event!!! I will try and post live pictures of the event on here and FB so people can see what is going on.
  21. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from High5's in Stainless Intake...shrimplet safe?   
    Han sells stainless steel intake covers that are 100% shrimplet safe. He uses a mesh that is very fine and is safe for the smallest new born shrimps. My shrimp from newborns to adults constantly graze on the intake with no problems. Sponges clog and require way too much maintenance. 
  22. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Steve R. in ADA Amazonia vs Fluval Stratum   
    I am comparing ADA New Amazonia soil with Fluval Stratum in very similar 20G long tank setups. I intended to compare Amazonia with Controsoil, but Controsoil was not available when I planned the comparison.
    I will add plants and rocks and turn the light on after ammonia levels become undetectable.
    One interesting initial observation is that nitrate levels were very high in Fluval Stratum tank, but ammonia levels were low, and high ammonia levels in Amazonia tank (as expected) but low Nitrate levels.
    Day 1 (July, 21, 2015)
    1. Install Hamburg Mattenfilter (black 45 PPI foam from swisstropicals) in each tank
    2. Use 500 g Fluval Biomax bio rings behind filter in nets.
    3. Add 75 Watt submersible heater (Aquatop) set to 26C/80F to promote bacterial growth.
    4. Add substrates 8kg/17.6 lbs of Fluval Stratum in right tank and a comparable volume of ADA New Amazonia in the left tank.
    5. Slowly ad water (50% RO, 50% tap) containing Aquasafe Plus (Tetra) water conditioner behind filter section. Start 20G Whisper Aqua Pump (Tetra).
    6. Take pictures 10 minutes after addition of water to the right tank.
    The Amazonia tank was filled before but was more cloudy.

    Day 4 (July, 25, 2015)
    Measure water parameters:
                            pH        TDS     Nitrate   Nitrite  Ammonia
    Amazonia          6.46      160         2         0.4        4
    Stratum             6.75      180       30         0.1        0.25
    Add water from well-washed air filter foam from established tank and small amount of substrate (Amazonia) from established tank to jump-start microorganism communities.
    Day 7 (July, 27, 2015)
    Measure water parameters:
                            TDS     Nitrate    Ammonia
    Amazonia          190        4               4
    Stratum             200       40              0.2
    Higher TDS is due to evaporation.
    - 90% water change in both tanks with remineralized (Salty Shrimp Mineral GH+) RO water
    Day 10 (July, 30, 2015)
    Measure water parameters:
                            pH        TDS     Nitrate   Nitrite  Ammonia
    Amazonia          6.2        230       2          0.25     2
    Stratum             6.35      180       5          0          0
    - 90% water change in both Amazonia tank with remineralized (Salty Shrimp Mineral GH+) RO water
    - Replaced 20G Whisper Aqua Pump (Tetra) with ActiveAqua Airpunp (AAPA7.8L/3 watt). Water flow is much increased now.
  23. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from h4n in Stainless Intake...shrimplet safe?   
    Han intake guards are the way to go, no cheap stuff from him. My shrimp love to hang out on mine. Ive seen 1 week old babies walking across its surface with no issues. 
  24. Like
    RyeGuy411 reacted to Dukendabears in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    Cant wait to see all the pics..
  25. Like
    RyeGuy411 got a reaction from adrand in It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st   
    So pumped for this event!!! I will try and post live pictures of the event on here and FB so people can see what is going on.
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