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Everything posted by Shrimpscales

  1. I have been so frustrated with usps lately. I shipped two orders Monday, one to Illinois express and one to Florida regular priority. The Florida package arrived wednesday and the express finally arrived today. Keep in mind i live in Iowa so i am much closer to Illinois than Florida. I have been considering switching to ups or fedex.
  2. 1. Spialz 2. Thegardenof 3. Elo500 4. Mlsthuy1 5. 07armando17 6. Metageologist 7. Nick_R 8. Steve R. 9. Shrimpscales
  3. I tried it once but found the power head caused too strong a current for the shrimp. If you found one small enough or low flow i dont see why it wouldnt work.
  4. Moved a couple more shrimp over today. Check this one out. At first glance it looks like a cbs but it is a Taiwan bee. I also moved over a very nice blue bolt mama.
  5. Got my first berried pinto shrimp. So exciting! Not sure who the daddy is as it happened in the big tank. I moved her into this tank so i can keep an eye on the offspring.
  6. Finally my new tank is fully cycled,all the mischings are sold and i am moving higher grade shrimp in. There will also be six pinto shrimp in this tank until their new tank is ready. I will add more pictures as i move shrimp from the big tank.
  7. I agree. I think your shrimp were sick when you got them. Your water parameters did not seem like they were far enough off to kill them. Sorry you had such a bad experience your first try. It is usually not that hard to keep cherry shrimp as they are very hardy and adaptable. Dont give up!
  8. I have several more similar shrimp that should be ready to sell in a month or so. If you decide you want to try and start a line of skeleton golden shrimp let me know and i will try to help you out. It could be an interesting project if you have the time and space.
  9. I have bought some high grade blue bolts a few times over the last couple years. Maybe skeleton goldens were used to produce them.
  10. Here is a picture of what i am pretty sure is the mama. That shrimp came from a tank with mixed Taiwan bees and a few female mischings. The tank has produced many variations that look similar to that shrimp. Some have a red or blue tint to them that are very interesting as well.
  11. My Taiwan bees do really well at ph 5.4.
  12. Those shrimp are amazing. So is the photography!
  13. If you are using ro water then something your adding is increasing your kh. Ro water should have a kh of 0. Possibly the fluval minerals? I am not familiar with that product. I use salty shrimp GH up. It will raise Gh without affecting kh.
  14. Are you using a heater? If not you could use a fan to lower temp. Thats what i have to do in the summer. Are those your water parameters straight from the tap?
  15. I have always wanted to try super tigers but never got around to it. However I did have blue tigers but found them harder to breed than Taiwan bees.
  16. 1. Steve R. 2. Mlsthuy1 3. Vinn 4. Crazyfishlady 5. Miwu 6.James Aquatics 7.cindygao0217 8.ThegardenofEder 9. Adrand 10. evabug1 - Purple 11.WaterBugg - Blue 12. Soothing Shrimp 13. Dendrobatez 14. Slycat929 15. Fishprinceofca 16. h4n - blue 17. shrimpscales
  17. I love rabbit snails but have never tried them because all my tanks are soft water.
  18. Could she possibly still be in the process of laying? You may wake up tomorrow and find her holding many more.
  19. I feel for you soothing. That would suck! Its so much work catching and packing them just to unpack and release them.
  20. I am looking for a fair deal on a few pinto shrimp. Zebra, white back or spotted. If you have some you want to sell or trade please message me with your price and some pictures. Thanks
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