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Everything posted by Shrimpscales

  1. I am in the process of switching all my tanks over to Taiwan bees so i am giving away the last of my tiger shrimp. I can count about 5 good blues and about 10-15 blondes. One of the blues is berried! All i ask is that the winner pays $10 to help cover shipping and packaging. Just put your names on a numbered list and i will pick a number at random Sunday 2-8-15 at 7pm central time. Good luck!
  2. Welcome. One thing i would recommend is that you stick with plants that are hardy and dont require any fertilizer. Anubias, java fern, bucephalandra and mosses are common in shrimp tanks.
  3. F1 Mischling shrimp- $4 each or 20 for $70 Black panda shrimp- $15 each or 2 for $25 Blue bolt shrimp- SOLD OUT Shipping is $15 usps priority on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Insulated box, breather bag and heat pack included. As always i have a 100% live arrival guarantee. I will accept all the risk of shipping. DOA will be replaced or refunded as long as i get a clear picture within one hour of delivery.
  4. Does anyone like shadow shrimp as much as i do? What an amazing shrimp!
  5. I noticed this shrimp in my tank and it looks like a green hulk. What do you think?
  6. I also added a java fern. I am usually one of the people who tends to over do it with the plants so the tank becomes an overgrown jungle but this time i think i will just try and stick with the one plant. Or maybe two, some moss would be nice.( haha that is how it always starts)
  7. So it has been a few weeks now and i have been slowly adding mischling shrimp. They are doing great so far with no deaths. My plan is to transfer all my mischlings over to this tank and when i am sure the tank is stable i will sell them all and then add Taiwan bees.
  8. Sorry the picture quality isnt the best. I am in the market for a macro lens.
  9. I did get this pattern by crossing tb x mischling. I love them, the pattern is like crs but the color and density of the white are definitely Taiwan bee. I also have some wine red hino and mosura that are going to be really nice when mature.
  10. The chart is awesome. Thanks. I would not have guessed in a million tries that no entry referred to a traffic sign but i totally see it now.
  11. [i am a little confused about the term hinomaru when used to grade shrimp. What does double hinomaru and no entry mean? Also i know this is common for crystal red shrimp but what about taiwan bees? Are they more rare and therefore worth more money? I dont see them for sale so it is hard to know what to ask for mine.
  12. This mama will be going in the new tank for sure. I am thinking of adding a few like her with my best blue bolts and shadow mosuras. I also have two pinto shrimp and im not sure if they should go in or stay in my mixed tank. I would love to start a pinto tank but they are just so expensive.
  13. It has been a week and the ph is stable at 5.9. Ammonia is 0. Decided to add some snails today. If all goes well with them i will add a few mischlings in a week or two as test shrimp.
  14. I have tried paraguard but it did not work. Melafix does work
  15. I cant imagine trying to care for 20 tanks. I wish i had the time to try though! I could quit working on scales and just breed shrimp for a living. Ahh! A guy can dream right?
  16. How are you going to clean this filter without making a mess in your tank? Or is the whole system supposed to be maintenance free? You are very creative to come up with something like that.
  17. Just checked the ph after one day with controsoil and it is 5.9. So far so good
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