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Blue Crown Aquatic Trade

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Blue Crown Aquatic Trade last won the day on December 12 2015

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    Los Angeles
  • Inverts You Keep
    all neos, crs all grades, cbs all grades, taiwan bees ( BKK, Pandas, blue pandas, mosura crown BKK, pink bolt, blue bolt, deep blue bolts, wine red, yellow king kong, etc), amano, short-nosed shrimp, babualti

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  1. Why are you ignoring me?  I paid you 200 bucks for sick shrimp and you don't even want to acknowledge my existence any more? I just want to figure out why, when I ordered from 3 different people, Yours are the only ones that had mass deaths (or any for that matter, I haven't lost a single shrimp from the other two sellers.) The fact that you have ignored my repeated and polite requests for help indicates that you know there is a problem with those shrimp and don't want to deal with it. At any rate, it sucks to be treated this way.  I'm a good customer and don't deserve this treatment.

    1. TomCruise


      No longer ignoring me.  Are working together to work this out.  Sounds like they are going to treat me right and are making lots of positive changes.  Currently trying to figure out hoe to remove this post and negative feedback.

  2. These guys do produce carbon rilis but a good majority of the shrimplets are blue dreams. Blue Dream Red Rili Orange Rili
  3. Hey ShrimpP, Some do have the golden stripes on the back but there are quite a few that are red like the ones in the picture. The shrimplets that do end up being males usually are either cherries or sakura grade, rarely do we have any that are like fire red. Aura Blue Blue velvet Black Rose Hi Tom, All our shrimps are listed imported , we only breed a few kind of shrimps in our breeding room.
  4. Hi Everyone! Time sure has flown by these past two years. To help celebrate our two year anniversary, we are having a big sale and great prizes for all our new and returning customers. We want to say thank you for all your support! The sale starts on June 28 and ends July 8. We will be holding a RAOK on July 9 after the sale concludes. We really couldn't have done it without you guys. We are grateful to be here as we continue to provide excellent products and quality customer service. All shipping comes with free ice pack and some guava leafs. additional charge may occur depending on weight of the package. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you all! Payment Option: Just Message us your Paypal Email and order. Anyone that don't use Paypal please send us an email that is currently being used and we will send invoice through Square which can be paid using any credit card. ** Picture Request just reply to this post with which shrimps you would like pictures of** Neos package: 30 cherry $35 shipped 20 red rilli $45 shipped 20 fire red $45 shipped (Limited) 20 blue velvets $45 shipped (Sold Out) 20 Green Jade $90 Shipped 20 blue dreams $75 shipped 20 Black Rose $75 shipped 20 Snowball $45 shipped (Sold Out) 20 yellow golden backs $65 shipped (Sold Out) 20 Orange rilli $80 shipped Bee shrimps Package: 10 bkk $65 shipped (Sold Out) 10 blue bolts $65 shipped 10 red wine $130 shipped Blue bolts S $15 Extreme bkk $15 each (Sold Out) Extreme BB $ 30 each (Sold Out) Extreme BB mosura $40 Extreme red $ 50 Tangerine Tiger $4 each Aura blue tiger juvies , tank bred by us $20 10 Black pinto mix $160 limited or $20 each 10 Red pinto mix $390 limited or $50 each Free express shipping for order over $200 Crystal Shrimp Package: 20 Crs $50 shipped 20 CBS $50 shipped 20 golden $50 shipped 10 PRL A Grade $70 Shipped 10 PRL S Grade $150 10 pbl S grade $270 shipped 10 Fancy tiger black $70 5 high end fancy tiger red $300 shipped Fish: 10 Galaxy Rasbora $25 Shipped (Sold Out) 10 Black-Bar Endler $30 Shipped 10 Norman’s Lampeye $30 Shipped 10 Neon Lampyeye $30 Shipped (Sold Out) Free Shipping on all Products Mk breed black $15 Mk breed red $15 Mk cheeseburger$15 Mk breed white $15 Mk gold powder $17 Mk silver powder $17 Mk bee ball $17 Blue diamond Gh and tds $20 Red diamond $18 3D net $16 Undergavel filter use by all the top breeders in Japan and Taiwan $15 a set or more info pm me.
  5. Looks like everything is comig along nicely Monty!! Keep it up and you might be the next Monika Pohler!
  6. Sorry guy I'll post some pictures of the second batch of offsprings. The first batch that was being carried by the female in the picture did not make it. Eggs got dropped for some reason and for a period of time we were doing some extra renovation and such so the project was put on the hold. Now we have a second batch that is all mature and I would say about 13-14 of them. A good number of them are female and now berried although we are not sure what they're mix with. We do have some mix with Pintos though that we know for sure since we isolated them in a breeding box! I'll try to post pictures as soon as I can.
  7. THanks SHrimpwork and Jumpsmasher, ya just trying to bring in a bit of variety to the US market. Recently it's just been pinto, taiwan bee, and PRLs mainly.
  8. Sure thing Jaykidding but depends on when you order we might not have Germany shrimps available. This is our first time doing this so hopes everything goes well. Hey Vpier here is the picture of the galaxy but I'll have to check on how many more is available.
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