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Blue Crown Aquatic Trade

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Everything posted by Blue Crown Aquatic Trade

  1. Hey guys, I got some update on the parameters for the new tigers (galaxy, hornets, aura blue, Leopard). This new information came from another well known breeder and what they told us is that the new tigers like water that is Basic with TDS around 150. I will post the parameter below as well. From what we learned from the two breeders, we would suggest going with the higher PH due to the fact that these are tigers after all. We will also try the CRS parameter as well when we get the shipment in. Temp: 64-69 Ph: 8 TDS:150 GH:3
  2. When I read the first sentence my first thought was " shouldn't you be calling for help or giving your friend CPR instead of posting on Shrimpspot!!!!"
  3. Hey Tanner, Which shrimps you interested in haha. PM me what you want and I'll check what I have. Super hornet, leopard, and Galaxy, will require lots of oxygen since they come from small active river/streams and we are told the parameter are CRS parameter. These wild tigers should all breed somewhat true but currently not much information on them yet so not quite sure yet.
  4. Hey Guys, Happy New years and just in time for our next shipment!!! We will be bringing a new shipment in soon and some people have requested for some rare shrimps which are quite limited. These pre-order are first come first serve so if the limit is hit we won't be bringing in more since we got a limit of our own. Also there will be a 10% off for those that pre-order the rare shrimps we will be bringing in. Please PM if anyone have any questions or want to place an order. Pre-order deal will end by Jan 11th since we will be shipping out orders starting Jan. 12th earliest. Thanks, Blue Crown New Shipment Pre-order: Snowball Shrimp $4 ----> $3.50 Blue Velvet (S Grade) $8 ----> $7 Yellow King Kong $40 ----> $36 Red/Pink Bolt $20 ----> $18 Super Princess Bee- $15 ----> $13.50 ** Color might vary** Super Snow White - $55 ----> $50 Super Hornet $10 ----> $9 Aura Blue Tiger- $17 ----> $15 **Sold Out** Galaxy Tiger- $10 ----> $ 9 White Back Pinto- $120.00 ----> $105 Zebra Pinto- $120.00 ----> $105 Super Tiger- $4 ----> $3.50 Tiger Shrimp $2.50 ----> $2.25
  5. From my experience, if they are full and satisfied they won't touch their tank mates. Although one of my tanks which have quite a few fire red shrimplets dwindled when I put in a few amanos for algae control. Now I switched over to short nose shrimps since they are more compatible with other shrimps and they clean algae quite well. Hard Boiled egg yolk is a good idea, although I never tried it since it seems like it will disperse once it sits in the water for a few minutes. If the leftover egg yolk is not cleaned out properly it will cause the water parameter to fluctuate s although a very small amount where the shrimps can finish it in 30 minutes is always a good protein supplement, plus its natural.
  6. I have kept the two together before and as long as you give enough food, usually break it into a couple of small pieces and spread them out, than the CRS thrive alongside the Cherries. When breaking up the pieces be sure to put just enough or come back after an hour or two to take out any leftovers. If you want to keep them together I would suggest slowly changing the parameter to CRS parameter since the CRS are more sensitive and the Neos are more adaptable.
  7. There is a good chance that the Amano killed the RCS but if you have been feeding them enough protein based food they shouldn't. I have personally witness an Amano grabbing one of my Green Shrimp and start snacking on it but I saved the Green shrimp before any severe damage was done so it is very likely your amano killed the cherry.
  8. Hi guys, The winner of this Christmas Sale RAOK is......................................................... Shrimpscale!!! Please claim your prize before christmas, Dec. 25th!!!!! Thank you all for participating, Blue Crown
  9. Our site is very close to finishing but in the mean time just send me a message when you are ready. We will also be asking for pre-orders for the new tigers and other species soon, probably in a few days so just a heads up.
  10. Hi guys, Thank you all for participating in our Christmas sale!!! As we stated we will be including a Christmas RAOK for 5 MK breed PRL for those that made a purchase!! The winner will be announced today here on this post at 3 pm PTA. Thank you, Blue Crown
  11. From my guess, it might be like the painted fire red or Golden shrimp with Golden back where their back have that line of solid color. So maybe something like this but the picture is a pinto though.
  12. Hi Guys, Don't miss out on these great deals!!! Taiwan bee, PRLs, and higher end shrimps sale is still currently going on and will be extended until Dec.21st !!!! PM me or simply place an order by posting!!! There will also be a RAOK (5 MK Breed PRL A grade) for those that made a purchase during the Neocaridina and the ongoing event!!! Thank you, Blue Crown 2nd Event) Christmas High Grade Shrimp Sale!!! Starting Dec.15-21st!!! ****Buy 5 shrimps get 1 shrimps free or buy 10 shrimps get 3 shrimps free!!!**** Black King Kong- ($17) Black Panda- ($15) Red Panda- ($20) Blue Bolts- ($16) Deep Blue Bolts- ($35) **Limited** Extreme Black King Kong- ($35) ** Very Limited** ** Shrimps listed above must purchase 5 minimum ****All shrimps listed below are 25% off !!!**** Mk Breed PRL (A grade)- ($25)----->($18.75) **Very Limited** Mk Breed PRL (S Grade)- ($40.00)----->($30) **Very Limited** Fancy Red Tiger (A grade)- ($40.00)----->($30) **Possible Pinto Gene Carrier, Limited** Light Blue Body Mosura/Flowerhead King Kong- ($75.00)---->($57) **Very Limited** Blue Body Mosura/Flowerhead King Kong- ($100.00)---->($75) **Sold Out** White Back Pinto- ($120.00)----->($90) **Sold Out** Zebra Pinto- ($120.00)----->($90) **Very Limited** Shipping and DOA Policy: Shipping we have two options. Priority shipping (2-4 days) is $12 while Priority Express shipping (1-2 days) is $35. Priority Express shipping comes with our DOA-Free Guarantee in which we offer a refund on the dead shrimp(s) or store credit. Any DOA claims can be easily accomplished by taking a clear digital picture of the dead shrimp (within 1 hour and 30 minutes of delivery confirmation) while the shrimps remain in the untampered Kordon bag. Our DOA-Free Guarantee will be void if customer, by their own accord, is unable to receive the package on the first delivery attempt or other problems concerning outside operations (i.e. weather, USPS service, etc.). We also welcome local pickups as well.
  13. Hey guys, Just want everyone to know that the Taiwan Bee, PRL and High Grade shrimp Event will be extended until the Dec. 21st!!!!! Thank you, Blue Crown
  14. Hey guys, Swissian have claimed the prize!! thank you all for participating and also be sure to check out our Christmas Sale event, starting today, for Taiwan bees, PRLs, and Higher Grade shrimps!!! Thank you, Blue crown
  15. Hey Monty703, Currently the newest out are the tigers that was just recently discovered in China. Green Jade,Super Red Tiger, Aura blue tiger ,Super Princess bee, and MK Breed Red Ghost are all pretty new. Most of these pictures are from from sources except for the green jade. Green Jade: Super Red TIger Super Hornet: Spotted Galaxy Tiger: Super Tiger: Azure Tiger: Mk Breed Red Ghost:
  16. Our runner up is #41 Archie1208, if Swissian does not claim his gift by 12/14 than the prize will go to the runner up, Archie1208. Thank you, Blue Crown
  17. Hey guys, we should have access to all of them haha but we were told these are somewhat hard to keep alive since they are wild caught and the breeders knows quite little about them. The one thing they are certain of is that these can be kept in water parameter similar to CRS.
  18. Sorry for the delay guys, and the winner of the Mk Breed products iiiiiiiissssssssss #33 Swissian Thank you all for participating, also we do have another Christmas RAOK for those that made a purchase during our christmas sell event!!!!
  19. Hey guys, registration for December is now officially over. We will be choosing a winner at about 12:00 pm PST. Thank you all for participating
  20. There should be no conversion required. They usually use about 1-1.5 inches if covering the whole tank but usually base on user preference.
  21. Hey Monty here are some pictures from Mk Breed. Also their water parameter is the same as CRS.
  22. Hi Guys, Hope everyone is doing well!! We have decided to update the Christmas sale event for the High Grade and PRL by combining it with the Taiwan bee sale event!! So starting next week, High Grade Shrimps and PRLs will also be on sale as well!!! 2nd Event) Christmas High Grade Shrimp Sale!!! Starting Dec.15-18 !!! ****Buy 5 shrimps get 1 shrimps free or buy 10 shrimps get 3 shrimps free!!!**** Black King Kong- ($17) Black Panda- ($15) Red Panda- ($20) Blue Bolts- ($16) Deep Blue Bolts- ($35) Extreme Black King Kong- ($35) ** Very Limited** ** Shrimps listed above must purchase 5 minimum ****All shrimps listed below are 25% off !!!**** **Listed Price are original price** Mk Breed PRL (A grade)- ($25) **Very Limited** Mk Breed PRL (S Grade)- ($40.00) **Very Limited** Fancy Red Tiger (A grade)- ($40.00) **Possible Pinto Gene Carrier, Limited** Light Blue Body Mosura/Flowerhead King Kong- ($75.00) **Very Limited** Blue Body Mosura/Flowerhead King Kong- ($100.00) **Very Limited** White Back Pinto- ($120.00) **Very Limited** Zebra Pinto- ($120.00) **Very Limited** Shipping and DOA Policy: Shipping we have two options. Priority shipping (2-4 days) is $12 while Priority Express shipping (1-2 days) is $35. Priority Express shipping comes with our DOA-Free Guarantee in which we offer a refund on the dead shrimp(s) or store credit. Any DOA claims can be easily accomplished by taking a clear digital picture of the dead shrimp (within 1 hour and 30 minutes of delivery confirmation) while the shrimps remain in the untampered Kordon bag. Our DOA-Free Guarantee will be void if customer, by their own accord, is unable to receive the package on the first delivery attempt or other problems concerning outside operations (i.e. weather, USPS service, etc.). We also welcome local pickups as well.
  23. Sorry Elo500, I will try asking for more detail when he is more free since he is on business trip right now. Here is some information like the parameter and what they use for substrate. C-Sky: For Sulawesi shrimp, PH: 7-8, GH 7~8, TDS 300-400, use sand. Still waiting for an answer on that one, C-sky representative is currently in Thailand so he is pretty busy right now. C-Sky: Green jade is not easy to get green color babies, about 30-50%. This shrimp is not fixed well.
  24. Ya I did realize that too when I got them!!! What our supplier told us is that Blue Carbon Rili are black on the head and tail while the BV are actually dark blue. Also the blue on the body of the blue carbon rili are much lighter in blue.
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