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Blue Crown Aquatic Trade

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Everything posted by Blue Crown Aquatic Trade

  1. 1. Metageologist 2. Shrimpfreak 3. r45t4m4n 4. Slycat929 5. Poopians 6. DETAquarium 7. Elo500 8: Soothing Shrimp 9. Mayphly 10. christinenha 11. Hiatus 12. ANBU 13. Duff0712 14. Allicat 15. Desireenfh 16. Merth 17. Steve R. 18. FishyD 19. Miwu 20. RyeGuy411 21. Greenteam 22. Archie1208 23. Uscgjay 24. mlsthuy1 25. thebuddha 26. bluecrownaquatictrade
  2. Thanks for adding the picture han!! My work computer is not cooperating.
  3. We are trying to bring in a shipment at least once every month or two but if we get enough orders for the super red tigers it will come in sooner. Hey Ebi-san, welcome to shrimpspot, haha we are not at that milestone yet where we can give shrimps as samples.
  4. Well the breeder we got it from calls it ultra blue rili, another would call it Top Blue velvets, and C-sky calls it Sea sky blue but they all orginated from blue velvets. A lot of selective breeding were done by the breeders in order for them to gain such a nice solid blue. The pics I took were not the darkest one we have but in general that is how blue the shrimps would look.
  5. I would say they should go for about $16-$19 since their bands are bigger than the normal red Tiger but we will do split them base on their coverage when we get them in.
  6. Hi guys, Here are some super red tigers which have been bred to increase their red coverage. We can get our hands on them if anyone is interested!! https://www.facebook.com/C.SKY.tw/photos/a.300472406665664.70885.264050220307883/720893317956902/?type=1&theater Thanks, Blue crown
  7. Sorry for being late with the pictures guys but here they are. These pics are all taken by me and I am really new to photography so this is the best I can do lol. Up-close shot Up close shot#2: Regular
  8. Ah got any pictures of the plum Soothing? I would love to see how the color looks like.
  9. Thanks guys, just planning everything before we start RAOK in December so have not posted anything yet.
  10. No its not a blue dream, its higher grade than that. We have something similar in stock right now, I'll post a few actual pics. This is one of the few neos that actually look very similar to those pictures taken for marketing purposes.
  11. Do you have a spray bar on the outlet, usually that would spread the pressure out a bit. For our tank we have the spray bar aligned close to the surface of the water so the top have a current while the bottom where the shrimps usually stay is quite calm. Also to avoid temperature swings just keep a heater in there and set it at the desired temperature, that should keep your tank at temperature constant. Also the tip countryboy gave is quite critical too since adding water in too fast will cause unwanted fluctuation in water parameters.
  12. From my opinion I really think it is how well the seller quarantine and inspect the shrimps when they bring it in. Even if the customer have to wait a few days to a week, it is up to the seller to make sure they are sending out healthy shrimps. I am pretty sure the customers would be willing to wait since they would not want shrimps that would give them problems later on.
  13. Dang good idea shrimpfan, always need more lights for our 18 new tanks!!!
  14. Our TB tanks dropped to low 60's at night and they are still doing fine. It is until it starts dropping below 60 than you will have a problem so if you want some assurance just put your heater in and dial it at around 63-64 so the water temperature does not go below that.
  15. wow that is indeed a very unique shrimp, would be cool if someone is actually keeping that.
  16. I would go with the deep blue bolt route, although more expensive, the gene is already there for more blue coverage so it will save you a lot of time if you eventually want a colony of deep blue bolts.
  17. Hi guys just want to post an updated list including new pricing for the MK breed product. shrimp and product list.pdf
  18. Hello guys, Sorry but needed to do a price change on the MK Breed products: MK Red Diamond (50g)- $22 MK Black Diamond (50g)- $22 Mk Golden Powder (30g)- $22 Mk Z-Silver Powder (30g)- $22 Mk Blue Diamond (200ml)- $20 MK Blood Diamond (200ml)- $15 Thank you, Blue Crown
  19. ya Purple Bee is definitely being worked on, saw one single purple shrimp when we met with MK just 2 weeks ago.
  20. Florida keys is a major hotspot for people that enjoys fishing, hope you guys catch a large variety of fish!!!
  21. Hey guys, here are the pictures taken on a S5 with Camkix 3-1 camera lense. Picture quality is not too shabby for a smart phone camera and a cheap macro lense lol.
  22. Hi guys, my brother and I are somewhat knowledgeable in the fields of interior design/construction since we work with our dad who owns a interior design/construction company. Now we decided to take a chance in life so we opened up our own company, Blue Crown Aquatic Trade. Still helps out my dad whenever possible though since we are just starting out and our customer base is still developing. If we may ask a favor from all of you, please spread the word about our new company and maybe in the future we can work out a deal for friends on The Shrimpspot.
  23. Dam you are lucky, I love fishing but never have time anymore. Have you gone to Capitola before? That place is amazing for rockfishing due to all the reefs and you get to rent out your own little boat ( 4 people max) at only $100 for the whole day. Been wanting to go back but no time. http://capitolaboatandbait.com/rentals/motorized-skiffs
  24. Hey guys just wondering why is shipping cost out of Thailand only $20? Is that a typo or something? Also is transhipper another custom broker/shipping company? Is it reliable? Thank you
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