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NickAus last won the day on June 24 2018

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About NickAus

  • Birthday February 3

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    Umm that would be Shrimp and fish.
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    Red Cherry Shrimp, Mystery snails, MTS.

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  1. I didn’t know Red Cherry Shrimp Mystery snails and Rams horns were salt tolerant, My tank has 60 litres of water in it and I have 5 tablespoons of Seachem Brackish salt in the tank ( When I change water I take out exactly 30 litres and add 2.5 tablespoons of Brackish salt ) and the shrimp and snails don’t have a problem with it. The shrimp and snails are breeding ok, I dont get as many shrimp babies survive but thats ten Gobys eating them but still a few survive.
  2. 50 or so shrimp in a 20 long with a few plants should have been fine without an air pump for 2 days, I wonder if something else was put in the tank. It just went off too quick for it to be just no air pump or filter, I assume you use an air powered sponge filter. I know its too late now, but what was your maintenance routine?
  3. Yes technically correct, but these things will not lower the PH by much and using them causes the PH to fluctuate. I would actually want to lower and stabilise the PH before adding it to the tank not after. The only safe way to lower PH is to use RO or distilled water then remineralise it to your requirements.
  4. Hi Sorry to hear that. To me a couple of days means 2. I have over 100 RCS in a 2 foot unfiltered tank with a Rosetail Betta and they shrimp breed faster than so called pest snails. Last year around this time we had major flooding here and lost power for over a week no heater no air pump, no problem no deaths among the shrimp that I could see. Even the Betta sirvived, he wasnt happy but he lived. Do you have plants in the tank? How big is the tank. Contents of tank. 1 Dumbo Rosetail betta, Over 100 RCS 2 Mystery snails. 10 Kuhli Loaches 1 BN pleco Unknown number of Malaysian Trumpet snails.
  5. Please explain this PH modification in more detail. Bacteria in the Freshwater Aquarium By Byron Hoskins. https://www.tropicalfishkeeping.com/member-submitted-articles/bacteria-freshwater-aquarium-74891/
  6. You may a candle lit dinner and a nice bottle of wine also.
  7. Hang on backs are easy. Go out and buy one of these. And slip it over the inlet, job done. I modified my HOB to take 2 sponges as prefilter and shrimp screen, Using this method you dont need sponges in the HOB you can fill that space with ceramic media.
  8. How much do you want to spend is the question. It can be as little as $20 or so for a sponge filter and air pump or a Hamburg Mattenfilter, to upwards of $200 dollars for a canister filter. Then we can get into sumps both above the tank and under it. There is no easy answer to that without knowing more about the tank and the stock. How big is the tank? Is it planted? What plants do you have? Type of substrate? How deep is the substrate? ( Aprox? The substrate plays an important role in the overall the nitrification process ) What type of fish do you have? How many? Filtration is important and getting it right is not always easy.
  9. NickAus

    shrimp Tanks

    Hi I see you built a shrimp feeding station out of glass. I was too lazy to make my own so I went out and got these And used the top/lid as a feeding station.
  10. How big is the tank? How much do you want to spend is the question. It can be as little as $20 or so for a sponge filter and air pump or a Hamburg Mattenfilter, to upwards of $200 dollars for a canister filter. Then we can get into sumps both above the tank and under it. There is no easy answer to that without knowing more about the tank and the stock. How big is the tank? Is it planted? What plants do you have? Type of substrate? How deep is the substrate? ( Aprox? The substrate plays an important role in the overall the nitrification process ) What type of fish do you have? How many? Filtration is important and getting it right is not always easy.
  11. @Shrimp Life Hi. Great tank,Great video and I love the snails. I think more people should keep snails I think no tank is complete and as clean as it could be without so called " pest snails". Malaysian Trumpet snails are always the first thing I add to a new tank. I keep Mystery snails and Rams horns because I want to. To me no snail is a pest. Just wondering, Have you had snail deaths with NO Planaria or do you remove the snails? When I first used this product a few years ago I did not know it also killed snails as there is no warning on the packet.
  12. Mine too. Red Cherry shrimp are hardy, I know, but according to the members on this forum I am doing everything wrong, I feed them fish food, They Live with Bettas and Bumblebee Gobys, I change up to 70% of the water every week, The shrimp that live with the gobys even put up with hard water PH 8, and they still breed so fast its not funny. These are the shrimp in my Goby tank.
  13. Buyer BeAware: SeaChem Excel https://www.oscarfish.com/article-home/equipment/114-buyer-beaware-seachem-excel.html You dont need it, all you need is Seachem Flourish Comprehensive. I add 1 millilitre of Seachem Flourish Comprehensive to this tank every week, When I remember. I add 1/2 millilitre of Seachem Flourish Comprehensive to this tank every2 weeks. I add 3 millilitre of Seachem Flourish Comprehensive to this tank every week I do not add anything to this tank I do 50 to 70% water changes every week, I do not vacuum the substrate, and all tanks have snails, I love Malaysian Trumpet snails, every planted tank needs them.
  14. Having a lid reduces evaporation and prevents stuff like dust, human and pet hair and god knows what else falling in the tank.
  15. You have Bettas in the tank you need a lid they are notorious jumpers.
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