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  1. Sorry been a bit busy palst week. So looks like i have all females in my tank. I had 2 females that had being saddled for weeks and yesterday they molted but no berried females at all..... The weird looking cherry is still active n eating well. It is not turning milky. It seems tat the inside of it at that particular place had turned white. It is quite small and my phone camera could not focus on it very well. I did some research and it looks like it is the super white parasite (okayama disease) not sure if i spelt it right and there is no cure for it? Any1 has any idea?
  2. Hi, i had this 3mth old cherry shrimp that i had kept since its birth. So on thurs (26/4), i did a 20% water change for the tank and i saw it molting just as i am starting to do the water change. It successfully molted and everything with it looks good. Then 2 days later it look weird. Part of its body had a different color to it. Will attach a pic of it below. It is still very active and eating well. Is there smthing wrong with it? Water parameter is as follows Ph 6.8 Tds 213 Gh 6 Kh 1 Ammonia n nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 Also if any1 could tell me what is the gender of this orange shrimp?
  3. The shrimps are just from my local fish shops. I do not know where they come from. Using aqua shrimp sand that helps to buffer the ph. Water parameter is as follow using api master test kit Ph 6.8 Ammonia and nitrite 0 Kh 1 Gh 5-6 Tds 230 Nitrate 10-20ppm. The chart looks same color for this 2 range...so not sure which it is.... Above parameters are taken before water change yesterday. I did a 20% water change quite late in the night and i make the distilled water to gh 5 b4 i let it drip back in at 2s a drop and i went to sleep. Somehow the drip stop not long after i went to bed. Only managed to drip in 1/4 of the water that is suppose to go back in. So far the shrimps are still acting normal. Hopefully it will be done when i reach home after work so i can retake the readings. Also hope the tds will go down a bit.
  4. I understand that they have different parameters. Will take note of that. Funny thing is my parameters are all towards the preference of the crystals and the crystals still died on me. From 10 of them at the start about a mth ago to now only left 3. I may change the tank to a cherry tank soon if my remaining crystals give up on me. I do not want to give up on the remaining crystals so will do all i can for them to survive. Just do not know what is wrong. Water parameters are all within range.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I have a mix. Crystals and cherries. So i think adding gh will be enough right?
  6. Hi, so i started my tank with tap water but after getting advices on here, i start to top up with distilled water. I know when doing top off with distilled water, there is no need to remineralize the water. What about when doing a water change? I had gotten borneo wild gh up so was wondering how should i do the change. Lets say i am going to do a 10 -20% water change. My tank current gh is 6. Do i need to make the distilled water to be gh 6 also or does it need to be a lower gh? Sorry for asking this basic qns but its my 1st time doing water change with distilled water. Thanks in advance.
  7. Are crystals aggressive? They chases the berried ones more but they will also like 'attack' the other new comers. Just what are they trying to do???
  8. Hi, today i added 2 new cherry and 3 orange shrimps(2 orange are berried) into my tank which has 4 crystals red and 2 crystal black left and 1 baby cherry shrimp. The moment i added the new cherries and oranges, 2 crystal red and 2 crystal black seems to had gone crazy. They swim round and round and kept chasing the 2 berried orange shrimps. What are they doing? Are they trying to steal the eggs?
  9. Thanks a lot for the advices. I had gotton a bottle of distill water and it is being drip in slowly as top up now as i type this message. Doing it very slowly at 2s per drop kind. I think it will finish dripping tomorrow morning. Lol.
  10. Thanks for all the advices. I do have cuttlefish bone and Montmorillonite stone inside my tank. Infact the shrimp sand that I uses states that it has put in montmorillonite in the sand too. Therefore I only put 3 very small pieces of the stone in as I had read that too much of it will have a negative effect to it as well. My tap water should be quite safe to use. I tested the water and it has 0 ammonia and nitrite and copper, 5ppm of nitrate and tds 84. So I thought I could use it. Can I use those bottled distill water instead of RO water?
  11. My gh is 6 and kh is 1. Both within the recommended parameters. I forgot to mention i do feed hikari crab crusine pellets once a week also. I did lost a 3rd shrimp to the white band again. I am thinking, can i use the water from my 10gallon guppies tank that had been running for nearly 1.5yrs? Like drain a certain amt of water from the 10gallon and use it as top up for the shrimp tank? All parameter is the same for both tank except tat the tds is 118 in the 10 gallon. Is it a good idea? Of course i will test to make sure ammonia, nitrite and nitrate at safe level before using for the shrimp tank.
  12. I am using tap water. My tank tds is 220. I tested my tap water tds is 84. So i think its the substrate that had raise the tds? I use auqa up shrimp sand to buffer my ph to 6.6 as my tap ph is 7.6. I had lost 2 shrimps to the transparent band and i think i saw a 3rd one developing the band as well. I do see a few molts in tank but not sure if its the molts of those with the bands or those without the bands. I read that the band can be caused my high protein in their diet as well but i don't think their diet is high protien? I feed them algae wafer in tiny amt every other day, spinach and sweet pepper in rotation.
  13. Actually this is the 1st time i am keeping crystal shrimps. Previously kept cherry shrimps on and off but they does not seems to survive. The last batch of cherries i bought a berried female and it even gave birth to about 15 shrimplets. All went well for like 1month plus then suddenly the adults start dying followed by the shrimplets also started to die. I lost all of them except for 1 within just a few days. Could not find out why at all. Now i am only left with 1 lonely rcs baby about 2mth plus old which i had put together with the crystals. So i make a daring decision and get crystal to see if a different spieces will work out. Hoping they will survive n thrive.
  14. Hi thks for the reply. I think its a failed molt. The shrimp had passed away not long ago........hopefully the remaining shrimps will do fine. My water parameter are as follows using api liquid test kit: Ph 6.6 to 6.8 (i find the color for ph and nitrate difficult to read from the chart...) Ammonia and nitrite 0 Nitrate about 5 to 10 ppm. My tap has nitrate at 10ppm. I just managed to get some duckweed. Hopefully it will help. Kh is 1. Gh is 6. Is it ok? Getting quite confused. Some people say 3 to 4 is better. But some say 5 to 6 is better.
  15. Hi all am new to the forumn. I added 10 crystal red and black in a 3 gallon cycled tank yesterday. Before acclimation, i saw a molt in the bag. Then after drip acclimation i saw 2 more new molts. Then immediately after i release them into the 3 gallon tank, i notice that 1 of the crs is a bit weird. It has a transparent band between its neck and body. I did not see the band when i purchase it. What is wrong with it? U could see the transparent band in the picture. I thought it is going to molt so i let it be but this morning i wake up and it is still like tat. If it is failing to molt, wat can i do or how long will it be like tat for?
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