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  1. JSak - that was a well written thoughtful reply, and it really gave some assurance that I should stop worrying so much. I think I will get a couple amanos just to get the cycle finished (they are amazingly hardy little dudes), then I'll get some neos when I'm sure the cycle is finished. The neos in my old tank were tough little buggers too!If the neos do well, and the params stay in caridina levels, I'll add some of them too. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  2. Getting rid of the CO2 won't work for the plants. As for the substrate, I'm sure it's still buffering... but for how long? Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  3. More info, and still looking for feedback. So I'm getting my Fluval Spec V iwagumi cycled. I'm a few weeks in with no animals, just plants - no mature tank bio media either, just SeaChem Stability. The tank has Fluval Shrimp stratum that was used in the previous incarnation of this tank for about a year. I tore that tank down, baked the substrate, and am reusing it. I have some play sand (I know... nobody likes it but me) and petrified wood in there. Have a fluval mini CO2 injection system and run about 1 bps, and usually turn it off at night. Fertilizing with 1 pump of NilocG ThriveS 2 x per week (recommended 1 pump per 5 gal 1-3 x per week). I've been testing here and there with API kits, and these are my levels so far 4/29 Ph 7.4 KH 4 GH 8 NH4 1 NO2 0 NO3 0 TDS 180 Small amount of algae growth - scrubbed off with toothbrush and did a 25% WC with RO water remineralized with SeaChem Equilibrium. 4/30 pH 6.8-7.0 KH 4 GH 8 NH4 .5-1 NO2 .25 NO3 5 TDS 178 More minor algae growth, so I scrubbed it off and did a 25% WC again with RO water remineralized with SeaChem Equilibrium 5/3 pH 6.4 KH 3 GH 8 NH4 .25 NO2 0 NO3 5 TDS 174 No algae growth since last time, and I did not do a WC. Now for the questions. How is my cycle looking? Is the stratum responsible for the pH and KH droping? I've purchased SaltyShrimp GH/KH minerals to replace the equilibrium. I was thinking I was going to do neocaridina in here... Now I have my doubts. You think I can do neos in here, or should I go with caridina since it wants to buffer down so low? As I understand it, the stratum will stop buffering before long, and then the pH will climb too high for the caridina. When that happens will I be able to buffer it back down with alder cones, peat, almond leaves, etc, or will I be fighting a losing battle? I feel like I'd need to fight the opposite battle to keep neos in it right now. Just trying to figure out my next move, so any feedback is appreciated. Let me know if you need more info.Thanks! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  4. The soil is fluval stratum, and does buffer... but how will adding a shrimp mineral salt solution "burn outcomes that capacity? I think I might just do amanos and neos to keep it simple. As for the substrate moving around... whatever - shrimp will be shrimp! The rock is petrified wood as far as I know, and all my LFS sell it (in central Cali). It has stripes of white (looks like quartz) some grey mineral, and iron pyrite (fools gold), and there are some "rust spots " here and there. It really is very attractive in my opinion. One of my LFS has a large iwagumi scape made with it... it's really beautiful. Here's some closer pictures of rock sections. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  5. I have been doing research, but want to see if I'm getting this right. I am doing a 5 gallon (fluval spec v) iwagumi style planted tank, and want to put a bunch of shrimp in it. If I want to successfully keep (and maybe breed - except the amanos) cherry, bee, and amano shrimp in this one tank, what pH, KH and GH should I shoot for? Also what product should I be using to mineralize my RO water? Here's my thoughts so far: pH: 6.8-7.0 KH: 3-4 GH: 5-6 TDS 170 -180 Salty shrimp bee GH+ and baking soda for KH... Or should I just use GH/KH+? Or maybe SL aqua blue wizard? Should I put a couple alder cones in the filter compartment for the medicinal properties? Thanks! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
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