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Crazyfishlady last won the day on April 27 2015

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    Washington State
  • Inverts You Keep
    - Blue Velvet
    - Snowballs
    - Dream blues
    - Tangerine Tigers
    - Random mixed neos/wilds

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  1. That is great information and I have to admit that I have not thought of it that way. A 10 gallon tank was 10 gallons in my mind but it makes total sense that I am wrong thinking that way. Look forward to the link and thank you!
  2. I am so sorry to hear that! This does bring up a question that is debated a lot - do shrimp need filters/oxygen? I've heard about people thinking they scooped out all shrimp, set the tank in a garage with the tiniest bit of water.. finally get around to the tank and it's swarming with shrimp. Then I hear about this... loss of power or whatever, no filter/air and horrible deaths
  3. I have moss in all shrimp, tanks with purigen, no CO2, no added ferts, no excel, varied light timing and they grow like mad. I also have cheap lights on my tanks... lol Is the moss new to the tank? It could be that the old/previous growth is dying off as it adjusts to your tank water. My tanks have been in black out mode the last few days (like only about 2 hours or less of lights) because of a heat wave and I've had no problems. With all of that said, I have put new moss in tanks and had some of it turn brown because of the adjustment to new water, but the new parts grow out just fine.
  4. ok - all I can say is WOW!!!! I've never seen so much moss!! Life got a bit crazy so I haven't been able to post or post pics but I got a HUGE amount of moss, a lot of beautiful floaters, a few gorgeous plants, some food samples and totally fresh pollen!!! I was blown away :) A huge thank you to roborep for an amazing raok, the plants are doing great and I'm still working on finding places for the moss, but it is a fun project! I will get pics soon!
  5. It looks like it has a 'split' in the shell... like a molting issue
  6. I have 3 children, all boys. Only 2 are still with us. I have seen video games evolve from pong (wow.. that was so awesome at the time) to the RPGWX...whatever... the games are now. ha ha I have sat and watched my boys play these visually amazing games. I even play computer games myself, a bit. My interests are more minecraft but I even play an online strategy game. It's a war game. lol My boys are 27 and 16. They have run me through the gambit on the newest games and some disturbed me, at first (ok a few still do). I rarely ever tell my boys "No... no discussion... no!" I allow them to sit and talk to me about it. I think it's a very important skill and helps them learn to communicate, compromise, understand other perspectives... the list goes on. My 16 yo gets good grades, has been in a sport since he was 4, does his homework, etc. So, when he came to me about a game I did not want him to play, he knew how to come at me. He asked if we could have a discussion about it. Yes... I encourage this. They have to be respectful, my ultimate decision is law, but I wanted to teach my boys how to organize their thoughts, not speak out in anger or storm off. The answer might be no, but I make sure they learn to communicate. With all of that said, maybe you can ask them if it is something you can talk about. Be prepared for the answer to be no (and respect that) but maybe if you calmly ask if you could sit and discuss it they will see that as a positive. Then, be prepared (write it down before if needed) with reasons, thoughts and even extra chores you are willing to do or time limits you are willing to set. That shows a thought process and level of maturity right there. Every parent parents different And yes - my boys knows... for zombies... go for the brain You have to have humor too
  7. Wow Soothing - that is an incredible feat! I wish I could get some but... like you... kids with activities. Sigh... lol Maybe I will be able to get some if you do it again in the fall
  8. is that a molting band or did it jump? Either way.. another
  9. woohoo!!! I never win and thought it was a mistake at first, lol doing the happy dance!
  10. Have you tried kanaplex? I used it after a got a batch of blues with fungus issues. I lost them - but I had others in the tank (other blues and tangerine tigers). I dosed the tank (after the loss, so I didn't try it on the visibly infected shrimp) and so far (almost 2 weeks now) none of the others seem infected. It says it's for fungus and bacterial but could be worth a try? I did one spoon the first day (10 gallon tank) and one the second, waited a few days and did a water change and have a ton of IAL in the tank for now. http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/KanaPlex.html
  11. I have never used this - is it shrimp safe? What are the uses for it?
  12. me about 7 months - had my share of ups and downs but LOVE it!
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