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  1. Wow that is phenomenal advice thank you so much for your help, I’ve just gone into eBay and bought the items you’ve mentioned and will see what it comes back with once tested and fingers crossed I’ll have some happy shrimp soon! Thank you again and have a lovely day
  2. Evening everyone, wanted some advice on my shrimp tank. It’s been set up for over a month now and has about 10 shrimp in total mainly red cherry’s but a couple red crystal and 2 black shrimp, all the shrimp have been fairly inactive recently and wondered if this was a cause for concern. Tested the water and all the parameters are at 0 and oxygen is good! I even bought salty shrimp in order to make the general hardness better. I’ve cut back on feeding as much to see if that makes a difference and I take into account it’s a very well planted tank with bog wood and other rooted plants as well as stones and terracotta pots to hide in. I’ve seen some cherry’s picking at the plants and cleaning recently but the red crystals and some other shrimp have just been hiding or sitting still and generally very inactive and I can’t find any reason as to why and was hoping someone may shed some light! Photo attached of what the tank looks like it’s a 57 litre Fluval flex. Any help appreciated thank you!
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