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Everything posted by Fishprinceofca

  1. Sweet news, and thank you for the RAOK, Erik! 1. Fishprinceofca
  2. I have a dwarf hairgrass carpet for my 20-gallon long OEBT and Bloody Mary tank. Though they're not as visible, I feel they like the extra cover, the babies especially.
  3. No bad experiences after strengthening the sides, and, yes, it does reinforce the bags from bursting when dropped. It was a recommendation that came with the purchase of the bags from MVP.
  4. A formal welcome to your formal introduction!
  5. I bought a similar impulse heater to seal the sides of LongLife breather bags. This is to strengthen them before shipment. I double knot the top, and/or use a rubber band in conjunction.
  6. Got mine from both Lexinverts and Flip Aquatics. I believe Flip Aquatics got his from Lexinverts first, too. Can't go wrong with either
  7. I've made the Repashy gelatin with Shrimp Souffle, but it's been just easier to sprinkle some directly in its powder form. Shrimp liked it
  8. Get a fan to cool the water. My OEBTS start getting bacterial infections above 74-75 degrees.
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