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Posts posted by Fishprinceofca

  1. I think what Soothing was trying to say was to try and avoid products that may promise enhanced colors. Genetics play the biggest role there.

    With that said, you're on the right track by wanting to purchase Painted Fire Red shrimp, since they are easy to breed and a good starter shrimp with nice red coloring. I've not tried Ebi Dama myself, but I've read good reviews as a staple food. You'll find that certain shrimp will prefer some foods over others. For example, my Orange Eye Blue Tigers prefer plant-based foods, like spinach, Cologne Shrimp Food Omnipro, and Tantora Mulberry Plus, whereas my Bloody Marys will eat those above plus meatier foods like Mosura Gravidas, and Shrimp King Protein. Take your time, try stuff out, research on this forum, and feed sparingly.

  2. Hey Shrimp Spot!


    Downsizing sale! I am running out of room for fish tanks, and it's time to sell my beloved 65-gallon planted tank to a good owner! I've had this tank set up for a little over two years, with plenty of sweat, time, and money put into it. I've gone back and forth between holding onto it or letting it go, but I have come to realize I am just out of room. Here's what I am offering:



    Alternanthera reineckii (just trimmed)

    Blyxa japonica

    Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green'

    Cryptocoryne nurii

    Cryptocoryne parva

    Echinodorus Parviflorus - Black Amazon Sword

    Limnobium laevigatum - Amazon frogbit

    Microsorum Pteropus 'Trident' - Trident Java Fern

    Staurogyne repens

    Xmas moss



    2      Dario Dario

         Hemigrammus bleheri - Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetra

    4      Melanotaenia praecox - Neon Rainbowfish

    4      Mikrogeophagus ramirezi - Electric Blue Rams; 2 males, and 2 females

    2-3   Otocinclus macrospilus

    10+  Paracheirodon simulans - Green Neon Tetra

    4-5   Paracheirodon axelrodi - Cardinal Tetra

    1      Poecilia wingei - Endler's Livebearer

    1      Tateurndina ocellicauda - Peacock Gudgeon female



    Cherry shrimp, fire red shrimp, Amano shrimp, Malaysian Trumpet Snails



    4-5 inches of ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia - Normal type, with Power Sand Special-S, and Osmocote Plus capsules. (I also added the full line of ADA substrate products at initial startup, including Penac-P, Penac-W, Bacter 100, Tourmaline BC, and Clear Super.)



    20" driftwood. I forgot if it was Mopani or Malaysian, but I remember shelling out some good dough for it.



    Tank - Aquarium Masters 65-gallon black-rimmed glass aquarium


    Stand - Aquarium Fundamentals 50/65 gallon upright stand, black


    Filter - Fluval 306 external filter with fully seeded bio rings, two bags of Purigen, bio-foam, and stock sponges


    Lights - 2 DD Giesemann Midday 6500k T5 HO lights, 2 DD Giesemann Midday AquaFlora bulbs, both sets 3 months old. Plus, I have the same 4 bulbs new. So you will be getting 8 bulbs total--4 used, and 4 new. The used bulbs are currently housed in 2 Current USA Nova Extreme T5HO X2 - Freshwater 36" fixtures. (Both fixtures are still working, but, honestly, the bulbs are worth more than the fixtures now, and I've been meaning to upgrade the fixtures to better ones. One leg is missing from both fixtures, but they still stand on the rim, and can be replaced or fixed.)



    New Fluval CO2 Indicator Kit, Do!aqua Be Clear 200ml (3 bottles), Do!aqua Be Soft 200ml (2 bottles), 100+ Osmocote Plus capsules, and more!


    Sorry, CO2 tank, diffuser, regulator, and drop checker are not for sale. Saving them for another project :)


    Asking price: $499

    Shrimp Spot member price: $475


    Pick-up only. Cash or PayPal.


    Offering this exclusively to Shrimp Spot members first, and then will be putting it up on Aquabid next week, so don't wait!


    Thanks for looking!


    post-514-0-42544900-1447313359_thumb.jpg post-514-0-38437400-1447313403_thumb.jpg




  3. I use the 7 x 13 Kordons now. The bottom is elastic strapped, which reduces corners which is nice. I miss the latex feel/stretch the smaller ones had though. These feel so much like poly to me, which I'm just not crazy about- but they all do now.

    I seal by tying one knot, then further up tying another. I could probably do rubber bands, but I'm lazy and that's extra work and another thing to buy.

    Soothing, I miss the latex feel, too. I've received shrimp from breeders who still have those older bags, and they feel a lot better than the newer poly ones.

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