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Everything posted by Fishprinceofca

  1. 1. Anhnguyen310 2. James Aquatics 3. Poopians 4. thekonexperiment 5. TheGardenofEder 6. swivel 7. swissian 8. Adrand 9. StarryNight15 10. uscgjay 11. miwu 12. repsaJ 13. Serenityfate 14. Steve R. 15. Shrimple Minded 16. infamouz23 17. r45t4m4n 18. Bananariot 19. Jaykidding 20. Sunsetsearider 21. NeMox69x 22. mbenjamin16 23. lind 24. Vinn 25. Schaferaquatics 26. Rockadoodle 27. Nick_R 28.cindygao0217 29. rostick555 30. Wygglz 31. fishcrazy 32. Dr0p 33. Amanda Panda 34. 07armando17 35. ssspeewee 36. NWroostin 37. mlsthuy1 38. Kvnsu 39. DETAquarium 40. Fluffhead 41. RyeGuy411 42. mayphly 43.Jesseter 44. d0pey 45. Faralon 46.ShrimpyRicky 47. TomCruise 48. Nmac15 49. Lukeo85 50. davesays 51.sincitybet 52. Soothing Shrimp 53. Stellar 54. Johnnytran 55. Fishprinceofca Great RAOK! Thank you!
  2. Wow, I had no idea. Thank you for posting this. He was the reason I got into planted tanks and shrimping to begin with. What a loss to the aquatic community. He will be dearly missed.
  3. If you ever come up north, be sure to stop by Aqua Forest Aquarium in San Francisco!
  4. You may want to lower your temperatures. I get bacterial infections past 75-76 with my OEBT. Try aiming for 72 and below. Keep it consistent with a fan over the tank or AC.
  5. 1. Amanda Panda 2. Dr0p 3. Shrimple Minded 4. Soothing Shrimp 5. Lyana 6. Atiba 7. r45t4m4n 8. Adrand 9. Shigure 10. davesays 11. DETAquarium 12. Jaykidding 13. Greenteam (lucky #13) 14. Steve R. 15. Aiko 16. 07armando17 17. Scipio 18. Kvnsu 19. NeMox69x 20. Sarah 21. nightshadebel 22. lind 23. Marali 24. Seiji64 25. Serenityfate 26. roborep1 27. Rostick555 28.shrimpscales 29. Kelsier 30. Johnny Tran 31. repsaJ 32. Thekonexperiment 33. Fishprinceofca Thanks for this great RAOK!
  6. 1. Marali 2. StarryNight15 3. Forumsnow 4. mayphly 5. roborep1 6.sincitybet 7. Cindygao0217 8. Chiumanfu 9. Phreeflow 10. Poopians 11. Johnnytran 12. Lyana 13. Jaykidding 14. Linda 15. Thekonexperiment 16. Dr0p 17. Sunsetsearider 18. Sbarbee54 19. MikeOKC 20. Duff0712 21. 07armando17 22. swivel 23. Schaferaquatics 24. Amanda Panda 25. Fishcrazy 26. Shrimple minded 27. sewoeno 28. Jaden 29. 9thragon 30. Chemd36 31. Betoy54 32. Faralon 33. Nmac15 34. lind 35 shouu 36. Serenityfate 37. Evilguppy 38. Fishprinceofca Thank you! Happy Fourth of July!!
  7. Hi Charan, have you tried looking into tiger shrimp? I keep OEBT with my Bloody Marys. RO water with a remineralizer, like Salty Shrimp GH+, is the safest way to go. Better to match the parameters of the more sensitive species (caridina), and let the hardier ones (neocaridina) adjust to that.
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