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    Mooresville, N.C.
  • Inverts You Keep
    Neocaridina Bloody Mary, Blue Dream Neos, PRL, mischlings, tibees, TBs. Snails..nerite and winterii (sp), Ramshorn. Heavily planted tanks, 10, 10, 10, 9, 5.5, 5.5, 5, 5.CPDs and other nano fish in 9g

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  1. Thanks everyone. Just wanted to make sure I was shipping correctly. I know some remove shrimp from tank ahead so they don't eat therefore poop.
  2. Thanks Green Team...I never pack more than 11-12 in one bag but good to know. Good answer!
  3. I just got an email from someone who bought a package of PRL from me. He lives in California. He wanted to know what the tiny white balls were in the package and I told him it was Purigen. He said the TDS of the water when he got the shrimp was 257 and thought Purigen was the reason. I shipped them Tuesday. When I packaged them I tested the TDS in the tank and it was 143. Is this normal for a shipped package of shrimp? Do you all use Purigen? I know some really reputable breeders use it when shipping. I was caught a little off guard and had no real answer because I had never heard anyone I have shipped to tell me the TDS much less it being so high. He said he was "checking to see if Purigen was safe for shrimp." I have always used it in the filter so...I would love for you all to weigh in about this. Thanks
  4. I am offering six packs of my PRLs for sale: 8+1 shipped Priority with cold pack for $100 Express is $20 more These are from an established colony that have only thrown CRS from Benebachi and Nishiki lines. Ungraded and unsexed juvies and sub adults but, as you can see from photos, they have great markings and color. I ship on Mondays and Tuesdays. On the photos, I haven't got a macro lens so you would have to enlarge the photos below to see them more closely. PM me for questions or to purchase and I will post when they are all sold. Thanks!
  5. And..you know this was chosen by an impartial third party because swivel was interested in buying some..so he got a good deal. I am selling packages of 8 +1 for $100 shipped priority starting now and i think I have 6 packages for sure. I will have another group of packages available after these go and I see how many I have. Right now I can't even count them! Oh yeah..I will ship on Mondays and Tuesdays only to make sure there is no delay and let me know if you want hold for pick up on your order.
  6. Thanks for all the support! I have decided to have a winner and a runner up who will get 4 PRLs. The winner is #37 Mishuy1 The runner up is #6 swivel Congratulations!! Send me your mailing addresses and I will ship these to you Monday Morning. If you want express then it's $20 via Paypal.
  7. Here are a couple of pics of colony...I have no macro lens so these aren't as close as I would like.
  8. Hey everyone, I am so excited to have had success with my PRL colony and I will be selling some packages next week. To celebrate I am giving away the first package of 8 + 1 extra to a Shrimp Spot member. I love this forum! These are juvies and sub adults. Originally Benebachi and Nishiki lines with a few Alpha Pro Breeders, this was an established colony from an experienced member of this forum who lives near me that I took over when he needed to make room for more TBs. Neither of us have ever gotten anything but CRS from these guys and they have been extraordinarily healthy...pretty shrimp. Make a list and I will have someone around here pick a number at random for the winner 6PM EST Thursday. I will plan to ship Priority on Monday but if you want to pay the difference, we can do Express. Don't have pics yet..maybe tomorrow. Thanks...good luck!
  9. Thanks so much, DETaquarium! Just the details I needed! Since you ship from Ga. I am glad you weighed in...hotter than we are down there for sure!
  10. Does everyone do next day shipping or priority and hold for pick up? What about shipping coast to coast? We have a business that ships all the time but shipping livestock is so different. I know it is customer's choice but say I did ROAK how would you ship?
  11. Thanks, Miwu!!! I think I am going to do a test shipping when the cold packs come as a RAOK so look for it everyone!
  12. In North Carolina we are going into out hottest time. I know there are lots of places even hotter. That plus the lack of respect packages get from USPS makes me want to hear advice from whoever has any. I agree that the pink fiberglass insulation is the way to go. I think a small cold pack outside of this taped to the lid of the styrofoam might be enough. Anyone tried this?
  13. I have lots of beautiful PRLs I need to thin out of that tank. I have never shipped shrimp and wondered what you guys to when shipping in the heat? If you use a cool pack, what size? How to you place it to keep the shrimp from getting too cold? Do you recommend making your own insulated boxes out of sheet of styrofoam? What do you recommend for insulation inside the box? I thought I would do a test shipping or two but want to have the right system down. Thanks for any help!
  14. Han...they will go through your ss filter guards because I have caught them in a sieve from the hob water flow.
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