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    chibikaie got a reaction from CharlesWex in Planted semi-blackwater tank   
    I finally have shrimp!

    I picked up around a dozen ghost shrimp (most likely Palaemonetes paludosus) yesterday and drip acclimated them overnight. Two did not make it, but I have a few large females (some carrying eggs, though I have a feeling they might drop them) and some that I am pretty sure are male. I'm hoping to establish a colony over the next few months.
  2. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in Planted semi-blackwater tank   
    Sadly, there have been at least four deaths already at only about 10 hours in the tank. Either the berried females all dropped their eggs or they are hiding/have succumbed where I can't find them.
    Well, I guess I can always get some neocaridina when the weather is warmer and I'm less likely to lose them in a shipping fiasco.
  3. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Algae - I hate it, shrimp love it   
    Moo cows! Moooooo.
    I'd say that if the babies like it, then you may as well leave it for them. I generally have a mix of diatoms and green algae (usually referred to as "green dust algae") and never quite get them to go away.
  4. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Planted semi-blackwater tank   
    I finally have shrimp!

    I picked up around a dozen ghost shrimp (most likely Palaemonetes paludosus) yesterday and drip acclimated them overnight. Two did not make it, but I have a few large females (some carrying eggs, though I have a feeling they might drop them) and some that I am pretty sure are male. I'm hoping to establish a colony over the next few months.
  5. Like
    chibikaie reacted to monty703 in Tangerine Tiger x Regular Tiger?   
    I called them Bengals they looked like little Bengal tigers 
  6. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Crazyfishlady in Dream Blues vs Blue Velvets - and intervention may be needed lol   
    lol - yea. My son asked me if I would get as excited if he played something other than football. I had to remind him that I put him in gymnastics and karate to AVOID football but that it's his dream. I said if he wanted to be a chef, I would be there on the sidelines yelling "That's my boy... mashing potatoes like a pro!" he asked me to please never do that, HA HA
  7. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Dream Blues vs Blue Velvets - and intervention may be needed lol   
    Shrimp are like potato chips.  Can't have just one.LOL
    In my opinion from pictures I've seen, dream blues are actually dark blue carbons.
  8. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from WaterBugg in Things shrimp people say that no one else understands :-) for fun   
    Put a couple in a mini aquaponic herb garden and pretend you're growing dinner from scratch.
  9. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Things shrimp people say that no one else understands :-) for fun   
    Put a couple in a mini aquaponic herb garden and pretend you're growing dinner from scratch.
  10. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Crazyfishlady in Berried BV :-)   
    So, the BVs that I got from Soothing on 2-7 are settling in great, even after me re-doing their tank.
    This morning I turn on their light and do a visual. I see a molt (I've seen several since I got them) then I spot her!! I was so excited, I grabbed my camera and tried to get a pic. She was in the back so I could only get very blurry pics and I was running late.
    I will try to get a pic this weekend but I am so excited!
    Not bad for only having them for 20 days
  11. Like
    chibikaie reacted to h4n in March ROAK~!!!!!!   
    Don't worry I'll be fixing anyone who got left off.
    For example Lind. Was #11 so everyone will get shifted.
  12. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in swamp darters   
    From what I've seen about NA natives, they're not usually that bad about sharing common names with too many species. They're a lot easier to pull up scientific names on than aquarium livestock (since many of those have not been formally identified).
  13. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in swamp darters   
    From what I've seen about NA natives, they're not usually that bad about sharing common names with too many species. They're a lot easier to pull up scientific names on than aquarium livestock (since many of those have not been formally identified).
  14. Like
    chibikaie reacted to derrick.p.lanich in Things shrimp people say that no one else understands :-) for fun   
    Yeah. I had the same confusion when I started my first shrimp tank. Couple of the guys were interested enough they kept asking questions. Now they want updates whenever things change on the tank.
  15. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from h4n in March ROAK~!!!!!!   
    1. Thegardenofeder
    2. Triton
    3. Technophile
    4. Nick_R
    5. mayphly
    6. Dendrobatez
    7. JasonB
    8. jerrich
    9. Vinn
    10. chibikaie
    Hey, if I win, can I toss an order on top?
    super nice RAOK
  16. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in swamp darters   
    His googlefu is strong indeed.
  17. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from mayphly in 10g lighting   
    None of those are high light demanding plants ... I'd go with a Beamswork or the Stingray.
  18. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Just Bought a UPS for My Air Pump   
    I really thought I was prepared for a power outage - Hurricane Sandy taught me otherwise. I now have one of the battery air pumps, and I'm thinking about oxydators vs. a stockpile of batteries. I know a lot of the processes are dependent on oxygen.
  19. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Crazyfishlady in Meet the boys   
    I realized I never did intro my two bettas. They are LFS bettas and have big personalities. "Bubba" is the blue one and "Puck" is the multicolored one. Puck has emotional issues.. lol he likes to slam head first into anything and everything so I think he is not quite 'all there'. I have a video to prove it, he's a bit nuts. ha ha
    Bubba is in a 5.5 planted tank, Puck is in a 2.5. I tried to put Puck in a luxury 10 gallon and he completely freaked and spent 5 days of intense, nearly non stop glass surfing and stopped eating. I put him back into his little 2.5 tank and he has been happy ever since..in his odd ball way.
    Anyhow.. here are the boys
    Bubba in his 5.5

    close up of Bubba


    Puck, younger, with attitude

  20. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in swamp darters   
    His googlefu is strong indeed.
  21. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Ron in ShrimpFan's All Things Shrimps   
    Yes and now I'm broke.
  22. Like
    chibikaie reacted to RyeGuy411 in ADA-like Pump Action fert bottles   
    I cant go in the container store anymore. I have banned myself, I buy way to much stuff.
  23. Like
    chibikaie reacted to infamouz23 in ADA-like Pump Action fert bottles   
    Try http://www.usplastic.com . They may have what you're looking for.
  24. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Is the forum running "slow" for anyone else?   
    LOL, here I was blaming my internet connection.
  25. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in How do you get rid of scuds?   
    Your betta would become very spoiled, very quickly.
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