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  1. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Pika in Punk Rock Snail   
    This made me smile. Rock on, snails, with your purple blood and deep-sea awesomeness.
    Punk Rock Snails
  2. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in You know you're addicted to shrimp when...   
    Your shrimp eat better than you do!
  3. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Super Glue to Attach Moss?   
    The glue method is not very good if one is already known for gluing oneself to the glue tube. Repeatedly and infamously.
  4. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Recipe for biofilm/probiotic   
    I'm going to test the Fast Track horse probiotic and Bragg Liquid Aminos. The combo sounds pretty awesome.
    Chib- I'm up to splitting the cost with ya on the probiotics.  I'll pm ya.
  5. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Recipe for biofilm/probiotic   
    Hey, if you want any horse probiotics, I'd split some so I could test them on my rabbits!
  6. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in OMG - my very first baby shrimp - hands out cigars!   
  7. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Jadenlea in Feedback   
    Just want to say thanks to Han.
    My older parents ( 60s)  bless their heart are not very computer savy and I put a couple Han products on my xmas list.  I have no idea if I will end up getting them but Han has bent over backwards trying to help them navigate his website, including trying to call my dad today .
    Thanks Han .     You could have easily said  "Hey thats my website, if they can't figure it out, there is nothing I can do"
    #HanasSanta  hehe
  8. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    I'm this close to shipping you a box of cheapo Home Depot timers. Actually, wait a minute, I now have more timers than tanks. Let me get back to you.
  9. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    I'm this close to shipping you a box of cheapo Home Depot timers. Actually, wait a minute, I now have more timers than tanks. Let me get back to you.
  10. Like
    chibikaie reacted to EricM in Buffering substrates (in depth)   
    totally agree.  costs slightly more up front for the HMF material but in the long game will outlast and out perform just about any other type of filtration. 
    biggest plus for me is electricity. instead of multiple canisters/hob/sump pumps/etc.. just 1 air pump and done.
  11. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in ShrimpFan's All Things Shrimps   
    Some might already know, but I just got back from a trip to Japan.  While in Japan, I got the chance to try some really great foods and visit places that tickles my interests of which includes SHRIMPS!!!!
    I'd like to share my first visit to Lowkeys Tokyo branch.  Please enjoy the following pictures below.
                  This was my first visit to Japan and my first shrimp store visit in Tokyo and it was SUPER AWESOME!!!  I did a little write up of the store for those interested in reading available at Shrimpfan.blogspot.com   Thank you for reading.
  12. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in emergency tank - what is bare minimum?   
    If your air pump is too strong, use a gang valve or tee off using an airline kit with valves ... basically just divert some of the output to an empty line hanging around. Adjust it to what you need.
    ^-^ your shrimp should be happy in there.
  13. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from mosspearl in I miss having fish.   
    Thanks everyone. It's been such a weird month for me. I really want to get back into shrimp, but I'm just afraid that my ill luck with invertebrates will be their doom.
    Well, I have a lot of time to daydream about tanks before I'll be able to get anything up and running, so I suppose committing to anything now would be silly anyway.
  14. Like
    chibikaie reacted to monty703 in anyone else have problems with Fluval Ebi tank?   
    Yep just sat it behind the glass for now....my shrimps like it better too.
  15. Like
    chibikaie reacted to aquariumlover10 in emergency tank - what is bare minimum?   
  16. Like
    chibikaie reacted to RyeGuy411 in emergency tank - what is bare minimum?   
    Shrimp do continue to amaze me at how tough some of them can be.
  17. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in emergency tank - what is bare minimum?   
    How are they doing today?
  18. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Hello from NYC   
    Welcome to the friendly side of shrimping.
  19. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in Selective breeding neo eye color   
    I would love to see what a vision test for shrimp is like.
  20. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Duff0712 in Shrimp/Crayfish/Plant rack in the making   
    Been awhile since I've had an update!!! Will post more pictures when I have access to my computer. 12g long has shrimp now, so I'm super excited for that, with more on the way. Plants are going well and the only downside I have so far is the evaporation is higher than I'd like but oh well.
    The 5g is growing riccia like crazy and no other plant is dying but just slow growing. A few Oebt in there and Amano shrimp but quite shrimp empty at the moment.
    I consolidated my two emersed set ups beneath into one for the time being as I had to replenish the soil as I'm pretty sure I had no nitrogen and have yet to buy some osmocote tabs.
    12g full

    12g left side

    12g middle

    12g right side

    5g a month ago

    Will have another update tomorrow (later today I guess) with more up to date pictures. The cycling process sucked but glad at what it is now and starting the breeding wait!!
  21. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Jadenlea in Anyone want to write some articles about Srhimp in exchange for Shrimp Products?   
    OH I *will* lick this thing and then I will write about it  
  22. Like
    chibikaie reacted to OblongShrimp in Anyone want to write some articles about Srhimp in exchange for Shrimp Products?   
    I am looking for articles vs individual product reviews.  I would be interested in an article about certain product lines though where you go in depth about the various products in the line.
    Jadenlea,  I would love articles about your struggles with keeping shrimp but I think they should ultimately describe how you were able to fix the problem that was causing the issues (to give people hope )
  23. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in Shrimp tank cycling   
    What probably happened is the nitrates are so far off the chart that diluting them with the water change still gives you a high reading.
    Keep doing water changes.
  24. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from countryboy12484 in Shrimp tank cycling   
    What probably happened is the nitrates are so far off the chart that diluting them with the water change still gives you a high reading.
    Keep doing water changes.
  25. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Shrimpie in OMG - Just witnessed a molt!   
    I just witnessed a juvi red rili of mine molt - it was so cool.  I've seen the molts around the tank of course.  But never saw one of the shrimps actually do it.
    Kinda fun to see
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