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    chibikaie reacted to Hungle64 in Different colours but one thing in common   
    Many things we like to eat not really healthy things. However it is ok to be spoiled one in while.
  2. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from randy in I have cray too   
    I still think any animal named C. destructor is cool. If shops put the scientific name out there, they would be more popular, I bet!
  3. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in Frogs   
    Louie, I think you're right. I guess when you spend so much on shrimp, you're also going to spend a lot of time making sure you don't kill them by accident. I really despair any time I see a post in the aquatic frog section; I swear the words "water change" almost never come up.
    ^-^ of course, I still don't HAVE any shrimp ...
  4. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in Frogs   
    If I were more handy with a camera, I would have some very funny video clips of me attempting to wiggle the ends of the tongs out of a very determined frog mouth!
    I will have to consider the pinky mice. Mine is not big enough yet for those, but apparently they are quite well loved by even those frogs that don't like earthworms. Same with the hornworms - I'm a bit leery about silkworms, though, ever since my goldfish spat some back out. (She almost spat them out of the tank! I thought only archerfish could do things like that!)
    Oh, he is getting dewormed whether he likes it or not. And yes, he also passed some earthworm parasite eggs, I'm not concerned about those. As long as his picky appetite is not all that unusual for his species (seems like I am babying him too much and spoiling him with variety), I just want the worms gone so they won't turn into a problem later. (It's not like I have to worry about him infecting another frog.) I just don't have many people to talk to about him, and I tend to spaz out a little.
  5. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Tibee Rack   
    As an added plus, you can thumbtack notes to the wall.
  6. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Puddles in Salty shrimp gh+   
    Uh - so GH is a measure of how many divalent cations are in the water. The bulk of these in most water are calcium and magnesium (Ca2+ and Mg2+). Strictly speaking, this has absolutely nothing to do with KH, also known as alkalinity, which is a measure of carbonate (CO32-). If you take reverse osmosis or distilled water, which starts out with nothing but pure H2O, and add only magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), you will raise the amount of magnesium in the water and thus the GH. This has no effect on the pH, which should remain at 7.0.
    If you instead add sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3, also known as baking soda), you are adding carbonate and this will affect both KH and pH (pH will rise). It will have no effect on GH. You're simply not adding the kinds of cations that are measured by a GH test.
    What you probably want to do is remineralize some water, allow it to mix/stand/thoroughly dissolve, and measure everything: TDS, GH, KH, pH - away from your tank, in an inert container. Then check those against the parameters from the tank itself. You can see what changes, if anything, and then figure out if something in the tank is adsorbing certain kinds of ions.
    I know a lot of people say that The Krib is outdated these days - but it has an excellent breakdown of the chemical aspect of water hardness and alkalinity. If I managed to completely confuse you, I'd go start there.
  7. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Louie in Must or not?   
                       Yes they seem to like the rimless look.  I prefer rims as find them stronger and so used to them that stuck with them but the rimless has its appeal .
  8. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Must or not?   
    Everyone is hopping on the rimless bandwagon, however for the price of rimless- I can buy more rimmed tanks.
  9. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Jayr_Tigley in Must or not?   
    Okay thanks for the answers! Im a complete noob about the rimless tank as all the tank i have bought before is either elevated or with rim so i was think about buying some rimless tank for a change but it seems alot of trouble just in the same price of tanks with rim. Id probably just stay with my rimmed tanks
  10. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from countryboy12484 in Salty shrimp gh+   
    Uh - so GH is a measure of how many divalent cations are in the water. The bulk of these in most water are calcium and magnesium (Ca2+ and Mg2+). Strictly speaking, this has absolutely nothing to do with KH, also known as alkalinity, which is a measure of carbonate (CO32-). If you take reverse osmosis or distilled water, which starts out with nothing but pure H2O, and add only magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), you will raise the amount of magnesium in the water and thus the GH. This has no effect on the pH, which should remain at 7.0.
    If you instead add sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3, also known as baking soda), you are adding carbonate and this will affect both KH and pH (pH will rise). It will have no effect on GH. You're simply not adding the kinds of cations that are measured by a GH test.
    What you probably want to do is remineralize some water, allow it to mix/stand/thoroughly dissolve, and measure everything: TDS, GH, KH, pH - away from your tank, in an inert container. Then check those against the parameters from the tank itself. You can see what changes, if anything, and then figure out if something in the tank is adsorbing certain kinds of ions.
    I know a lot of people say that The Krib is outdated these days - but it has an excellent breakdown of the chemical aspect of water hardness and alkalinity. If I managed to completely confuse you, I'd go start there.
  11. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Gabor129 in Frogs   
    I had a pack man for 8 years! He was a size of a small plate! He did not get enough calcium when he was young (not my care) so he had a deformed jaw! Had to hand feed him till the day he passed away! I think I got a lot of experience with pack mans so ask away!
  12. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Subtletanks91 in please dont sell   
    Bahahahahha. Where my cheddar popcorn at. This thread is hilarious.
    Will thank you for this great place. It's like Facebook meets shrimping meets global occurrence meets all of us haha
  13. Like
    chibikaie reacted to High5's in down with the sickness   
    I like to smoke camels in my car
  14. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in please dont sell   
    *Pulls up chair, and eats popcorn while watching this thread*
  15. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from svetilda in Let's talk about molting   
    When I last heavily researched shrimp, I saw that most of the people who argued for using iodide supplementation were keeping unknown species of ghost shrimp (likely Palaemonetes but unconfirmed as positive ID was impossible). These people would then say that all shrimp needed iodide supplements to molt properly. Other people who had different shrimp would cite their experiences as proof that no shrimp needed iodide supplementation to molt properly.
    I concluded that humans are stupid and that the answer is unknown, although the requirements are most likely species specific.
  16. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from High5's in down with the sickness   
    I was reading this while half-asleep yesterday, and wondered who else on here would be talking about camels ... then I realized you didn't mean the thousand pound mammals and I decided it was WAY past bedtime.
  17. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in Breeding Crays   
    I wanted shufeldtis for a while, then I remembered that I could never find my wild type neos. And then the CPOs at the store I visited were busily disemboweling each other.
    I said to myself, I think perhaps a different species might be best.
  18. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in please dont sell   
    Have you ever tried culturing your own blackworms? It isn't that hard (I managed it for a while, that means it can't be that difficult) and you will do away with the nasties that come from starving, dying worms. One of my friends just had them in a big jar on her windowsill with some plant cuttings.
  19. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from h4n in please dont sell   
    How *do* you delete a forum off Tapatalk? I can't figure it out
    Edit: never mind, finally got it *^-^*
  20. Like
    chibikaie reacted to ctaylor3737 in please dont sell   
    Well convert you though be warned!
  21. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from metageologist in down with the sickness   
    I was reading this while half-asleep yesterday, and wondered who else on here would be talking about camels ... then I realized you didn't mean the thousand pound mammals and I decided it was WAY past bedtime.
  22. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in Working Saturday's sucks!   
    I used to not mind Saturdays/Sundays - they're just like every other day of the week. I don't hang out in real life so who cares which day I work?
    Except now, working on Saturday means that I am working a twelve-hour day on Friday and Saturday, coming hot on the heels of my regular work week up to that point. If I also need to work Sunday, that's another eight to nine hours, with "normal" schedule resuming on Monday. No day off until the following Sunday, because although I'm scheduled off on Fridays, I need to go to work to take care of inventory and ordering, which will be behind because I didn't get to do it the week before.
    My manager doesn't understand why this schedule doesn't work for me.
  23. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in down with the sickness   
    I was reading this while half-asleep yesterday, and wondered who else on here would be talking about camels ... then I realized you didn't mean the thousand pound mammals and I decided it was WAY past bedtime.
  24. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Elo500 in Keep it shrimple   
    Found this calendar cover at the book store.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Triton in please dont sell   
    Personally I'm a plant and fish guy that just happens to have a few shrimp... But I have found this site very welcoming in all aspects 
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