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    chibikaie got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in TKS Supply shipping materials.   
    I've used those to ship frozen stuff. Definitely worth it, hate trying to ship without them.
  2. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Pika in Duffy's Shrimp Food Experiment   
    If you are trying out a lot of new foods, may I suggest that you only introduce one at a time so you can evaluate the effects of that food. Change too many variables at once, and if something should go wrong or simply not be to your liking, you will not know which food is the culprit.
    I know that there are nutritional analyses for things like forage plants used for livestock, as well as all the various grains and hays. (People give me the funniest looks when I start talking about the calorie content of grass. Well, some of them have more protein than others!) Same goes for pretty much anything used as feed on a commercial basis. Hopefully you can find at least some of the info you are looking for!
    P.S. link to seafood: http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/LabelingNutrition/ucm114223.htm
    And some of the veggies: http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/LabelingNutrition/ucm114222.htm
  3. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in Guppy feeding   
    I actually prefer the wild type strain, so that was pretty much what I was after. I have mostly girls anyway and I don't really breed them for a purpose. They just kind of hang out and fry appear. And then three months later I'm squinting at the tank wondering why I only have one male.
    I think the shape of the mouth can be hit or miss depending on how well the fish adapt, other than bottom feeders. A determined fish is going to eat.
  4. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Puddles in Puddles New Shrimp Food   
    Metageologist -- that sounds like a cool grinder. My closest Walmart is 25 minutes from me so I went with the local Kmart. Might upgrade in the future.
    I went ahead and made the food. It was difficult and required concentration and was undeniably tedious. I read Shrimp Daddy’s guide on making sinking food and basically used his recipe with the slightest of modifications. My recipe was 1/3 powdered food, 2/3 water, 0.5% agar agar, and .05% potassium sorbate.  I mixed all the powdered food I made before together, I added some ground barley as well. Then mixed that powder with the water/agar solution. I made the mistake of not letting the water cool and burned the crap out of my fingers. Spread the mixture out on wax paper on a cookie sheet. It’s hard to get it to a consistent thickness using your hands but I got pretty close. I didn’t want to use a roller because I thought it would have stuck to the food a lot. It hindsight I think I could make it work.
    Once it was spread out, I used a cookie cutter to cut the whole mixture into little rectangles and baked it on my lowest setting, with the door open, for 30-40 minutes. I don’t remember exactly, I just checked it every 5 minutes until it was dry. The longest, hardest, most tedious part was breaking it into the little pieces. Even though I cut it pre-baking, the edges still stuck together and it just took a while going through it all.
    But so far, the food is a big success. It holds together well in water. It sinks instantly. My shrimp fight over it harder than they’ve ever fought over another food. I’ve been doing shrimp for 4 years and honestly shrimp fighting over food like this has been very rare for me. I’m really happy and think it’s been a real success.
    Mixed final powder:

    All sliced up:

    All done (almost):


    All bagged up:

    Thes tablets have been in this cup of water for 8 hours:

    And the final whistle, how did the shrimp like it? Well here is what happened when I put it in my Taiwan Bee tank (had to link Youtube, too big of a file to upload). If anyone knows how to embed Youtube videos on this forum let me know:
  5. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Gabor129 in Guppy feeding   
    I have a mixture of wild type crossed with a few hardy random fancies. They eat anything and everything that falls into the tank. It doesn't matter how big or little it is, or whether it floats or sinks, they're going to try and eat it. I've seen adults gulping down powdered fry food. If I skip feeding the tank for a few days, they'll even start eating algae.
    Possibly, I should feed them more ... ? Or they're just gluttons, I can't really tell.
  6. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Shrimpo in The Riparium thread   
    Here you go.

  7. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Movie Theaters   
    Mr. Tolkien can deny it all he wants, I believe the war still influenced his world creation. He may not have done it intentionally, but I say that something that big will influence the way you see the world, like it or not.
  8. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from countryboy12484 in Movie Theaters   
    Mr. Tolkien can deny it all he wants, I believe the war still influenced his world creation. He may not have done it intentionally, but I say that something that big will influence the way you see the world, like it or not.
  9. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Pika in Movie Theaters   
    Mr. Tolkien can deny it all he wants, I believe the war still influenced his world creation. He may not have done it intentionally, but I say that something that big will influence the way you see the world, like it or not.
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    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in Smells   
    Snails produce *epic* amounts of waste. I never did understand why people seem to think they improve the poop situation!
  11. Like
    chibikaie reacted to ctaylor3737 in Smells   
    Yea man that's the only,way to remove the smell. Get a cheap hob with carbon be gone in a day or two. Snails produce lots of waste good mechanical filtration helps.
  12. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Snow white shrimp   
    LOL!!! This is an expensive love. I spent most of my money on these sort of stuffs till broke.
  13. Like
    chibikaie reacted to cfosgate in Filters   
    My favorite by far are the Hamburg Matten Filters. I have them in nearly all my tanks. The shrimp love them and I can hide heaters and such behind them.
  14. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Suggestion   
    It divided the members of Shrimpnow.  Many people who keep cards may or may not dabble in neos.  The division there made a "us" against "them" environment.  This is such a family place, do we really want to do that?
  15. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in selective breeding project suggestions?   
    Just a caution, kribs can be SO prolific that you may be back to the problem of having a hard time getting people who want the culls. I know of two people who spent forever trying to offload their juvenile kribs. One guy gave them away for free and was still trying to shove them on anyone with a fish tank. I was like, dude, I don't want an infinite number of fish, please count me out.
  16. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Doc4PC2 in Air pump recommendation   
    I use the Danner AP - 8
    It has four outlets, and it can go from loud to quiet. But I have found a setting that
    gives me the power to run all that I want, and it is very quiet. I do have it sitting on
    a couple of small cloths with the nothing on the top of it, and air flow going under
    it too. I think you can see in my main tank journal gallery. On the lower settings,
    it is super quiet.
  17. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Air pump recommendation   
    I have the Tetra deep water model - you don't need multiple outlets, just get a gang valve or an airline kit. A good air pump can run a heck of a lot of stuff. Put it on top of a sponge, make sure the check valve isn't rattling against anything. I sleep no more than 2 feet away, it's no more than a low level hum.
  18. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in NYC Fish stores   
    I like Monster; it's just across from a big shopping center, so it's actually not that bad to reach via car. I've picked up some nice plants and corydoras there. Haven't ventured to their shrimp, but they have some really nice ones.
  19. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in NYC Fish stores   
    I like Monster; it's just across from a big shopping center, so it's actually not that bad to reach via car. I've picked up some nice plants and corydoras there. Haven't ventured to their shrimp, but they have some really nice ones.
  20. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Louie in Considering an invertebrate paludarium   
    Fire belly toads are easy or if you can keep the tank fairly cool all year long , three lined salamanders which are small and semi aquatic .
    Florida newts (peninsula newts ) can go warmer than eastern newts , they will use land/water and you see them more than 3 lined . We used to find them even in summer bit further north in ponds .
    If you keep the tank warm the tiny Green house frogs are very interesting but they do like it warm. They are rather vocal for such a tiny frog .
                      When I was in the Army I was at Ft. Sherman Panama for a year and there were mudskippers all over the mangrove swamp but they hate each other and constantly chased each other , think they are territorial . One of the prettiest places I have ever seen .
  21. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in Considering an invertebrate paludarium   
    I have an empty 20 gallon long that I have been itching to set up as part land, part water. Are there any semi-aquatic inverts that would appreciate this kind of setup? Perhaps a small type of crab? I'd like to do lots of plants, and add microfauna (springtails and isopods) like in tropical frog setups - just without the frog, since it's not a good tank for most frogs.
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    chibikaie got a reaction from Louie in Considering an invertebrate paludarium   
    They would be, but I think they would be better off in a larger tank. I really don't feel that they'd have enough room when fully grown. That's actually why I'm thinking of inverts - hoping to come up with a small species. Most of the vertebrates I considered need more room.
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    chibikaie reacted to OblongShrimp in My Sulawesi's Arrived!!!   
    OK I just took them with my phone
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