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    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Found my old diy stand!   
    Many years ago, I built a cabinet for a 10 gallon tank. During one of my moves to and from college, the tank broke, after which I upgraded to bigger tanks. The stand went into storage and I could not find it for a good long while. I gave up looking for it ages ago.
    Today, my dad was digging through storage, and among the many things he found was my trusty old cabinet! I'm so happy to have it back now that I'm doing smaller tanks. It is far from elegant (it uses an eyehook for a latch), but it was the first thing I built from scratch on my own, with no plans or help whatsoever.
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    chibikaie got a reaction from h4n in Found my old diy stand!   
    Many years ago, I built a cabinet for a 10 gallon tank. During one of my moves to and from college, the tank broke, after which I upgraded to bigger tanks. The stand went into storage and I could not find it for a good long while. I gave up looking for it ages ago.
    Today, my dad was digging through storage, and among the many things he found was my trusty old cabinet! I'm so happy to have it back now that I'm doing smaller tanks. It is far from elegant (it uses an eyehook for a latch), but it was the first thing I built from scratch on my own, with no plans or help whatsoever.
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    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Found my old diy stand!   
    Many years ago, I built a cabinet for a 10 gallon tank. During one of my moves to and from college, the tank broke, after which I upgraded to bigger tanks. The stand went into storage and I could not find it for a good long while. I gave up looking for it ages ago.
    Today, my dad was digging through storage, and among the many things he found was my trusty old cabinet! I'm so happy to have it back now that I'm doing smaller tanks. It is far from elegant (it uses an eyehook for a latch), but it was the first thing I built from scratch on my own, with no plans or help whatsoever.
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    chibikaie reacted to Crazyfishlady in Silent and tiny air pump   
    2 of my 10 gallon tanks are in my, rather small, bedroom. The first tank wasn't too bad, sound wise, but when I added the 2nd I had to sleep with ear plugs for a few nights until I could adjust to the sound.
    I don't mind the water sound, it was the sound of the pumps. They are the whisper quiet but in a small space it was a bit much.
    I found these http://www.ebay.com/itm/290960337065?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT  and decided to give it a shot. I bought 2 and got them last night.
    WOW - nearly completely silent!
    I do think it's a bit weaker than the pump I had, but I had a 20 pump on it and these are made for a 10 gallon so that make sense.
    I'll attach pics later but I decided to use both on the louder tank right now until I play with the outflow.
    I slept a lot better last night, even with two of them on the tank all I could hear was the water. The whole 'pump' is smaller than the palm of my hand and it actually just suction cups on to the outside of the tank.
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    chibikaie got a reaction from h4n in Introducing HAN Shrimp Foods~!!!!!!!!!   
    Can't believe you had to point it out for me to notice! Very cute.
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    chibikaie got a reaction from Ekbergtog in HOB media?   
    I would also only use carbon when removing medications, or when no amount of filtration will keep up the water quality (e.g., a turtle tank rather than a fish tank). You don't really need it and can spend the money and media space on other things. If you need carbon to keep the tank smelling clean, then I say stock less or do more water changes. (I pretty much always end up saying that.)
    I saw a pretty epic video of a wet/dry built for a pond using lava rock. Very nice. That style filter is better oxygenated, but I'm guessing you aren't going to need to process the same kind of waste load as a pond. (Did you know that water is like a magnet for duck poop?)
  7. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Introducing HAN Shrimp Foods~!!!!!!!!!   
    Can't believe you had to point it out for me to notice! Very cute.
  8. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Shrimp Deaths...   
    Little tip: 10 gallon tank holds more like 8 gallons of water, so the "3/4 strength" was full strength for actual water volume. Good idea on dripping it in, though.
  9. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Charis in Shrimp Deaths...   
    Little tip: 10 gallon tank holds more like 8 gallons of water, so the "3/4 strength" was full strength for actual water volume. Good idea on dripping it in, though.
  10. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from WaterBugg in Things shrimp people say that no one else understands :-) for fun   
    I tried to explain that I was really tired today because I spent Saturday night waking up to check on the shrimp that were drip acclimating, and then again all day and night Sunday with two rabbits that decided to go into gastrointestinal stasis one after the other. No one paid attention ...
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    chibikaie got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in When next B&K?   
    said by a true NYer *giggle*
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    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in switching to bb tank   
    Good luck with the ringworm. I keep picking it up, I guess from work. I always forget to use the ointment long enough. So it comes back. (Do what I say, not what I do!)
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    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in When next B&K?   
    I'm surprised peeps here don't just put together their own?
  14. Like
    chibikaie reacted to r45t4m4n in Controsoil available on Amazon   
    I put some granules in water for a test and they have held up. Relieved. Looking forward to try this stuff out!
  15. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in New shrimp keeper!   
    I like the ghost shrimp, they are tough little native North American critters.
  16. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Pika in New shrimp keeper!   
    They won't be able to identify for you.
    Look up Palaemonetes paludosus. That is the scientific name of the species that you most likely have. Compare online photos with your shrimp. We would need very clear photos and someone more versed in identification for a positive ID, but based on where you purchased them, I would go with that until more compelling evidence points to a different conclusion.
    The good thing about P. paludosus is that its larval stage does not require brackish water. So no marine salt mixes are needed. The bad thing is that it has a larval stage and the larvae are very hard to raise. They often do not get enough food.
  17. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in New shrimp keeper!   
    They won't be able to identify for you.
    Look up Palaemonetes paludosus. That is the scientific name of the species that you most likely have. Compare online photos with your shrimp. We would need very clear photos and someone more versed in identification for a positive ID, but based on where you purchased them, I would go with that until more compelling evidence points to a different conclusion.
    The good thing about P. paludosus is that its larval stage does not require brackish water. So no marine salt mixes are needed. The bad thing is that it has a larval stage and the larvae are very hard to raise. They often do not get enough food.
  18. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from metageologist in PSA: Starting tank advice   
    A friend of mine once asked if I had any advice or handy tips for assembling bird cages. I told her that she would need alcohol, brute force, and a collection of swear words.
  19. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Duff0712 in PSA: Starting tank advice   
    A friend of mine once asked if I had any advice or handy tips for assembling bird cages. I told her that she would need alcohol, brute force, and a collection of swear words.
  20. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in PSA: Starting tank advice   
    A friend of mine once asked if I had any advice or handy tips for assembling bird cages. I told her that she would need alcohol, brute force, and a collection of swear words.
  21. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Shrimp Deaths...   
    If the crs are breeding for you, and babies are surviving, I wouldn't touch anything for them.  There are many people who would LOVE to have higher ph crs, and you could be able to help the hobby quite a bit.
  22. Like
    chibikaie reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Hello, where is everyone?   
    I'm better now.  I hope Oblongshrimp is too. (?)
  23. Like
    chibikaie reacted to OblongShrimp in Hello, where is everyone?   
  24. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in PSA: Starting tank advice   
    A friend of mine once asked if I had any advice or handy tips for assembling bird cages. I told her that she would need alcohol, brute force, and a collection of swear words.
  25. Like
    chibikaie got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in bettas at petco   
    If I spend too long looking at the bettas, I end up buying the sickest looking one.
    I have banned myself from SO many places as a result.
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