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NSinvert last won the day on February 22 2020

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    Gresham, Oregon
  • Inverts You Keep
    Blue Velvet shrimp, Rili shrimp, crystal red shrimp, crystal black, blue bolt, pintos, king Kong’s, OEBT, OERT, shadow mosuras. Nerites and rams horn snails.

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  1. It looks like a mischling of some sort. If you keep the mischling females and breed with Taiwan bee shrimp you will have very hardy Taiwan bees down the line. I’ve bred my female mischlings with some of my male galaxy fishbone shrimp and have gotten some beautiful pintos.
  2. These are the products I use….first and second picture is my salts and additives that boost immunity with water changes. Third picture is natural leaves and cones that’s a great food source and combats viral and bacterial infection. I also use a product called shrimp fit a day or two after my weekly water change.
  3. What are you feeding your shrimp? Do you feed them betaglucans? I use to have random deaths at least 1 shrimp every other week. I really focus on water supplements and foods to boost immune health. Shrimps have very weak and simple immune symptoms and bacteria and viruses can attack again and again. Guava leaves and banana leaves are amazing for bacterial infections. I can send you pictures of the products I use for my shrimps health.
  4. Many water changes will bring down nitrates. I would do about a 50% water change then do another 20% a week later. Add a little bacteria after water changes. Check your nitrates a day after water changes. When you get your nitrates down to 10-20ppm you should be good to add shrimp. I always try to strive for 5-10ppm anything over 20ppm you will see less success in berried shrimp and babies.
  5. It’s a wild variation of a cherry shrimp. All neos will have a few of these in a batch because they don’t breed true.
  6. Would love to know more about boa shrimp as well. I just got a couple along with some galaxy pintos. I also put some blue steel shrimp in there as well. Curious to see what comes out of the colony.
  7. Would love to know more about boa shrimp as well. I just got a couple along with some galaxy pintos. I also put some blue steel shrimp in there as well. Curious to see what comes out of the colony.
  8. Have you thought about breeding it with a yellow neo? It sorta looks like a green neo as well. Have you used a finnex breeder? I use one when I’m wanting to do selective breeding.
  9. Thank you for your input. I’ve had so many babies lately all from BB. I’ve had quite a few that look a lot like the last picture with the glowing eyes. I know the eyes are from my camera but the markings are something I’ve never seen in my tank before. Is that one the Tibee??
  10. So I had bred my BB with another BB in a breeding tank and for the most part I have a lot of BB babies. I also have some that are pinto and crystal red patterns. Can I even get crystal reds from BB? Or would they be Taiwan bees?? I’ve just never seen this type of shrimp in the past.
  11. NSinvert

    My shrimp eco

    Just pictures of my shrimp and tanks. Would love feed back or suggestions if you see anything I could do better. Just please be nice 😉
  12. My female just had her babies. I’ve seen some that look like crystal reds, blue bolts, black pintos, and some sort of golden pinto. I wasn’t aware that a blue Bolt could have so many babies that were completely different from each other and their mother. My tank consist of other various grades of BB and blue mosura. I did have some OEBT but they were only in the tank for a few days and I switched them out to a different tank with a higher gh.
  13. Could this be a pinto?? I’ve never seen a yellow pinto before? I was just expecting to see a mini BB not a striped Sunkist color baby?? The mother is a newer shrimp I’ve just recently bought. I purchased her w/ 25 BB shrimp almost 2 months ago. I put her in a breeder box with OERBT and another EBB. I wasn’t sure if my tiger shrimp was a male or not but my BB was a little older and definitely a male. I’ve sinced moved my tigers to another tank. Could my tiger be responsible for this babies color?
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