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    nicpapa got a reaction from edwin_the_elder in shrimp Tanks   
    Hi there...
    Here is mine ...
    Lets begin from sulawesi waters .
    Water parameters:
    Dimensions: 60x40x40cm ~ 90 liter
    Filtration: hang-on filter EHEIM LiBERTY 2042
    Substrate: gravel
    Decoration: Lava rock
    Water parameters:
    temp 28.5
    gh 5
    kh 4
    ph 8.0-8,2
    tds 130
    no3 0-5
    Lighting 12 hours 2 t8 x18watt.

    Water change R.O . with salty shrimp mineral 8.5 .
    Every two weeks 10 liter.
    the setup at may 2014

    The shrimps added at july 2014,  9 of them.
    Growing cladophora algae, and tank turn like this.

    Some photos of shrimps.




    Filtration: hang-on filter EHEIM LiBERTY
    Substrate: akadama
    Decoration: wood
    Water parameters:
    temp 24
    gh 5
    kh 0-1
    ph 6.2-64
    tds 118
    no3 0-5
    Lighting 12 hours 1 t5 28 watt

    Water change R.O . with salty shrimp mineral
    Every weeks 5liter

    On the left is crs grada a-ss and on the left is ss-sss and snowhites.









    And now the easy shrimps...
    Filtration: hang-on filter EHEIM LiBERTY
    Substrate: gravel
    Decoration: wood
    Water parameters:
    temp 24
    gh 6
    kh 3
    ph 6.4
    no3 0-5
    Lighting 12 hours 1 t5 28 watt for 3 tanks

    Water change R.O .and tap water
    Every weeks 5liter
    co2 24/7

    From left to right tanks
    Yellow fire, snowball and orange.
    The rcs is in 10 liter aquarium.







    And now fish tanks

    and my last project at ada an aga...

    Thats all...
  2. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from stevee22 in shrimp Tanks   
    Hi there...
    Here is mine ...
    Lets begin from sulawesi waters .
    Water parameters:
    Dimensions: 60x40x40cm ~ 90 liter
    Filtration: hang-on filter EHEIM LiBERTY 2042
    Substrate: gravel
    Decoration: Lava rock
    Water parameters:
    temp 28.5
    gh 5
    kh 4
    ph 8.0-8,2
    tds 130
    no3 0-5
    Lighting 12 hours 2 t8 x18watt.

    Water change R.O . with salty shrimp mineral 8.5 .
    Every two weeks 10 liter.
    the setup at may 2014

    The shrimps added at july 2014,  9 of them.
    Growing cladophora algae, and tank turn like this.

    Some photos of shrimps.




    Filtration: hang-on filter EHEIM LiBERTY
    Substrate: akadama
    Decoration: wood
    Water parameters:
    temp 24
    gh 5
    kh 0-1
    ph 6.2-64
    tds 118
    no3 0-5
    Lighting 12 hours 1 t5 28 watt

    Water change R.O . with salty shrimp mineral
    Every weeks 5liter

    On the left is crs grada a-ss and on the left is ss-sss and snowhites.









    And now the easy shrimps...
    Filtration: hang-on filter EHEIM LiBERTY
    Substrate: gravel
    Decoration: wood
    Water parameters:
    temp 24
    gh 6
    kh 3
    ph 6.4
    no3 0-5
    Lighting 12 hours 1 t5 28 watt for 3 tanks

    Water change R.O .and tap water
    Every weeks 5liter
    co2 24/7

    From left to right tanks
    Yellow fire, snowball and orange.
    The rcs is in 10 liter aquarium.







    And now fish tanks

    and my last project at ada an aga...

    Thats all...
  3. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Steve R. in What is this stuff?   
    Another thing. I would not sell, share or transplant plants from this tank unless you are sure you got rid of of this plant, e.g. that you have not seen it for a couple of months.
    I would remove most or all of the moss from this tank, because its is so tough to get the Utricularia out of it.
  4. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Steve R. in What is this stuff?   
    I think it is a carnivorous plants. Feeds on small crustaceans and other invertebrates, so probably not a good idea to keep it in a shrimp tank.
    When I started a couple of years ago, I had some in my tanks. I manually removed it, which is quite hard because it frequently comes back. But with some effort I got rid of it completely.
    The round things are bladder traps.
  5. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ChadO in pH test inaccuracy   
    I've gone a bit in circles on this one myself.  I had read where the API liquid tests weren't the most consistent, so then I thought I'd pick up an electronic tester since I wanted better accuracy.  So, I got one of the more basic models for around $20 or so, calibrated it, and tested my water.  I watched as the values would keep changing on the electronic tester, and took a while to settle.  I read the detailed directions (I'm a guy, I'll admit after calibrating it, I thought it was just test and go without bothering to read) and what I discovered is that it can take up to 10 minutes for a stable reading.  Now, I was used to 3 drops, shake and read.  To wait 10 minutes with a roomful of tanks to test was not going to be a good long term solution.  After using my tester for a while, what I found was that while the API test didn't match the electronic tester, it wasn't that far off either (like maybe .1 to .2).  I continued to use the tester for a little while longer to satisfy my investment and then just finally stored it away as it wasn't worth the effort in my setup.  Since that time, I've come to realize for the shrimp that I am keeping, my GH, temp and regular water changes are more important than the exact value my pH is at.  I do still check pH if a tank doesn't seem happy, but it's not my first test that I go to.
    OK, now with all that being said, funny story from just the other week that happened to me.  I have a tank that has ADA AS in it, and I've had it set up for close to 2 years.  I was curious if my buffering was still hanging in there.  So, I grabbed a test tube to do the liquid test, and I noticed it had just a slight haze to it - almost like fine dust.  I looked it over, didn't think too much about it, and did my test.  My test showed into the blue (i.e., over 7.0).  Wow, I thought, it has run out of buffering.  Then I thought, I'm going to test with a couple other tubes.  I tested 3 more times with 3 other tubes (that had no haze) and all were right at that 6.4 to 6.5 range - which is fine for my crystals that I keep in that tank.  So, what I realized was that the first tube that had the high reading wasn't cleaned properly, and that haze was some bit of residue from a poor cleaning job on my part.  I'm sure it seems obvious, but make sure those test tubes are clean.  It doesn't take much to affect those results.
    Anyway, by no means disagreeing with what other folks are discussing here, just sharing that for the shrimp that I am keeping, the pH isn't the most important parameter that I monitor.  I'd also say that if you want fast reading results, you'll need to get up into the more expensive meters - based on what I have read and experienced personally.  It's been a year plus now, so maybe there are better options at a lower price than when I played in this area.  And finally, one humorous thought that I saw for the first time the other day that might apply here:  a man with one watch always knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure.
  6. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from svetilda in shrimp Tanks   
    An update




    Maybe crs x red cherry or red chery weird

    Some very nice shrimp i get after breedings.



    Sulawesi tank grow nice algae.




  7. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in Tank temp for Caridina Shrimp   
    i keep crs in the summer at 77-78F and winter at 71-72, yes they breed faster .
  8. Like
    nicpapa reacted to JamesHe in Shrimp Photographers (Hobby or Pro)   
    One of hottest photo on my FB page:

    You can find more my work here:
  9. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Shrimpscales in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    German red pintos.
  10. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Johnnydok in co2 and sullawesi shrimps   
    Have anyone try to add co2 , very litle only for help easy plants grow.
    I have Caridina dennerli and i use salty shrimp mineral 8.5 tank is 80liter.
    I think its safe to add very litle co2 , one buble per 10 sec.
    Whats your opinion?
  11. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in ShrimpFan's All Things Shrimps   
    As promised.










    ^ Red swimmerets. 
  12. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Edwardnah in co2 and sullawesi shrimps   
    Have anyone try to add co2 , very litle only for help easy plants grow.
    I have Caridina dennerli and i use salty shrimp mineral 8.5 tank is 80liter.
    I think its safe to add very litle co2 , one buble per 10 sec.
    Whats your opinion?
  13. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from shrymprdan in CRS   
    I think it was 5-6 .
    I use salty shrimp mineral , and i add in ro water until read the tds  138 ppm .
    I can check it tommorow.
    I never had problems with molting .
  14. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Tigori in From cherries to sakuras   
    Probably the stallion i will use for a harem again if no alike males are found

    Present male:

  15. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Tigori in From cherries to sakuras   
    More pics of the 4 mommas right now

  16. Like
    nicpapa reacted to JamesHe in Anyone else breed BN?   
    I did.

  17. Like
    nicpapa reacted to eozen81 in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    What a nice surprise as I wasn't expecting this. My blue mosura shadow turned out a female and now she's berried. She was not around for a while and hiding in corners and caves and I was worried about her but yesterday I saw she's berried fingers crossed. I am not sure what is the male also as there are strong candidates
    I will share pics soon of berried mosura.

  18. Like
    nicpapa reacted to eozen81 in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    Update: As I shared before I got lots of babies but most of them are CRS and CBS, only 5 of them Panda and few low density Blue Bolt babies. So I seperated my male mischlings and CBS CRS babies to my 2nd mischling tank in order to keep now only Taiwan shrimps in my main tank.
    After I seperated my shrimps in my main tank there were 5 Taiwan males and 2 female mishclings. SO I decided to inject some different bloods, here are below my new residents.
    1 Shadow Mosura + 2 King Kong (Don't know F or M but I presume they are Males)   I really like Shadow Mosura's color, it's really cool to watch.
  19. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Mr. F in shrimp Tanks   












  20. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from woopderson in shrimp Tanks   
    Some plants

















  21. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from svetilda in shrimp Tanks   
    An update...
    My planted tank

    And shrimps tanks.











  22. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Fábio Silva in My Breeding Tanks - Shrimps from Portugal   
    Hello people.
    Just to share one of my tanks, enjoy. 

    Fábio Silva
  23. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
    Some plants

















  24. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from wot_fan in shrimp Tanks   
    Some plants

















  25. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Fluffhead in shrimp Tanks   
    Some plants

















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