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    nicpapa got a reaction from shrimp1989 in Male or female? OEBT are so hard to tell...   
    So you have a male...
    Look if your female have eggs...
    Its takes some hours after the  breed to download the eggs.
  2. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ILikeAsianBooty in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    Not sure, but I'll let you know..
  3. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimporama in New Cobalt Egg Tumbler works great, still one problem.   
    This is not good ... look the eggs hits the glass...
    I use very simple and cheap method.
    I use a net , put some aquarium filter Foam Cotton and inside this the eggs.
    I drop water above the net with airfilter and thats it...
    I have 100% of the eggs.
    Like this one
  4. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from shrimp1989 in Male or female? OEBT are so hard to tell...   
    It looks the first one is female for sure, and the other 2 photos look like males.
    Except if are those youngs.
    What the age of the shrimps?
  5. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ShrimpFarm in ShrimpFarm Project   
    Here we go with new movie, this time Crossbreeds:
  6. Like
    nicpapa reacted to wyzazz in Ro water   
    Yes, it is safe.  I use a softener before my RO water (around 500TDS) and get it down to 10 or so TDS after my RO Membrane, I can get it to 0 after DI.  I feel your pain my friend, my water is liquid rock!!!
  7. Like
    nicpapa reacted to rwong2k in My top 10 tips for keeping and breeding sulawesi shrimps   
    opps here's the new video with the bg audio fixed

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

  8. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Revaria in Looking For Help Identifying What I'm Doing Wrong   
    You may have different tap water parameters than us, if your water naturally has nitrates and other fertilizers that is blessing for plants, as you don't have to add anything to your tanks. Everyone has their own style which helps them succeed in my cases to keep most of my plants and invertebrates added components are required as my water comes out at a TDS of 40, very low gh, very low kh and no fertilizers which is a guarantee death sentence for most of the plants I kept and invertebrates I keep. Granted however my water is perfect for breeding tropical fish which is pretty swell for me. 
  9. Like
    nicpapa reacted to NickAus in shrimp Tanks   
    I see you built a shrimp feeding station out of glass. I was too lazy to make my own so I went out and got these

    And used the top/lid as a feeding station.
  10. Like
    nicpapa reacted to wyzazz in Hydra and Planaria   
    Move the snails to a bowl, dose with fenbendazole (Panacur C) and you should be good to go.  I sent you more specific instructions via PM.
  11. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ILikeAsianBooty in shrimp Tanks   
    Good shit! Glad your tank is doing well
  12. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in shrimp Tanks   
    babies every where
  13. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
    babies every where
  14. Like
    nicpapa reacted to pastu in hybrids..   
    If you pinto males are black you will get black híbrids carrying red. If your pinto males are red you will not get black crossing with red crystals
  15. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from JonRon in shrimp Tanks   


    crs Babies


    Red pinto with  eggs

  16. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in shrimp Tanks   


    crs Babies


    Red pinto with  eggs

  17. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in shrimp Tanks   
    update of shrimp room. I begin with taiwan bee - pintos..      
  18. Like
    nicpapa reacted to JonRon in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
  19. Like
    nicpapa reacted to DETAquarium in DETAquarium Shrimp for Sale!   
    Haha, Sorry!
  20. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from DETAquarium in DETAquarium Shrimp for Sale!   
    oh i was thinking you are from Georgia, the country ...
    You must change your location to Georgia Us..
  21. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ILikeAsianBooty in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    -DOA came in all alive this time. Packaged really well,but the inside was abit wet dunno why... Was able to snap some pics of the new fellas before they went into hiding. 
    -need to do another 1/2gal w/c tmr and clean the front tank again
    -may start on the cull tank this week actually. Found some time to atleast buy the glass/look for them at lowes
    This one looks really promising and is the smallest of them all. Hope it grows up well (female maybe :])

    Here is one of the three zebras. Couldnt get a good picture, I apologize as my phone isnt as good and the side glass are dirty

    Random shot 

    Looks like this wine red is a female..please help confirm but im 90% sure. 

  22. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ILikeAsianBooty in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    Will definitely invest into a scoring knife the next time around. 90% finished with the halfmoon, just need to cut the pipes abit more. Could have done a better job but it was a good and fun learning experience.

    -looks like the seller gave me a low grade mosura bb

  23. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Memphis118 in My shrimps has something black inside and i dont know what that is   
    Deficiency in what?
  24. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Maurice in Advice on tibee taiwans.   
    Hi Nicapa,
    To answer a couple of your questions
    if you breed a TB to crs/cbs you will get mischlings. Now if you take the female mischlings and breed them back to a TB you will get upto 50% TB and the say 50% more michlings F2.
    say you breed the F2 mischling females back again to TB males you will get a higher. % of TBs, yet again you will get mischlings F3. If you keep on doing this for the next couple of generations....female mischlings with TB males you will get a even higer % TBs in say F6.
    now the mischlings will look either like crs/cbs, but you will get more cbs as black is the dominent gene.
    if you breed pintos to TBs, the same will happen as breeding TBs to crs/cbs
    as in you will get normal rkk, bkk, blue bolts, but they carry the pinto gene. If you cross them back to pinto, you will start seeing some pinto babies in the next generations
    maybe try and get diffirent grades and pattern of TBs, like, red panda, rkk, extreme and with black as you will get more varried patterns from TBs
    I have 2 only pinto tanks, red and black pintos and the black pintos throw around 30% blue bolt babies and the red pintos throw around 30% rkk babies.
    i dont think they will ever breed 100% true. 
    Maybe I am wrong, but this is what I have found in my tanks
    i seperate the pinto mischlings aka TBs with pinto genes with cull pinto males.....I still need to see what comes of this for them to breed, but the female TBs should throw out more pintos and then also TB mischlings
    hope I have answered some of your questions
  25. Like
    nicpapa reacted to JonRon in Advice on tibee taiwans.   
    Maybe this will help.
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