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    nicpapa got a reaction from NickAus in shrimp Tanks   
    Some plants twice a week...
    This is what hapen if you dont trim them

  2. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
    Two new tanks   A friend gave me glasses , and i cut them , so i bought only the silicone.   Dimensions in Cm.. 60x35x32, 32 is the hight       ]            
  3. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Lightweight in diy shrimp food   
    Apologies I indicated kelp but meant kale never used kelp before .

    Stinging nettle
    To name a few is enough molting.
  4. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Lightweight in diy shrimp food   
    I also have spirulina chlorella batch
  5. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Lightweight in diy shrimp food   

    I would split your ingredients not add more

    Focus on different batches with specific goals in mind .

    For example

    Adding soya and peas is redundant. Both high in protein

    Make one batch with protein as main aim
    Another batch with calcium in mind etc.

    My recipes: all powder certified organic used.

    Protein batch twice a week feed

    1. Pea powder 3 scoops
    2. Spinach 1 scoop
    3. Bee pollen 1/2 scoop
    4. Moringa 1/2 scoop
    5. Agar agar a pinch

    Daily feed or when I want to ( all leaves dried and made into powder by me then made in pellet form

    1. Mulberry leaves
    2. Nettle leaves
    3. Dandelion leaves
    4. Amaranth leaves
    5. Bee pollen
    Agar agar

    Equal parts on all 5 items .

    Molting feed: 2 x week

    1. Soya hulls 2 scoops
    2. montmorillonite 1/3 scoop
    3. Kelp 1 scoop
    4. Spinach 1/2 scoop
    5. Mulberry 1/2 scoop
    Agar agar

  6. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from wyzazz in shrimp Tanks   
    And more 10 shrimp tanks.. snowballs, neo yellows, neo yellow golden backs, blue topaz, other blues, neo  orange , tangerine tiger, crs ,cbs    
  7. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
    Some plants twice a week...
    This is what hapen if you dont trim them

  8. Like
    nicpapa reacted to wyzazz in PH and aqua soil   
    I doubt the plants would change your pH.  What is the TDS reading of the RO water you are using?  
  9. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimporama in shrimp Tanks   
    And the 180lt  dutch



  10. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ShrimpFarm in ShrimpFarm Project   
    ShrimpFarm Project

    Hi guys,

    it's high time to show our little project that we're making in Poland to the world. Right now we are trying to establish quite big shrimp farm in which we will be able to keep shrimps and crossbreed to achieve new fenotypes. Right now we have some 19 l, some 27 l and some 60 - 220 l tanks filed with different types of shrimps. We have also developed our own shrimp food and active soil.

    You can watch our progress on YT (right now the channel is only in Polish but I'm planning to start posting movies in English version aswell).

    YT channel is on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwFhl2YeofJEUzsfIfW8ULQ

    And some of our shrimps in atachment.

      I'll try to update this topic as recently as I can.

  11. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ShrimpFarm in ShrimpFarm Project   
    Hi guys!

    Thanks for great feedback. I took me a while to make this decision to start English part of my channel. I usually post movies on weekends from Friday to Sunday about once a week, two times a week, it depends how often I'm on farm - it's about 50 km from my living place. Next movie will probably show my 30 l tank in my office for food supplementation testing. My friend told me a lot about the importance of biofilm in aquarium and I want to test how will the shrimp population develop on some commercial food vs new tank on my own food. Maybe I'll need to develop silage food production process.
  12. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from blissskr in shrimp Tanks   
    Heres a video update of tanks
    Its 100lt tanks , one pair ancistrus, and a lot of babies 100-150.
    I had 20rummys , but after i left for 1.5 month i found only four.
    Filter is fluval 206, light 21watt osram 865, no co2 , and ferts when i saw something wrong.
    There is a lot of bba, but it look great to this tank,and dont do anything .
    Shrimp tanks , rcs , snowball, orange. neocaridina
    Light is 28 watt for 3 tanks.
    Diy ferts, co2 difuse in hang on filters.
    In rcs tank temp is very low , thats why the green algae on leaves temp is 18c.
    The 180lt nature style
    Light is 2 x 39watt osram, and one red.
    Filter 2 ecco pro 2036 , and co2 cerge reactor.
    Fert diy , ~ Ei .
    100 lt sulawesi tank .

    Light 21 watt, use salty shrimp mineral 7.5.
    Shrimps are 200++.
    Last four tanks.

    First tank topaz blue shrimps, light is 7watt led the cheap one for home , co2 difuse in hang on filter, no ferts, water ro , tap and mineral.

    The other 2 crs tanks,light is 18watt t8 for both tanks, in one there is co2, in the left there are 7 otos , trying for breeding, and here ro mineral, and no ferts.

    The last one with neo yellow, light is again cheap 5w led, no ferts , cos difuse in fillter ,water ro -tap and minerals.
  13. Like
    nicpapa reacted to ClownPlanted in what temp are u keeping shrimps   
    72 degrees.  Yes using heaters to keep temps stable.  Am getting good breeding so figure its working.  Shrimp are all about stability.  I have CRS, and PRL.
  14. Like
    nicpapa reacted to DevinB in what temp are u keeping shrimps   
    I keep my caridina in a room that tanks usually stabilize at 65-67°f this time of year which should be fine but I still use a heater to keep temps at 73°f, varies between 72.2 and 74.2  and my few females are currently berried. My only tank with noes is actually a dwarf puffer/rabbit snail tank and is kept at 79-80°f  they are super colorful and healthy, but the males got a little too frisky with the females and all disappeared.. the 2 DP in the tank have never harassed any tank mates so I think the bigger female fire reds killed the males.. they're constantly sadled but obviously never berried..
  15. Like
    nicpapa reacted to chappy6107 in Have you had a heater disaster? Vote Yes or No.   
    talking about the controllers.  they need to be calibrated every once in a while so that they stay accurate.  same as ph probe or any probe
  16. Thanks
    nicpapa reacted to wyzazz in Mulberry Dust   
    I powder all my ingredients in a blender, maybe that will help!  It takes quite a bit of time, but I enjoy the DIY aspect.  
  17. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Holidays food for PRL shrimps and shrimplets (10-12 days)   
    For those shrimp there is no need for food... just light...
    There is no holiday food.. u can add some mulbery leaves,  it can take 4-5 days for those shrimp...
    Its beter dont overfeed ,when u leave. just leave them without food.
  18. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from rwong2k in shrimp Tanks   
    An update...



    a very interesing rcs i found in my 180lt  tank, with sakuras.
    I find 5 likes this and moved them to a new tank, selective breeding.
    I want to see what shrimplets i can get .


    A new tank for sullawesi, its not ready yet. 

  19. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
    and the 180lt dutch
  20. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Ro water tds   
    I get today the di system.,...
    Tap is 680 tds ppm, ro i get 36-40 tds and wiht di i get 5 ppm...
    I think its very good water for begin mixing salts for crs ...
  21. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Random photos getting ready for the shrimp competition in a few days.

  22. Haha
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in My house over 130 shrimp tanks!   
    Oh I'll be adding more tanks that garage can hold another 200 and I might knock down another wall in the shrimp room for another rack or two...
  23. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Random photos 

  24. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in My house over 130 shrimp tanks!   
    Yes control the air around the tanks and you won't need heaters in the tanks or chiller or fans.
  25. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in My house over 130 shrimp tanks!   
    Air filters have worked great all the way thru my shrimp keeping so I keep using them if it's not broken why fix it. I do 20% water change on my my tanks every other week.
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