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    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in My house over 130 shrimp tanks!   
    Take a look let me know what you think and if I should do more videos like this comment below.
  2. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in shrimp Tanks   
    Update of shrimp tanks.
    Some changes from dutch to new aquascapes.



    Sullawesi tanks, change salty to 7.5 ph .





  3. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from rwong2k in shrimp Tanks   
    An update...



    a very interesing rcs i found in my 180lt  tank, with sakuras.
    I find 5 likes this and moved them to a new tank, selective breeding.
    I want to see what shrimplets i can get .


    A new tank for sullawesi, its not ready yet. 

  4. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGlassBox in pH Probe Conumdrum...   
    I use my Milwaukee probe in a planted community tank with my well water.  It's attached to a pH controller (also Milwaukee) and does a great job of keeping the pH at 6.9, which is enough CO2 with my KH to make the plants grow great  while allowing a safety margin for the fish and Neo shrimp.  So I love it for that, and it works great.  And I guess I'll keep it unless I become aware of a probe that will work for both my well water and reconstituted RO/DI.  I'd go with that probe (if it existed) simply because I'd have more confidence in it.
    But for the shrimp tank with the reconstituted RO/DI, I think I'll have to stick with API.
    Nicpapa, mine was both lower and higher.  It was just plain all over the place...  But the API test gave me a steady reading, and one that I believe to be true because of the parameters in my shrimp tank.  It's got ADA Amazonia soil which should buffer the pH to about 6.8 with at least a 2" substrate depth.  And that's what the API read.  6.8.  But the Milwaukee probe was giving readings that ranged from 6.0 to 7.6! 
    Yeah, not very useful...  Will be sticking with API for the shrimp.
  5. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Maurice in Maurice's shrimp rack   
    Just some pics of my CRS and Golden bank I took now, feeding some Shrimp King   S grade     SS grade     SSS grade     Golden Bees     Bank  
  6. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Maurice in Maurice's shrimp rack   
    My TB project has also began.....finally, and I am over the moon1
    Had a King kong male and bred to variuos CBS and CRS females and have probably around 200 f1 mischlings.
    I have bred him back to two cbs females and got 6 TB's from one batch and 9 from the other
    Most are King Kongs and pandas and the 2 Blue bolts
    some pics of the new gems







    My King Kong male.....the stud

  7. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Maurice in Maurice's shrimp rack   
    Hi everybody!
    I have been quiet lately as we moved house and life, but wanted to share my new rack.
    The tanks are 120*45*30cm, divided in 4. The middle tanks will be replaced with the same as on the top and bottom shelve.

    Top tank is still cycling and I will transfer all the CRS to this one, according to grade, S grade left, SS grade second left, SSS grade second right and TB in right tank


    Same will happen with the middle tank, as with grading and then golden bees in the right side tank


    Bottom is Neos, left are culls, second left are dreamy blues, second right are Taiwan Fire reds and normal tigers and then left are blue jelly.





    I will update as I go along
  8. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
  9. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from blissskr in shrimp Tanks   
    Heres a video update of tanks
    Its 100lt tanks , one pair ancistrus, and a lot of babies 100-150.
    I had 20rummys , but after i left for 1.5 month i found only four.
    Filter is fluval 206, light 21watt osram 865, no co2 , and ferts when i saw something wrong.
    There is a lot of bba, but it look great to this tank,and dont do anything .
    Shrimp tanks , rcs , snowball, orange. neocaridina
    Light is 28 watt for 3 tanks.
    Diy ferts, co2 difuse in hang on filters.
    In rcs tank temp is very low , thats why the green algae on leaves temp is 18c.
    The 180lt nature style
    Light is 2 x 39watt osram, and one red.
    Filter 2 ecco pro 2036 , and co2 cerge reactor.
    Fert diy , ~ Ei .
    100 lt sulawesi tank .

    Light 21 watt, use salty shrimp mineral 7.5.
    Shrimps are 200++.
    Last four tanks.

    First tank topaz blue shrimps, light is 7watt led the cheap one for home , co2 difuse in hang on filter, no ferts, water ro , tap and mineral.

    The other 2 crs tanks,light is 18watt t8 for both tanks, in one there is co2, in the left there are 7 otos , trying for breeding, and here ro mineral, and no ferts.

    The last one with neo yellow, light is again cheap 5w led, no ferts , cos difuse in fillter ,water ro -tap and minerals.
  10. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimp Life in New Colony - Sakura RCS - Scutariella japonica   
    I had it in neocaridina topaz blue....
    I start with 10 shrimps the most was afected.
    I just remove molts from the tank,
    Now shrimps are 100+ and never see this parasite  again.
  11. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from chernyi in shrimp Tanks   
    I dont loose any species, only some plants and some shrimps...
    After 2-3 weeks..  water changes and plant mainteance..
    Plants growing nice, and there are alot of female beried.
  12. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
    I dont loose any species, only some plants and some shrimps...
    After 2-3 weeks..  water changes and plant mainteance..
    Plants growing nice, and there are alot of female beried.
  13. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Aquarium Creation in 1st International Shrimp Contest USA   
    Some pictures and videos. Updating more tomorrow.


  14. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Third place with my red cherrys in category 1, first place with my royal blue tigers in category 3, Second place with my blue bolts in category 6.  Also I took home Monica's safari shrimp and a lot more will take pictures soon.

  15. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Getting excited for Chicago.

  16. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Single shots.

  17. Like
    nicpapa reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Nice buce flower.

  18. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from svetilda in substrate over a year old, does it leech bad stuff?   
    I use akadama in those liters for crs, the high of substrate is 1-2cm, after a year i add a litle akadama over the old for ph lowering. 
    I shiphon the substrate at every change of water, specialy the place i feed them .
    Most people dont clean the substrate, i dont when and how begin this myth.
    In all shrimp tank after a year or less , i reset them ...
  19. Like
    nicpapa reacted to Shrimp Life in shrimp Tanks   
    Wow I love your tanks. They are absolutely stunning. I wish I could have someone local help me design/setup a tank. It really requires talent!!!  I can grow plants I just don't know how to master this thing called aquascaping . KUDOS TO YOU
  20. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Danky808 in shrimp Tanks   
    Going to nature... in 180lt
    Tanks is a ~week,  its not ready yet, but you can see a small video .
  21. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimple minded in shrimp Tanks   
    And 180lt
  22. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Kat in shrimp Tanks   
    An update of my shrimp tanks.   neocaridina var yellow        Snowballs     http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m137/nicpapa/DSC_8327_zpseuc4dtdw.jpg[/img   neocaridina var orange       crs             Caridina dennerli               Topaz blue ( new species)             Some testing tanks   Tank with  led 3 watt...
    Without filter and temp heater.   There are 10 rcs , and begin to multiply.     Tank 50 lt with  one 7watt  cheap led. Substrate is sand and gravel and under there is a litle layer of garden soil.    
  23. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Kat in shrimp Tanks   
    Boring the shrimp tanks only with plants , and i add some woods and stones.
    I moved plants to other tanks .








  24. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from Shrimp Life in shrimp Tanks   
    Update of shrimp tanks.
    Some changes from dutch to new aquascapes.



    Sullawesi tanks, change salty to 7.5 ph .





  25. Like
    nicpapa got a reaction from fishface in shrimp Tanks   
    Update of shrimp tanks.
    Some changes from dutch to new aquascapes.



    Sullawesi tanks, change salty to 7.5 ph .





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