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manticore last won the day on January 17 2018

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    blue dream, yellow fire selection,

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  1. looks similar ti pilo, only smaller , more branched and growing nicely on rocks. i found it between my rocks with Fissidens amaria taruya, it seems to grow slowly, it does like co2, but it is not necessary. A really nice moss growing on rocks
  2. I always considered the Amaria Taruya the nicest Fissidens in the whole collection. A natively submerged Fiss, with low tech sufficiency. And a sexy looks . Enjoy the new Amaria Taruya Nanoscape rocks. They are really gorgeous, with no match. DSCN5050.AVI
  3. same phenotype (result), completely different way of doing the selection... because genetics are always fun
  4. its been a while since i havent been on this forum... greets ... here some new pictures, not much of it
  5. The largest in this image is Hontonoichi/Monkrong, the middle one is Tanjung and the smallest is sp Mini Java. All 3 are available as portions starting from now.
  6. Fissidens Tanjung When i first saw this species i imediately thought of grandifrons. But thisone is a tropical one, and even nicer. Lovely, about 35 mm long. Slightly larger than Amaria Taruja, and bright green !! Enjoy your day!
  7. Fissidens Edithae, smaller and at least that dense as Miroshaki
  8. Presenting you Fissidens sp Hontonoichi. Tropical large Fisidens species , growing in tropical waters, at least 4 cm long in full growth. Beyond F. rivularis Amaria Taruya, this is my second favourite. No, it is not F. nobilis, and no it is not Fissidens Umpling.
  9. got this updated list ... is it pretty accurate? .......skunk, nanashi, Pinto spotted head/multistripe and in a second step steel head, and taitibee with blue colors Skunk 50€, nanashi 30€, blue steel 25€, Pinto spotted 15€ Pinto multistripe 10€
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