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    manticore reacted to Crazyfishlady in Do paracaridina and caridina cross breed?   
    I have found this online - this is how I found out my LFS was full of it when they told me my snowballs and the yellows I bought would not interbreed - lol
    ok - just realized it does not answer your question - sorry
  2. Like
    manticore reacted to Jadenlea in Something I havn't seemed mentioned.   
    Poor leaf never had a chance 

  3. Like
    manticore reacted to Jadenlea in Something I havn't seemed mentioned.   
    There was a post somewhere about leaf litter in the shrimp tanks but  something cool that I have not seem mentioned, .....   
    I got some mulberry leaves from Han.  The shrimp are loving them but the surprise,  The Ottos are going crazy over it too!!!
    And I just looked behind me at the tank.. the Mystery snail is about to over run  the leaf too. 
  4. Like
    manticore reacted to aquariumlover10 in Cheap led lighting   
    James is right, but if you have one plant that needs higher light it would make a great focus light.
  5. Like
    manticore reacted to JamesHe in Cheap led lighting   
    It's only 1W-2W, not enough for 10G.
    10W is minimal for 10G.
  6. Like
    manticore reacted to Puddles in Shrimp Food is BACK -- new shrimplet food!   
    I am back after a long layoff. But I am back with a bang, all foods are back as well as a powdered food that is designed to strengthen and increase growth in shrimplets. As always my food is 100% organic and made painstakingly by hand.
    I've never liked sending money to foreign shrimp food companies for food that could be made domestically by people who really care about what they are giving their shrimp. Most of the food we buy is really a mystery, it has claims as to what it does but you never know the actual ingredients. I come right out and tell you every ingredient because I want you to be able to make informed decisions about what to give your important shrimp.
    This food is difficult and time consuming to make, but is worth it to me because I think it can really benefit our community. It’s really a labor of love, and I hope it works as well for you as it does for me and others who have tried it.
    I have 5 food varieties right now: Veggie Gold, Fresh Carrot, Kelp Plus, Natural Calcium, and Shrimplet Power Powder. Bee's Knees is on hold right now as I find a new bee pollen source but will be back soon. Veggie Gold is an everyday food, while the others contain ingredients geared towards one or more aspects of shrimp nutrition.
    All food comes in sealed foil bags with resealable ziplock tops. 20 grams of food is approximately 100 pcs (I always go over).
    Price for each food is:
    10 grams for $6
    20 grams for $10
    40 grams for $18
    Shrimplet Powder: $10 for 1 ounce
    Some general pictures:




    Veggie Gold
    Veggie Gold is a complete nutrition that can be fed to your shrimp every day. It provides total nutrition for your shrimps to thrive and breed. It contains 18 ingredients that were chosen to complement each other and provide a staple diet, including premium ingredients such as bee pollen and montmorilite clay. It contains high overall levels of vitamins and minerals and promotes excellent growth and coloration.
    Soy beans, sweet peas, spirulina, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, kelp, cauliflower, rainbow chard, Montmorillite, brewers yeast, broccoli, kale, barley grass, spinach, arugula, alfalfa leaf, stinging nettle leaf, bell pepper, bee pollen

    You’ll notice in the ingredient lists below that each one contains a vitamin mix. This vitamin mix is a veggie blend with some added vitamins to ensure that even while you feed your shrimp specific foods to enhance color or shell growth or something else, they are still getting the overall nutrients they need. 
    Alfalfa leaf, barley grass, brewers yeast, gingko biloba, stinging nettles, vitamin C, and a veggie blend.
    Natural Calcium
                Natural Calcium promotes shell growth and reduces complications during molting. It is completely natural calcium from vegetables that are super high in calcium -- these veggies have more calcium per ounce than cow's milk! Everyone knows our shrimp require calcium for optimal shell growth and to prevent molting issues. Many food companies make a calcium heavy food for this reason, but use lesser ingredients and then add powdered calcium to it. I disagree with that method, and have crafted a food using the highest calcium vegetables there are. Why use powdered chemical calcium when you can use all natural, organic vegetables to get better nutrition?
    Collard greens, kale, parsley, vitamin mix

    Fresh Carrot
                Fresh Carrot is a blend of carrots and paprika that provides a big boost of vitamin A and beta carotenes to improve color. Beta carotenes can improve the red, orange, and yellow coloration in shrimp. If your fire reds aren't so fiery your your Crystal Reds aren't so red, give them a carrot boost!
    Ingredients: Carrot (including greens), paprika, soy beans, vitamin mix

    Kelp Plus
                Kelp Plus is a kelp (seaweed) based food with some mineral and nutritional supplements. The kelp used here grows along the Pacific coast. Kelp contains over 70 vitamins and minerals, and I add a bit of montmorillonite for even more minerals. This food is an all around vitamin and mineral booster. I think of it like one of us taking a multivitamin and give it to my shrimp pretty often.
    Kelp, spinach, montmorillonite, vitamin mix

    Shrimplet Power Powder
    Shrimplet Power Powder is a powdered food designed to help shrimplets survive their early stages grow quickly. It is high in protein and gives a boost of vitamins to help them thrive. 1 ounce is a huge amount of food and will last you for a very long time.
    Ingredients: Brewer's Yeast, Kelp, Montmorillonite, Soy Bean, Vitamin Boost, Barley Grass, Nettles

    Feel free to ask any questions about the food, how I make it, or anything else that comes to mind!
  7. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in January RAOK Rare Moss Variety Pack   
    If you don't mind covering the shipping your in.
  8. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Moss for sale   
    You got it! Coral moss, mini pelia Riccardia chamedryfolia is right! Pm me your info and I'll send ya some for free. Oops I mean for that RAOK you just won!
  9. Like
    manticore reacted to aquariumlover10 in Moss for sale   
    Coral moss? Cameroon?
  10. Like
    manticore reacted to aquariumlover10 in Moss for sale   
    Mini pellia?
  11. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Wierd looking plants?   
    Crinum Calamistratum is weird looking.
  12. Like
    manticore reacted to RyeGuy411 in Lowest ph moss?   
    I noticed that I had hair algae developing quickly in a cycling tank all over my java moss.  Once the cycle was finished and I did a water change out from tap at 7.6ph to remineralized RO the tank ph went down to 6.4 and the hair algae died almost overnight.
  13. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in Lowest ph moss?   
    the thing is the most algae love pH over 7..... and develope agressively once the water parameters go ober ph7.5 and plenty of light is given.
    on the other hand those who have seen watermosses in nature, know that mosses love softwater in remote areas where no industry (i mean usually tens of miles or more up to closest industrial areas) and very soft water.. so as a general ideea the most mosses love it in soft acid water and 6-6.5 should be ideal for the most moss species. i do know some mosses that live in pH of 5, but those are mostly in the sphagnum group that has not much representatives in the submerged world (stil some of sphagnum live there).
  14. Like
    manticore got a reaction from chibikaie in Lowest ph moss?   
    the thing is the most algae love pH over 7..... and develope agressively once the water parameters go ober ph7.5 and plenty of light is given.
    on the other hand those who have seen watermosses in nature, know that mosses love softwater in remote areas where no industry (i mean usually tens of miles or more up to closest industrial areas) and very soft water.. so as a general ideea the most mosses love it in soft acid water and 6-6.5 should be ideal for the most moss species. i do know some mosses that live in pH of 5, but those are mostly in the sphagnum group that has not much representatives in the submerged world (stil some of sphagnum live there).
  15. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Lowest ph moss?   
    the thing is the most algae love pH over 7..... and develope agressively once the water parameters go ober ph7.5 and plenty of light is given.
    on the other hand those who have seen watermosses in nature, know that mosses love softwater in remote areas where no industry (i mean usually tens of miles or more up to closest industrial areas) and very soft water.. so as a general ideea the most mosses love it in soft acid water and 6-6.5 should be ideal for the most moss species. i do know some mosses that live in pH of 5, but those are mostly in the sphagnum group that has not much representatives in the submerged world (stil some of sphagnum live there).
  16. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Does a life of a shrimp get any tougher than this?

  17. Like
    manticore got a reaction from h4n in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    i have to say all the shots here were taken 2011/2012

  18. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in RARE MOSS!!! Pilotrichaceae sp. on Lava Rock & Plagiochcila sp. (cameroon)   
    Here is another very rare moss which I acquired a while ago. It's also known as Pilo moss. I'm offering this 1" x 1" portion which has been grown out on lava rock. I'm growing this with great success in low light and no co2 or ferts.
    The cameroon has been recently tied to 1" x 1" ss mesh and also grows in low light and no ferts. 
    1. Pilo attached to lava rock $40.00 (1 available)
    2. cameroon $20. (3 available)
    Pilo Description
    "A very nice new moss not yet fully identified. It belongs to the Pilotrichaceae family. Much like Weeping moss (Vesicularia ferriei), "Pilo moss" has a more or less overhanging growth habit, but unlike the former, it reliably clings to the substrate. On flat areas it forms a dense, flat, deep green mat. It is a relatively slow grower and thus only needs to be trimmed rarely."
    Plagiochcila sp.Description
    The Plagiochila is a liverwart. It is often located in wetlands in tropical Africa and Madagascar in the region. It develops at the edges of streams in the forest.
    This rare moss is also known as the Japanese Hanegoke sp. "Cameroon".
    Shipping is $6.00 USPS priority within the conusa only.
    Paypal only.

  19. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Wierd looking plants?   
    ludwigia inclinata cuba
    aponogeton fenestralis, henkelianus, ulvaceus
    littorella uniflora
    Windelow and Bolbitis ferns
    in the swords, i would mention echinodorus janni
    and several mosses like weeping moss (or the purple angel moss mentioned also Elo500)

  20. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Help! I think Bloody Mary has some sort of fungus   
    I'm wondering if the patch could be part of a bad molt.
  21. Like
    manticore reacted to monty703 in Anyone have success in breeding OEBT in TB / CRS parameters?   
    I have always found from my experience in breeding OEBTs, Reds, Bengals etc, that Tiger shrimps prefer PH 7-7.6 whereas the Tibees and TBs have to have the lower PH.  Tigers also like cooler water IMO.  I have bred over 300+ OEBTs over the last 4 years of keeping them, and have not had good results if the PH goes lower than 7.  My best tank had only small pebbled gravel with driftwood and rocks and moss in it with a sponge filter.....they bred like crazy in this setup, maybe it felt more natural to them, as rivers would be like this in the wild.
  22. Like
    manticore reacted to h4n in Xmas moss and Marsilea Minuta BLOW OUT SALE   
    Xmas moss and Marsilea Minuta BLOW OUT SALE!!!!
      Xmas moss - $5 per golf ball Marsilea Minuta - $5 per 2x2 portion   (Need a lot of either, let me know. I'll discount even more!!)   Shipping starts at $7   Every order will include extras   Thanks and,   Merry Christmas!    
  23. Like
    manticore reacted to Elo500 in Wierd looking plants?   
    sulawesi plant
    millow moss
    Subwassertang is a good one
    How about that new red moss from Transylvania ?
  24. Like
    manticore reacted to metageologist in Wierd looking plants?   
    I guess this would depend on your level of exposure to aquatic plants. When I first started I though most plants were odd. Today only buci seem odd to me and that's only because they are so colorfull.
  25. Like
    manticore reacted to Shrimpscales in Bad ADA aquasoil   
    I have been doing some research online and have found many people who had similar issues with Amazonia. It seems the product has a problem with consistency. I have two other tanks set up with Amazonia and noticed right away that this new stuff has a very different color than my other tanks. It  is a more yellowish brown and seems to dissolve easily in water. I will give it a couple months of water changes and filtering before I give up but I am not to confident at this point. This tank will be for my shadow shrimp so I need to be sure it is correct
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