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    manticore reacted to High5's in Bad ADA aquasoil   
    Patients, just leave it be the more you mess with it the worse it will get.
  2. Like
    manticore reacted to h4n in Label on ss mesh?   
    That's how I label mine.
    Used a label maker onto a plastic tab.
    You can use a sharpie but eventually fades under water.
  3. Like
    manticore reacted to ANBU in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    This is one of my tank that I only keep Fissidens and round pelia in to grow out. So I wont be able to stick my hand in there a mess with it LOL.




  4. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Solenostoma Tetragonum (crown moss)   
    I have this moss. I may have a 1x1 patch available. Shoot me a pm.
  5. Like
    manticore reacted to LukiBunny in True Weeping Moss   
    True weeping moss $20/golfball
    Shipping $6
    All pictures are mine.

  6. Like
    manticore got a reaction from h4n in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    a small thing... maybe have been overlooked.. the first two pictures i have posted are nanoaquascaping.... i mean 400 mililiter (o,4 liters) volume... it is a ferrero rocher giftbox like in the picture i attached under... in US volumetric measure it is 0,105 gallons..
    i can only recomend these small boxes, are ideal for such aquascapes... and i recommend to see the nanotank scapes in the large resolution to enjoy the scape....

  7. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Steve R. in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    a small thing... maybe have been overlooked.. the first two pictures i have posted are nanoaquascaping.... i mean 400 mililiter (o,4 liters) volume... it is a ferrero rocher giftbox like in the picture i attached under... in US volumetric measure it is 0,105 gallons..
    i can only recomend these small boxes, are ideal for such aquascapes... and i recommend to see the nanotank scapes in the large resolution to enjoy the scape....

  8. Like
    manticore reacted to aquariumlover10 in Best algae eater...?   
    Here's the link. http://www.aquamoss.net/Articles/Siamese-Algae-Eater-And-Aquatic-Moss.htm
  9. Like
    manticore got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in Best algae eater...?   
    i am really happy getting in this forum, as i see i also have to learn some detailes... i always kept sae and mosses separately, i really didnt know thatone, that sae and mosses do not work good togethr longterm...
    thank you for helping me to learn.
  10. Like
    manticore reacted to Rodan76 in Best algae eater...?   
    cool thanks for all the suggestions y'all.  i did have a sae for another tank when i had the bba.  he helped until he decided he liked the shrimp better...so he got gone fast.  i'll try the lighting and maybe the excel.  
  11. Like
    manticore got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in Best algae eater...?   
    set the lighting whith a break of 3 hours. 
    a program like 8 hours a day like follows:
    4 hours on (as an example from 10 to 14 )
    3 hours break (turn light off) (from 14 to 17)
    4 hours on again ( from 17 to 21)
    i written an example, put it as you like during the day so that you enjoy the tank when you are there and can see it. Do not let the light to long time on, that is when such algae begin to grow. the plant usually have not problems if you turn the light off in midday, in the rainforest you might know that it does rain a lot at the noon, so the plant know that thing. the algae here, doesnt know the trick as it comes from other parts of the world, and will not be able to live/propagate in such conditions.
    of course some ottos would help grat longterm, but the problem for this specific algae exists because of light settings (photoperiods)
    also the real/true siamese algae eater ( SAE ), with the black bar going through the caudal fin, would be the most apropiate for this algae.

  12. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Best algae eater...?   
    In general fish and shrimp don't mix well since shrimp are on the bottom of the food chain.  Ottos are your safest, but they won't do much for hair algae.
    If just a fish tank, flag fish and black mollies do very well eating that stuff- or so I hear.
  13. Like
    manticore reacted to Tanman19az in Rare Mosses from Novina   
    Portions are tiny so prepare yourself! This is my Fissidens Nobilis portion:

  14. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Opae'Ula Care (also known as Hawaiian Red Shrimp or Halocaridina Rubra)   
    This shrimp information is given by christinenha

    This is an overview of Opae'Ula Care (also known as Hawaiian Red Shrimp or Halocaridina Rubra), and it's kind of long, so if you want to skip to a specific section, the times are listed below:
      1. EcoSpheres & How I Got Into Opae'Ula (0:13) 2. Origins of Opae Ula (1:33) 3. Tank Requirements (1:52) 4. Water Requirements - Salinity (2:35) 5. Cycling Your Tank (3:49 6. Filter Requirements & Modifications (5:03) 7. Lighting Requirements (6:08) 8. Food Requirements (6:40) 9. Substrate (7:21) 10. Decorations/Plants (7:43) 11. Growth/Maturity (8:32) 12. Tank Mates (9:03) 13. Conclusion (9:34)   *NOTE: The way my camera catches the light makes the tank look cloudy. Neither the lighting nor the tank look that way in person. The light is bright, but doesn't shimmer like it does in the video, and the tank is actually crystal clear.   **I say both 7 and 8 months in the video because I have had the shrimp for 7 months, but I have been doing research and setting up the tank a month before that. =)   Here is a compilation of sources I originally found for information about Opae'Ula shrimp:   http://shrimpmart.bigcartel.com/ Channel: https://www.youtube....user/ShrimpMart This site has everything you need to start a shrimp tank of your own. It has pretty limited information about their care, but their YouTube channel has more in-depth information. I purchased my shrimp, snails, lava rock, shrimp food, and gallon of cultured water all from ShrimpMart.net. They have amazing customer service and are very knowledgeable about Opae'Ula care. Shipping was also really fast!   http://www.fukubonsai.com/M-L2.html Fuku Bonsai has a TON of information on Opae'Ula. I based most of my research on this site, but they do not sell the shrimp and their "micro-tanks" separately. Their tanks are basically little jars that don't look too aesthetically pleasing, so I decided not to purchase from them because I already had a nice tank set-up of my own.   http://www.petshrimp...anredshrimp.php This site has pretty decent, general information about Opae'Ula and also has a page on how to set up the tank. I followed MOST of the instructions except for the RO/distilled water (I used bottled water), their no substrate suggestion (I used sand), and their recommendation of random food (I purchased food specifically for shrimp).   http://www.ohmyopae....ADD-L-INFO.html This site kind of has a lot going on at once and has almost the same general information as petshrimp.com. I really only skimmed through this site because it pretty much has the same information as the sites I've already listed.   http://iloveinverts....pae_Ula_Eng.htm This is another keeper's experience with raising Opae'Ula. This site has very specific information about parameters, what to do, and what not to do.   Hope that helps! ^^  
  15. Like
    manticore reacted to Elo500 in Opae'Ula Care (also known as Hawaiian Red Shrimp or Halocaridina Rubra)   
    Thanks for compiling all this info into one post. An Opae tank is on my want list. This will help!
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in anyone keep these?   
    ok here some of the sw shrimps and crustaceeans i kept...

  17. Like
    manticore reacted to aquariumlover10 in anyone keep these?   
    Ok, I had a crayfish(not a dwarf) and it ate everything
  18. Like
    manticore reacted to Steve R. in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    Welcome. Great, I love paludariums and have one with shrimps myself. Looking forward to seeing more pics from you.
  19. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    LOL  I forgot I was part of that conversation myself back then.
  20. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    Welcome aboard!
    Looking forward to seeing some more of your cool mosses!
  21. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    so here are 4 of mine
    Purple Angel Moss
    Fontinalis (maybe duriae species)
    Hungarian unidentified moss
    submerged sphagnum species (probably sphagnum inundatum, very light green., fluffy, changed facies dramatically)
    to each moss i have more pictures, but i selected these ones as being representative

  22. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Pika in Purple Angel Moss   
    i really didnt push testing that direction. i do not know for sure to answer the question. I have had about 30 species in experimenting, thisone i have deceided to show it. i do not want to make here public other sites (that might be interpreted that i want to make someone else publicity), But about 18 month ago i published some interesting pictures also with other species in them.
    i didnt push all the limits in all the species, it was a thing i made partially as o hobby and own curiosity. the purple is natural, it stays thatway, it is not induces by any substances or special conditions. i do not use fertilisers.
    the ones that are really interested in this can ask my dirctly through certain social networks and i give as much spcific infomation i can. my first objectiv was to kep this moss alive and not to push all its limits, but to try to understand what it needs, and correlate these with the natural habitat i saw when i found it.
    it really might live very well even in less good conditions, i simply do not know. the color is not lost, as this is the color form the plants lives in natural conditions all the time. there are new pictures of the moss posted by several colleagues now, where you can see it under different light spectrums. Those images might be even nicer as colour, the thing you will always see is that the quantity of leaves in those pictures are always about 10 maybe 20 individual  stems
  23. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mosspearl in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    putting it shortly i am a biologist alwazs loving fish, shrimps, plants and mosses. Been in Germany at a specialised petshop for 5 years. now i am back in transylvania, doing my best to specialise (as a hobbist) in mosses. Hopefully i will get to show here some more nice things in the months and years to come. Nano, shrimps, aquascaping, paludariums, saltwater, plants in vitro propagation (about 17 years ago), fish disease and treatment, imports of fish would be the main things i have done in this domain.

  24. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Ren in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    it was bread out of sakura shrimp about 2011 (after about 8/10 generations, do not rememer now exactly), called Royal Blood Sakura. I selected it. In the end i sold the entire group to someone in Poland, haven't heard of them since.
    Now i will work on the same project, and if i succeed it will be the sakura royal blood 2.0. but it is a mather of time and a little bit of luck, i have to admit it.

  25. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Ren in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    putting it shortly i am a biologist alwazs loving fish, shrimps, plants and mosses. Been in Germany at a specialised petshop for 5 years. now i am back in transylvania, doing my best to specialise (as a hobbist) in mosses. Hopefully i will get to show here some more nice things in the months and years to come. Nano, shrimps, aquascaping, paludariums, saltwater, plants in vitro propagation (about 17 years ago), fish disease and treatment, imports of fish would be the main things i have done in this domain.

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