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    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in anyone keep these?   
    ok here some of the sw shrimps and crustaceeans i kept...

  2. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mosspearl in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    putting it shortly i am a biologist alwazs loving fish, shrimps, plants and mosses. Been in Germany at a specialised petshop for 5 years. now i am back in transylvania, doing my best to specialise (as a hobbist) in mosses. Hopefully i will get to show here some more nice things in the months and years to come. Nano, shrimps, aquascaping, paludariums, saltwater, plants in vitro propagation (about 17 years ago), fish disease and treatment, imports of fish would be the main things i have done in this domain.

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    manticore reacted to Subtletanks91 in Referral Contest!!!   
    H4n suggested this forum to me. Alas I like this one better than some other, easier to navigate and the simplicity makes it user friendly.
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    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in anyone keep these?   
    In fact it is called Aphyocharax rathbuni. I personally love them, not large, nice and cute, easy and hardy. Keep at least 10 - 15 of them.
  5. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    so here are 4 of mine
    Purple Angel Moss
    Fontinalis (maybe duriae species)
    Hungarian unidentified moss
    submerged sphagnum species (probably sphagnum inundatum, very light green., fluffy, changed facies dramatically)
    to each moss i have more pictures, but i selected these ones as being representative

  6. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Pika in Purple Angel Moss   
    i really didnt push testing that direction. i do not know for sure to answer the question. I have had about 30 species in experimenting, thisone i have deceided to show it. i do not want to make here public other sites (that might be interpreted that i want to make someone else publicity), But about 18 month ago i published some interesting pictures also with other species in them.
    i didnt push all the limits in all the species, it was a thing i made partially as o hobby and own curiosity. the purple is natural, it stays thatway, it is not induces by any substances or special conditions. i do not use fertilisers.
    the ones that are really interested in this can ask my dirctly through certain social networks and i give as much spcific infomation i can. my first objectiv was to kep this moss alive and not to push all its limits, but to try to understand what it needs, and correlate these with the natural habitat i saw when i found it.
    it really might live very well even in less good conditions, i simply do not know. the color is not lost, as this is the color form the plants lives in natural conditions all the time. there are new pictures of the moss posted by several colleagues now, where you can see it under different light spectrums. Those images might be even nicer as colour, the thing you will always see is that the quantity of leaves in those pictures are always about 10 maybe 20 individual  stems
  7. Like
    manticore reacted to h4n in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    Xmas present if you got room
  8. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    Here are a few of the mosses in my tanks.1) Cratoneuron sp. (undefined)
    2) Jungermania Jade Lotus
    3) Camaroon

  9. Like
    manticore reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    Mini Fissidens on rock:

  10. Like
    manticore reacted to h4n in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    Mini Pellia

  11. Like
    manticore reacted to h4n in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    Plagiochilaceae sp. Cameroon Moss

  12. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Purple Angel Moss   
    i really didnt push testing that direction. i do not know for sure to answer the question. I have had about 30 species in experimenting, thisone i have deceided to show it. i do not want to make here public other sites (that might be interpreted that i want to make someone else publicity), But about 18 month ago i published some interesting pictures also with other species in them.
    i didnt push all the limits in all the species, it was a thing i made partially as o hobby and own curiosity. the purple is natural, it stays thatway, it is not induces by any substances or special conditions. i do not use fertilisers.
    the ones that are really interested in this can ask my dirctly through certain social networks and i give as much spcific infomation i can. my first objectiv was to kep this moss alive and not to push all its limits, but to try to understand what it needs, and correlate these with the natural habitat i saw when i found it.
    it really might live very well even in less good conditions, i simply do not know. the color is not lost, as this is the color form the plants lives in natural conditions all the time. there are new pictures of the moss posted by several colleagues now, where you can see it under different light spectrums. Those images might be even nicer as colour, the thing you will always see is that the quantity of leaves in those pictures are always about 10 maybe 20 individual  stems
  13. Like
    manticore got a reaction from svetilda in Purple Angel Moss   
    I hope you like this new species, sems a plagiochila, i got it since august 2013 (the copyrighted picture) but inserted also  pictures from last week (dec 2014) if you have questions on this species let m know... i am Robert Angyalosi, sometimes Facebook can be usefull.
    Kind regards

  14. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Lyana in Purple Angel Moss   
    I hope you like this new species, sems a plagiochila, i got it since august 2013 (the copyrighted picture) but inserted also  pictures from last week (dec 2014) if you have questions on this species let m know... i am Robert Angyalosi, sometimes Facebook can be usefull.
    Kind regards

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