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    manticore got a reaction from 35ppt in Fissidens "Ursipede"   
    sometimes it takes a little longer to show you all these marvelous mosses... but i promised that i ring you 2 new tropical Fissidens species. so here they are: first one Fissidens "Ursipede" (comercial name), seems related to the crassipes line, but it is still different obviously, grows thicker and a little more consistens. Looks really nice. about 20 mm long. it was found in a small stream, living submerged. Water Parameters TDS under 200, temperature 24 degrees Celsius with laterite substrate. So they do like softwater, co2, iron, and have not high light requirements.
    At this point the fissidens collection is at over 25 different species, which really also do look different and are mostly larger species ( 2-4 x larger than Miroshaki).
    I do thank to my friends for all the work and support we give each other. Kind regards to all! and have a nice weekend!

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    manticore got a reaction from svetilda in Fissidens "Bracteolam"   
    Fissidens "Bracteolam"
    sometimes it takes a little longer to show you all these marvelous mosses... but i promised that i bring you 2 new tropical Fissidens species. so here they are: the second one is Fissidens "Bracteolam" (commercial name), seems related to the nobilis line, but it is still different obviously. Looks really nice. about 30 mm long. it was found in a small stream, living submerged. Water Parameters TDS under 200, temperature 24 degrees Celsius with laterite substrate. So they do like softwater, co2, iron, and have not high light requirements.
    I do thank to my friends for all the work and support we give each other. Kind regards to all! and have a nice weekend! At this point the fissidens collection is at over 25 different species, which really also do look different and are mostly larger species ( 2-4 x larger than Miroshaki).

  3. Like
    manticore reacted to Shrimpmaster in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    It's growing sooooooo slooooooowwwww . But I like that a lot. It must be awesome to create a scape with the use of a large amount of it. But this will take me many years from now I guess. But again, love it though and did not regret buying this from you.
  4. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in USA Importing/Exporting Regulations   
    Here Here!
  5. Like
    manticore reacted to Wygglz in USA Importing/Exporting Regulations   
    Wow! Very intimidating. So I would like to say a huge Thank You to those of you who do or have done this. Without you, the importers, I couldn't enjoy this hobby.
  6. Like
    manticore reacted to OMG Aquatics in USA Importing/Exporting Regulations   
    And remember to find a customs broker. This is the part that requires most work for the 1st shipment. You must call them, ask if they clear shipments regarding shrimp and their price.
    Most custom broker don't clear shrimp shipments so this is a tough one.
    When I called over 50 custom brokers, only 3 of them clear shrimp shipments. Some wanted $400 per shipment, some wanted $150. Keep calling as this will save you lots of money in the long run.
  7. Like
    manticore got a reaction from tariqkieran in My Fissidens colection   

  8. Like
    manticore reacted to aquariumlover10 in Fissidens incurvus   
    *drools*... *drools more*... *blinks rapidly* *checks wallet* *rakes neighbors leaves*
  9. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Successfull Parameters For Breeding Taiwan Bee Shrimp   
    For those of you who are keeping Taiwan Bees and having success in breeding them I thought it would be a good idea if you could share your parameters here with others to help them become successful in breeding TB’s as well. Mind you this is just as reference since there are many things in the shrimp tank that affect parameters such as soils, plants, ferts, co2, etc…. My tank is heavily planted and I use Amazonia as substrate. I do not use ferts or co2 in this tank. I use 1:1 ratio of tap and RO water rematerialized with Mosura mineral plus. My TB breed all throughout the year. (Knock on wood) However, I find my mischling in the tank become berried more often (faster) than the TB.  
    Here is a comparison of my parameter changes. Although there is a bit of fluctuations in my paramters the shrimp are still breeding.
    April 2014                                    Today
    TDS- 145                                  TDS- 155                          
    GH- 5                                         GH- 6
    KH- 0                                         KH- 0
    NO3- 0                                       NO3- 0
    PH-5.8-6.0                                  PH- 6.0
    Temp- 72                                   Temp- 72
  10. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Ianhamm in My Fissidens colection   

  11. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Louie in My Fissidens colection   

  12. Like
    manticore got a reaction from svetilda in Fissidens Amra   
    as it sometimes happens, this nice Fissidens arrived to me already in august. Sadly it went down between many other species i have. But eventually i was asked about it and i am really happy to show you now Fissidens "Amra".
    it is medium sized (about 12-14 mm, somtimes less) i am sure that it can grow also a little bit longer. It has a dark green color now.
    Wishing you a nice weekend, enjoy this special very seldom Fissidens
    I also do thank to all of you helping me on this Fissidens project, that probably will envolve years.

  13. Like
    manticore reacted to jem_xxiii in willow moss (fontinalis) collection, 7 morphs   
    As i figured. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Like
    manticore reacted to Citycode01 in Massive shrimps death, 300+ shrimps dying in the minutes (SCARY VIDEO)   
    Yes, I didn't add that product but I just did a large WC and added a lot of carbon in the filter I also run an air stone on the highest level possible all night. I think all poison gone now.
    I will keep you updated on the health of the shrimps, I found another two dead shrimos today when I had a closer inspection but that's not big deal.
    I will take some picture of that milky shrimps for you later.
    Thanks for your help and support
  15. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Massive shrimps death, 300+ shrimps dying in the minutes (SCARY VIDEO)   
    Manticore, I believe he answered that in post #6:
    "I wish I have that products to add them but I don't and it's too late hear now to buy them."
    Sometimes it's hard to see all replies.
  16. Like
    manticore got a reaction from svetilda in willow moss (fontinalis) collection, 7 morphs   
    hi there, the fontinalis genus like also the fissidens , is pretty complicated, with few species but many morphs. 

  17. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Fissidens rufulus "Gerhild"   
    UPDATE: Fissidens "Gerhild" has been confirmed as Fissidens crassipes var. rufipes by my briology professor. So this is now a clearly scientifically determined species. I really want to say that i love this Fissidens.

  18. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Amyers22 in Fissidens L L   
    i hope you like it, wish you a nice weekend..
    this comes directly from a tank... it emerged spontaneously in a tank in Germany. and that friend was really kind and send me a small amount of this plant.. it is the largest fissidens close to fontanus up untill now. i do not knwo what species exactly it is...

  19. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in The Juniperus moss - Ciclodotus aquaticus   
    hi there,even if it partially looks related to fissidens, i have to clear the informationthat this species belongs to the Ciclodotus genus, a different one. 
    but i also have to say.. i have seen many species lately... from the ones that are not directly fissidens, thisone is a very important species for the hobby in my oppinion, because it is very different in structure and has a stable, exclusive form.
    i was also very impressed when i saw it first. 
    it seems also seldom, i found it by accident in a trip where i was after fissidens rufulus, and made about 40 miles by foot , though forrest where no mobile phone works or any civilisation (house) exists.
    i am not really sure that i will ever go to that location again, because it was a little to extreme even for me. so because the moss grows slow, this species will be scarce for a while..
  20. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in The Juniperus moss - Ciclodotus aquaticus   
    The Juniperus moss - Ciclodotus aquaticus
    living submerged (like its scientific name also expresses clearly), in high stream water, but also in regular tanks... here is one of the largest mosses you will ever find: 20 cm long can this moss achieve, growing slowly (at least this is what i experienced) does not need necesarrily CO2, but that can surely help.
    if any question, simply let me know.
    I expressed clearly that i will bring as much order in classification as that is possible ( in case of long established mosses, where the origin is "blurry" this will be almost impossible), but i will really work hard on this.
    when you use this moss, keep in mind that it might get longer as all the others , so use it the best for stable backgrounds in nanoscapes.

  21. Like
    manticore got a reaction from svetilda in The Juniperus moss - Ciclodotus aquaticus   
    The Juniperus moss - Ciclodotus aquaticus
    living submerged (like its scientific name also expresses clearly), in high stream water, but also in regular tanks... here is one of the largest mosses you will ever find: 20 cm long can this moss achieve, growing slowly (at least this is what i experienced) does not need necesarrily CO2, but that can surely help.
    if any question, simply let me know.
    I expressed clearly that i will bring as much order in classification as that is possible ( in case of long established mosses, where the origin is "blurry" this will be almost impossible), but i will really work hard on this.
    when you use this moss, keep in mind that it might get longer as all the others , so use it the best for stable backgrounds in nanoscapes.

  22. Like
    manticore reacted to M@tt in My first acrylic aquarium build from scratch   
    I dropped off this tank at my buddies place yesterday.  He polished it up a tad and filled her up.  He is still not sure what to put in it.  My recommendation was a nice mat of fissidens or moss with a few crypts, then toss in one of his awesome betta's and dwarf crayfish

  23. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Fissidens rufulus "Gerhild"   
    Fissidens rufulus "Gerhild"

    grows up to 30-40 mm long, it has small "branches" unlike most Fissidens species. it lives regularly underwater, likes flowing water, but sometimes it is written that it can also live in lakes, it grows in sunlight but also shady places.

    This species was by far the most difficult to find. it took 4 years, 5 expeditions and more than 3000 miles to find it.

    these are the first images of better details and it will take a while growing it in artificial conditions. i am sure it will establish in our hobby, as it is much to nice, can build large surfaces, and developes very well submerged. Enjoy and all the questions are welcomed.

    when i work with mosses i always document first , i am posting here also very old documents proving that this species is natively live SUBMERGED. Sorry for expressing things clearly but it seems that sometimes we have come to the point that we need to include also such details to prove that we do not talk unreal things.

    for the hobbist.. i want to express clearly that some of these special mosses are getting through a very long way *thisone took about 6 years) between documentation in different sources, and finding in the end the species and presenting it for us in this hobby. It is sometimes a hard work, not just buying somewhere and selling and presenting it afterwards.

    Gerhild is the commercial name i personally chosen, the scientific names is Fissidens rufulus. I was asked often about commercial names, that is why i choose to pick thisone.

    when i am learning and documenting abou mosses i really use plenty of recources (in this case even 150 years old original documents and conserved vegetal material), but usually it is even more than that.

  24. Like
    manticore got a reaction from tariqkieran in My Fissidens colection   
    11 Species of fissidens on this image in comparition... some are not determined now that is why i wil not write directly on the image. here the main species from left to right:
    Fissidens fox
    Fissidens idukki
    Fissidens osmundoides (probably)
    Fissidens sp
    Fissidens rufulus (very seldom/ new to the hobby)
    Fissidens rivularis Amaria Taruya (very seldom, there are very few that are keeping it)
    Fissidens incurvus
    Fissidens bhgamandala
    Fissidens fazal
    Fisidens sp (will determine it soon)
    Fissidens sp (also wil determine it soon, probably bryoides)
    i hope you like them all. simply ask if you find some of these interesting and you want to have them. Fissidens invurvus, rivularis and rufulus are really seldom. None of the above species comes from Poland, these have completely different origin.

  25. Like
    manticore got a reaction from h4n in buce what is the fascination with this plant and what makes it so good   
    Han really has a nice collection of them and a fair pricing. i do recomand to take a look on what he has. it will be the easiest way getting them.
    The plants have really exquisite colors, and are more interesting than regular anubias. ones you have them at home you do realise whay they are so apreciated.
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