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    manticore got a reaction from Johnnydok in Fissidens osmundoides   
    living now since 4 weeks submerged

  2. Like
    manticore reacted to phreeflow in Fissidens osmundoides   
    Nice fissidens
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Johnnydok in Interesting mosses under test June 2015   
    here are the green ones, (most of them , about other 5 to 10 are not taken pictures of),  the red / orange ones are presented separately. the fissidens osmundoides is in these pictures after being submersed since about one month now.
    the main genuses in these pictures are hygrohypnum, hygroamblystegium, one is a tortula species, and so on... i will work more on these in autumn/winter, now they just running through tests.
    most of them tend to shrink in size, i do not know how they will look in the end. some have for sure potential.
    also i got some jungermannia sphaerocarpa, which is a tiny liverworth, did not have time to take good pictures of it.
    also there are 3 pellias beyond the tropical one that i already showed you.

  4. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Edwardnah in Interesting mosses under test June 2015   
    here are the green ones, (most of them , about other 5 to 10 are not taken pictures of),  the red / orange ones are presented separately. the fissidens osmundoides is in these pictures after being submersed since about one month now.
    the main genuses in these pictures are hygrohypnum, hygroamblystegium, one is a tortula species, and so on... i will work more on these in autumn/winter, now they just running through tests.
    most of them tend to shrink in size, i do not know how they will look in the end. some have for sure potential.
    also i got some jungermannia sphaerocarpa, which is a tiny liverworth, did not have time to take good pictures of it.
    also there are 3 pellias beyond the tropical one that i already showed you.

  5. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Interesting mosses under test June 2015   
    Sounds like your going to be very busy and may need help testing all those nice mosses. I would be more than happy to donate some of my time in helping you test them. [emoji13][emoji13][emoji13]
  6. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in you like it in red or orange?   
    here some new pictures, i added also some more species for study

  7. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Johnnydok in undetermined moss species (large)   
    hi there, 
    as maybe some of you get used to, i will present periodically new moss species. Thisone today i did not have time to do research what it is as i am more focused on the new fissidens species, but still thisone is very interesting, being really large.
    the 2 fragment that you see in picture are about 20 cm (8-9 inch long) very bushy and come from submerged habitat. For making it more fun i will try to find the scientific name for it, leaving you - readers here- to give it a name for our hobby. if you have already seen this species in our hobby, please let me know, personally i have not met this species up untill now. 
    pictures here are my property, please do not share on other groups or forums without informing me.

  8. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in undetermined moss species (large)   
    it is for sure fast growing. it wil take some time ) to determine the green species because the red mosses are first priority and the fissidens the second. these othe rgreen species that are now more than 20 submerged will stay as winter study
    i had sent you from the most spectacular mosses i had where i knew for sure that they do live submerged. the other fissidens species are under test (and looking good for so far) and the red ones  i got only later, and those also need to run tests... did my best sending something nice.
    in case of the very dark one, that is its natural color, and it stays small (about 1 inch in height, probably also a tortula species)
  9. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in undetermined moss species (large)   
    Very nice and unusual moss. It has very defined rhizoids on on the tips. It looks like it may be a fast growing type of moss. Any luck on ID? I know there are "only" about 758 different types of mosses by where you live. It should be easy. lol!!

  10. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in plant id?   
    Think of it this way.  The plants has to have the brightest light for the leaves. 
    If it has bright light, it won't stretch to try to find it.
    If it doesn't have enough light. it will stretch to try to seek it out.
  11. Like
    manticore got a reaction from KlimparOn in you like it in red or orange?   
    hope you enjoy them. they are undergoing now some tests. coming from swamps.

  12. Like
    manticore got a reaction from thekonexperiment in Fissidens taxifolius   
    i updated the determinations

  13. Like
    manticore got a reaction from thekonexperiment in undetermined moss species (large)   
    hi there, 
    as maybe some of you get used to, i will present periodically new moss species. Thisone today i did not have time to do research what it is as i am more focused on the new fissidens species, but still thisone is very interesting, being really large.
    the 2 fragment that you see in picture are about 20 cm (8-9 inch long) very bushy and come from submerged habitat. For making it more fun i will try to find the scientific name for it, leaving you - readers here- to give it a name for our hobby. if you have already seen this species in our hobby, please let me know, personally i have not met this species up untill now. 
    pictures here are my property, please do not share on other groups or forums without informing me.

  14. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Johnnydok in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Hi there.. hope you like it
    does it live submerged... yes, take a look on the picture from natural habitat

  15. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Edwardnah in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Hi there.. hope you like it
    does it live submerged... yes, take a look on the picture from natural habitat

  16. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in Salvinia cucullata   
    I've never heard of this plant before. Is it a floater? Shoot! Now I have to have it. Lol!
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Like
    manticore reacted to Shrimpmaster in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Got it too, hope it will grow. Very nice and small. If so, I will post images.
  18. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Chiumanfu in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Hi there.. hope you like it
    does it live submerged... yes, take a look on the picture from natural habitat

  19. Like
    manticore reacted to RyeGuy411 in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Mine got delivered while I was away on business but it will post some pics when I get home. Thanks again!
  20. Like
    manticore got a reaction from TheGlassBox in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    fissidens arrived nice and well in norway....nice picture
    "Fissidens rivularis just arrived. 
    Attached to a stone from the spot the moss was located"

  21. Like
    manticore got a reaction from thekonexperiment in you like it in red or orange?   
    hope you enjoy them. they are undergoing now some tests. coming from swamps.

  22. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Johnnydok in you like it in red or orange?   
    hope you enjoy them. they are undergoing now some tests. coming from swamps.

  23. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in plant id?   
    usually when plant grow flatter it means that the light in that tank is more intense then when they grow higher, meaning that they get enough light in furtehr distance that those in pictures online.
  24. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Edwardnah in you like it in red or orange?   
    hope you enjoy them. they are undergoing now some tests. coming from swamps.

  25. Like
    manticore reacted to OMG Aquatics in Is gh/kh 13 too high for neos?   
    The higher the KH, the harder it is to adjust PH.
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