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    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in plant id?   
    usually when plant grow flatter it means that the light in that tank is more intense then when they grow higher, meaning that they get enough light in furtehr distance that those in pictures online.
  2. Like
    manticore reacted to Steve R. in Sulawesi aquatic plants   
    If I can't find suitable plants from Sulawesi lakes, I would probably go with Pogostemon helferi (Downoi because) it looks similar to Ottelia mesenterium, which can be foudn in Lake Matano. And probably some Moss.
  3. Like
    manticore got a reaction from mayphly in Sulawesi aquatic plants   
    i know that in the towuti lake where most of the sulawesi shrimp ar ecoming from there is a native chara algae, that is really pretty. so if you want to make a prefect balanced ecosistem you should search for that chara species.
  4. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Steve R. in Sulawesi aquatic plants   
    i really do not think that fisidens would be typical for towuti lake, if we are talking about these usual shrimps. Chara fragilis is for sure the species that i meant. that lives directly in contact with the native populations of sulawesi shrimps.
  5. Like
    manticore reacted to Steve R. in Sulawesi aquatic plants   
    Interesting, I have not found any information that the Sulawesi Fissidens actually comes from there.
    The chara algae was discussed in a previous thread:
    I also found some information about aquatic plants from Sulawesi on aquascapingworld.com
    1. Sulawesi Aquatic Plant (Ottelia mesenterium (Towuti water plant))​

    2. Sulawesi Aquatic Plant (Lymnocharus sp. (Sulawesi plant))​

    3. Sulawesi Aquatic Plant (Eriocaulon cinereum)​

    4. Sulawesi Aquatic Plant (Eriocaulon guineanensis)​

    5. Sulawesi Aquatic Plant Chara SP Fragilis (Red cherry water plant)​
  6. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Steve R. in Sulawesi aquatic plants   
    i know that in the towuti lake where most of the sulawesi shrimp ar ecoming from there is a native chara algae, that is really pretty. so if you want to make a prefect balanced ecosistem you should search for that chara species.
  7. Like
    manticore reacted to Jadenlea in Mayply's RAOK results   
    Mayphly's RAOK  results.   
    I received a plant trimming package this week from Mayphlys RAOK.   Today I went through it and attached a bunch. I thought I would post how generous he was.   This is not even half of what he sent.  Much of it is floating plants in a tank which I will post when the water clears.    
    But, here is what I was able to attach,  with special mention to Han for all the stainless steel mesh and Cholla wood I had hanging around from his sales.
    Thanks for being so generous Andy!

  8. Like
    manticore got a reaction from thekonexperiment in Fissidens incurvus   
    comming from almost darkness (very little light), from a nano waterfall, for you 

  9. Like
    manticore got a reaction from woopderson in Purple Angel Moss   
    grown in wabikusa in norway... by Kjell Tellefsen
    personally i expected it a little different
    "it's been half under water. just took it out for a photoshoot. the tank it's in is not suited for photos these days. that's why i take it with me tomorrow to my office" ( Kjell Tellefsen)

  10. Like
    manticore reacted to h4n in Buce on a ledge   
  11. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Johnnydok in undetermined moss species (large)   
    hi there, 
    as maybe some of you get used to, i will present periodically new moss species. Thisone today i did not have time to do research what it is as i am more focused on the new fissidens species, but still thisone is very interesting, being really large.
    the 2 fragment that you see in picture are about 20 cm (8-9 inch long) very bushy and come from submerged habitat. For making it more fun i will try to find the scientific name for it, leaving you - readers here- to give it a name for our hobby. if you have already seen this species in our hobby, please let me know, personally i have not met this species up untill now. 
    pictures here are my property, please do not share on other groups or forums without informing me.

  12. Like
    manticore got a reaction from svetilda in Purple Angel Moss   
    I hope you like this new species, sems a plagiochila, i got it since august 2013 (the copyrighted picture) but inserted also  pictures from last week (dec 2014) if you have questions on this species let m know... i am Robert Angyalosi, sometimes Facebook can be usefull.
    Kind regards

  13. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in cool plant site   
    i talked with the dennerle guy (Planta Hunter) in 2012 (or 2011) at hannover  that they should start propagating in vitro, as it is much better as quality. i propagated echinodorus and cryptos in vitro in 1997 and you really do not use pesticides or alike when doing that, the tehnology that relies in the back of in vitro propagation basis on totally different approach. do not worry on pesticides, you will not find such substances in the in vitro cultures.
  14. Like
    manticore reacted to Archie1208 in Buce on a ledge   
    The plant guru - HAN Tran has done it again. His Buce on a Ledge is really off the charts. It may not be inexpensive, but you will definitely not be disappointed. It's absolutely beautiful. Go to HANs aquatics to take a look. This comes from a guy that has spent his kids college money on HANs plants. THEY ARE WORTH IT!!!!![emoji15]
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Kim Jong Un is pissed at a turtle farm for not producing lobster   
    "Kim took special offense to the lack of lobster as ... the shortcomings could result in "grave consequences as impairing the prestige of the party."
    Think I could give the same argument to my wife so we could have a nice lobster dinner every night?
  16. Like
    manticore got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in cool plant site   
    that is a really valuable site indeed
  17. Like
    manticore reacted to Shrimpmaster in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Very nice indeed. Please ship to Europe, thank you .
    Edit: oh your from Germany right? Well I've sad nothing .
  18. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Johnnydok in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Hi there.. hope you like it
    does it live submerged... yes, take a look on the picture from natural habitat

  19. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Edwardnah in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Hi there.. hope you like it
    does it live submerged... yes, take a look on the picture from natural habitat

  20. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Chiumanfu in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Hi there.. hope you like it
    does it live submerged... yes, take a look on the picture from natural habitat

  21. Like
    manticore got a reaction from High5's in Fissidens rivularis "Amaria Taruya"   
    Hi there.. hope you like it
    does it live submerged... yes, take a look on the picture from natural habitat

  22. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Purple Angel Moss   
    grown in wabikusa in norway... by Kjell Tellefsen
    personally i expected it a little different
    "it's been half under water. just took it out for a photoshoot. the tank it's in is not suited for photos these days. that's why i take it with me tomorrow to my office" ( Kjell Tellefsen)

  23. Like
    manticore reacted to mayphly in dumb question .. filtration   
    They'll be fine with just an air stone for a while. Just change some of the water once a week and keep it low light.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Like
    manticore got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in Mosses (large collection)   
    Because it is the main season for Fissidens species, i intend to give away (by selling) many of the mosses i have (much of them unidentified species/new) to sustain the Fissidens project as it needs plenty support.
    the ones that are interested in mosses i kindly ask to contact me privately, to talk more.
    kind regards to all of you

  25. Like
    manticore reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Declaring War on Algae   
    Hi Rye,
    I forgot whether I told you this before. If the algae is only growing on stuffs that you could take it out of the tank, you could treat it by dripping Revive Vita directly.
    Take them out and dry them with paper towel. Drip undiluted Revive Vita and leave it for 10 mins. If the it is delicate plant/ moss, then just leave 2 to 5 mins (may need to repeat after 3 days, depending on the type of algae). After that, they should die within 3 days to a week. This method works on all algae. But some kind of BBA is more resilient and need to treat the second time.
    Shrimpy Daddy
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