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    manticore reacted to RyeGuy411 in Declaring War on Algae   
    I did treat the plants with an algacide and it seems to be working. The algae has softened and become thinner and is losing its bright green color. I also treated the tank itself with a double dose since there is nothing alive in the tank anymore, all plants and shrimp have been removed. The tank algae does seem to be dying pretty quickly, I also combined it with a blackout going on four days today. I decided to break the tank down anyway and do a complete reset. I wanted to do a substrate change and completly rescape the tank. I did purchase new lights for both my tanks which seem to already be working much better on my smaller tank. I appreciate the suggestions and I hope to start the tank back off properly without algae and lower intensity lighting to avoid this problem in the first place.
  2. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Fissidens arnoldii (keeping my promisses, the fissidens party has started)   
    So.. i told you some time ago.. i will show you some new stuff in the fissidens domain.. here comes the first one...

  3. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Fissidens arnoldii (keeping my promisses, the fissidens party has started)   
    So.. i told you some time ago.. i will show you some new stuff in the fissidens domain.. here comes the first one...

  4. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Fissidens arnoldii (keeping my promisses, the fissidens party has started)   
    plants grow only 4 mm long, sometimes even less... this is just for pico aquascaping i think... i got just only several such small pieces (the scale there is in cm )
    but still it is spectacular... and i really forgot to measure the water parameters there... waterlevels was still high, it was not easy getting thisone.
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    manticore reacted to metageologist in March ROAK~!!!!!!   
    have a gneiss day
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    manticore reacted to lind in March ROAK~!!!!!!   
    OMG!  This is better than winning the lottery!  Thank you so very very much!  You are the Han!
  9. Like
    manticore reacted to randy in ROAK, but not "free"   
    Were you in the shrimp meet that day? If I had known you I'd have a few more extreme BKK and pinto mischling in that tank.
    Please PM me your address ;-)
  10. Like
    manticore reacted to davesays in ROAK, but not "free"   
    My answer is...
    Did you mix up your electric plugs and had your filter on timer? 
  11. Like
    manticore got a reaction from metageologist in Howellii willow moss   
    and shrimpspot is the site where i do present them for the first time in our hobby...
    the mosses are here.. in several cases i do know their location, it just takes time, research, resources (yeah.. they do lack) and much patience and attention...
    i wish in one month now i come with at least the first fissidens. ( i know where they are aproximately.. it takes 2/3/4 days to get to them, they really are remote and it does imply wild animals (not the small ones ).
    but hey, i am writing from transylvania (the very town where that novel starts)     so it is really fun, sometimes stressy.
    and telling you another story.... the mini weeping i have shown.. comes directly from a spring in the Borgo Pass.. the one in that same book...
  12. Like
    manticore got a reaction from chibikaie in Howellii willow moss   
    and shrimpspot is the site where i do present them for the first time in our hobby...
    the mosses are here.. in several cases i do know their location, it just takes time, research, resources (yeah.. they do lack) and much patience and attention...
    i wish in one month now i come with at least the first fissidens. ( i know where they are aproximately.. it takes 2/3/4 days to get to them, they really are remote and it does imply wild animals (not the small ones ).
    but hey, i am writing from transylvania (the very town where that novel starts)     so it is really fun, sometimes stressy.
    and telling you another story.... the mini weeping i have shown.. comes directly from a spring in the Borgo Pass.. the one in that same book...
  13. Like
    manticore reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Weird outcome...   
    I was holding some TB in my crs tank that I am trying to make all red through selective breeding.  This was several months ago.  One BB berried and gave "birth" before being moved to her own tank, so misch are mixed up with my red project.  I left them in.
    Now I find what looks like a CWB in the tank?!?  The TB have already been moved about awhile ago, so I can only guess that this came from the BB x Red breeding.  Any TB x Red offspring are still small, and not old enough to breed.
    My Reds have clear spaces where the white would be.  Some people refer to these as D grades.  I'm pretty positive they are not misch. heh
    This shrimp in question has clear spaces where the red would be.
    Anyway, here is a poor pic of my "CWB"  No idea how the genetics worked on this...Does this look like a CWB to anyone else?

  14. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Howellii willow moss   
    and shrimpspot is the site where i do present them for the first time in our hobby...
    the mosses are here.. in several cases i do know their location, it just takes time, research, resources (yeah.. they do lack) and much patience and attention...
    i wish in one month now i come with at least the first fissidens. ( i know where they are aproximately.. it takes 2/3/4 days to get to them, they really are remote and it does imply wild animals (not the small ones ).
    but hey, i am writing from transylvania (the very town where that novel starts)     so it is really fun, sometimes stressy.
    and telling you another story.... the mini weeping i have shown.. comes directly from a spring in the Borgo Pass.. the one in that same book...
  15. Like
    manticore got a reaction from evabug1 in Howellii willow moss   
    and shrimpspot is the site where i do present them for the first time in our hobby...
    the mosses are here.. in several cases i do know their location, it just takes time, research, resources (yeah.. they do lack) and much patience and attention...
    i wish in one month now i come with at least the first fissidens. ( i know where they are aproximately.. it takes 2/3/4 days to get to them, they really are remote and it does imply wild animals (not the small ones ).
    but hey, i am writing from transylvania (the very town where that novel starts)     so it is really fun, sometimes stressy.
    and telling you another story.... the mini weeping i have shown.. comes directly from a spring in the Borgo Pass.. the one in that same book...
  16. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Ekbergtog in Unidentified moss ideal for red moor   
    Hi there.. i am working with many (most of them new) mosses. 
    here i have a question, maybe someone can recognise this, i really do not know what it is but maybe for some of you this would be a regular moss..
    i found a moss in my tank (i put there different types some unknown ) that adheres directly by itself, totally naturally to red moor. if you know what it is please let me know also. i am very happy having such a species in that tank....

  17. Like
    manticore reacted to countryboy12484 in Unidentified moss ideal for red moor   
    ive only grown it on ss mesh ledges, i have a pice if drift wood that i moved from another tank and a small strand hitched its way in on the wood, at the moment its growing flat on the wood
  18. Like
    manticore got a reaction from h4n in Howellii willow moss   
    and shrimpspot is the site where i do present them for the first time in our hobby...
    the mosses are here.. in several cases i do know their location, it just takes time, research, resources (yeah.. they do lack) and much patience and attention...
    i wish in one month now i come with at least the first fissidens. ( i know where they are aproximately.. it takes 2/3/4 days to get to them, they really are remote and it does imply wild animals (not the small ones ).
    but hey, i am writing from transylvania (the very town where that novel starts)     so it is really fun, sometimes stressy.
    and telling you another story.... the mini weeping i have shown.. comes directly from a spring in the Borgo Pass.. the one in that same book...
  19. Like
    manticore got a reaction from h4n in Howellii willow moss   
    this is because i am doing research on myself... i am a biologist/ have good conections with a PhD Briologist and i live in an area where there are many very nice things to be found.... soon we will talk fissidens .. i hope than wil the party start.... i really want to fulfil a project i am now waiting on for several years.. i think the time is ripe now...
    thank you for your motivating comment.
  20. Like
    manticore got a reaction from Pika in Howellii willow moss   
    and shrimpspot is the site where i do present them for the first time in our hobby...
    the mosses are here.. in several cases i do know their location, it just takes time, research, resources (yeah.. they do lack) and much patience and attention...
    i wish in one month now i come with at least the first fissidens. ( i know where they are aproximately.. it takes 2/3/4 days to get to them, they really are remote and it does imply wild animals (not the small ones ).
    but hey, i am writing from transylvania (the very town where that novel starts)     so it is really fun, sometimes stressy.
    and telling you another story.... the mini weeping i have shown.. comes directly from a spring in the Borgo Pass.. the one in that same book...
  21. Like
    manticore got a reaction from fishcrazy in My shrimps are dying and I found something and have no idea what it is   
    personally i work with pH 6,4, KH 2 and 275 microsiemens ( TDS), sakura shrimps really grow fast
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    manticore reacted to fishcrazy in My shrimps are dying and I found something and have no idea what it is   
    My pH is usually 7.2, KH 3, and GH 4 with a TDS at about 220-250.
  23. Like
    manticore reacted to Louie in USPS live animal shipping requirement   
                 That was very funny .  I agree .
    Fed -ex 2 day guaranteed shipping is $15 while USPS $10 can be a week .  Twenty years ago , I used too send Scarlet King snakes through the mail . Granted in a box not an envelope hee hee but a larger box with a heavier wooden box inside took about 2 days .
    Now the 2 day priority can take a week .
  24. Like
    manticore reacted to fishcrazy in My shrimps are dying and I found something and have no idea what it is   
    I agree 6 is probably the best, but 4-8 is good. Mines do fine in 4. When I first started I would keep it around 6. But my water is very soft, so when I do water changes in drops it slightly every time. I use this site a lot when looking at parameters http://shrimpery.com/shrimps
  25. Like
    manticore reacted to h4n in Introducing HAN Shrimp Foods~!!!!!!!!!   
    Hello Everyone,

    Some of you may know by now, I've been working on my own brand of shrimp foods. Some of you might of even got samples recently!

    Well its officially ready!!!!

    Healthy All Natural Shrimp food

    16 total types as of now!

    Price and descriptions will be available later on today?

    All foods comes in 4 sizes! 10 grams / 25 grams / 50 grams And of course one gram sample sizes.

    Han's Special Blend
    Fruit Mix
    Organic Pumpkin
    Purple Bee Pollen
    Rib wort
    Red Beet
    Bears Garlic
    Red Pepper
    12 Herbs
    Baby Food

    Thank you everyone again for your continue support! :D
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