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Posts posted by Oceangirl

  1. I just know they are illegal to cross state lines, because a while back I tried to get some. They are really, really eat everything. Each other included. I would search locally, Sometimes you can find state specific forums. I know the planted tank has state by state section. Might worth a try.

  2. I have 1 10 Gallon from there, I don't like the thinner glass. I plan to kick a 10 G off a shelf to make it a 20 L tank. I might try 20 L in Tetra, I am still on the fence about them. I too have doubts about them, I was used to the Aqueon tanks way back when. Those were the stuff.

  3. So, I spent a wee bit too much on pre-birthday stuff and I gotta sell a few things. I got too many plants!!


    I have several pieces of nano driftwood. These pieces have been boiled and soaked. The only one I know of still giving off tannins is the mopani branch, everything else has been under water and bled out. The branch has been under water for 3 weeks in my tank. From the picture you can see they are submerged and are not tied down. So they will sink for you. I will ship them wet if that is your pleasure or dry. I will wrap in plastic and then wrapped in newspaper. Feel free to make a Package or an offer.



    Take a look at the picture of the floating green mass! I can't seem to grow Java fern, this is a mix of Trident, narrow leaf, regular and maybe a small piece of Bolbitis floating in there. You take the whole lot for 25 bucks.


    Java fern 2 all you see

    Needle leaf, Trident, regular java fern




    Additional Pictures in my Gallery of the wood and plants


    You have a choice too, I can tie your nano driftwood with Bolbitis for you or I can tie some Java moss for you for a little extra. We can make a package. PM me. We can talk about size of bolbitis to match your driftwood or amount of moss that looks best.


    Little mountain $12 

    Little mountain

    Little mountain

    Hole in the log    NICE! I almost kept this $12

    Hole in the log 3

    Hole in the log 2

    Hole in the log

    The Mouth, looks just like someone singing. $12

    The mouth

    The mouth 2

    Smooth move $10

    The smooth move

    The twist $12

    The twist

    The twist 2


    Nessie (looks just like the locness monster!) Flat on the bottom. $14



    Nessie 2

    Nessie 3


    Mopani branch 14 , A branch but a heavy branch.


    Mopani branch

    Mopanai branch 2



    The Face  $12


    The face Driftwood

    The face 2



    I have larger than a golfball size of WATER moss, Fontinalis antipyretica. I can do this for 8 bucks plus shipping. Nice, and green, grown in straight tap water very little ferts.  Sold


    Water Moss Larger than a golfball



    This is a LARGER baseball of Java fern regular and Hammered leaf Java fern. I keep killing the leaves, but the rhizomes are BRIGHT and healthy. You get all in the picture for $25 Plus a small bit of Java moss Golfball size.

    Base ball Java fern

    Regular Java fern base ball



    Bolbitis This is a picture of what I have currently. I was supposed to split it and the other people backed out or didn't want it. Well there loss is your gain. Its doing WELL for me. In my shrimp tank. I have them all labeled for you


    Updated photo

    A, C, D, G, H, I, J, N, O is $7 per portion
    B, E,F, K, L, M, S, R, $10 per portion
    I combine shipping, I prefer to ship on Fridays and Saturdays, but will ship on Mondays and Tuesday. I do not have heat or cool packs, so please mind your weather.
    Please feel free to make me an offer or I can make you a package deal. I ship flate rate priority. I have small, medium, and Large flat rate boxes. I suggest the Bolbitis is shipped in a large enough box to accommodate the leaves. 
    Thank you!!
    Warning: These items can contain: Dementors, Tribbles, Snail eggs (MTS or Ramshorn), Ramshorn or MTS, Daleks, PFR shrimplets, Orcs, Downoi, Deatheaters, DHG, Sirius Black, Marsilea minuta,Cylons, Crypt parva, Nazguls, etc
    Please Dip or Vanquish accordingly





  4. 1.subtletanks91

    2. wicca32
    3. ravensgate
    4. Triton (thank you!)
    5. ShortGirl - awesome raok!
    6. H4n
    7. Shrimpinista
    8. MLK
    9. Soothing Shrimp
    10. mengyone
    11. Gilby (been looking to get some of these to try before going all in)
    12. FireRedShrimp
    13. Lucky 13. Teruterubozu
    14. Doc4PC2
    15. Finchaser
    16. Gorillakev
    17. Cuddles
    18. Ctaylor3737
    19. juancho
    20. Featherblue
    21. Finchaser
    22. umarnasir335 -- new to CRS/CBS, but would love more to add to my measly 3
    23. JessJesting

    24. DETAquarium

    25. Oceangirl --Always wanted to try them!!

  5. 1)Triton
    2) Doc4PC2 - Rock On - on Facebook
    pi) Gilby (pi is a number from 1-250, but let's round it to 3)
    4.) wicca32 (maybe i will get lucky lol i never win these things ha ha)
    5) Oblongshrimp
    6) Liberty1776 sweeet
    7) Tanman19az
    8) Soothing Shrimp
    9) Pika
    10) Bostoneric (but ROAK it back to another user)
    11 teruterubozu
    12 FireRedShrimp
    13. MikeyP85 - put my random # on FB (Mike Piazza)

    14. ravensgate (YAY Han! you rock!)

    15. mengyone


  6. Thank you Bryce! I knew it was the dress, because the lady said I was the only one that could be zipped into it, first try! Some how I pictured you Bryce, like a Jimmy buffet type, wearing a straw hat, holding a Margarita, floating in an inner tube. In the next inner tube, Speedie holding a cold beer. That's where he's been hiding!

  7. I will post a picture too, if you guys PROMISE! PROMISE! not to laugh.


    Hello My name is Sarah and I am a Tank-a-holic. I have been keeping fish for over 15 years, I just started shrimp 3 years ago with cherries and I have been hooked ever since. I keep Galaxy rasboras, and a glofish tank compelete with LED lights and 1 fat molly that eats ANY plants, java fern, Java moss, slurp!


    Oh yeah, where is your picture SOOTHING? I am calling you out Bryce!!


    PS I am the one in the white dress, :) 

    Its one of the only pictures I have on my computer right now of myself. Its one of my wedding photos.


  8. Let me tell you. I drip acclimated them all for 3 hrs last night and not one of them gave even much of a fuss! They are all alive and well TODAY! Impeccable Packing if I do say so myself! The moss in the bags with them green as can be also. I also just learned a little something. In Florida when They forward your mail, they send it to the Main Sorting branch in Tampa/Miami area. My package traveled 2 times the length of Florida in addition to traveling from Illinois! Those are some TOUGH shrimp, and great packaging!

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