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Everything posted by Oceangirl

  1. Oceangirl


    From the album: Shrimp

  2. Can I just say, AWWWW! your little man is too cute!
  3. Not entering but I love CANDY CORN!!
  4. I was suggested to this forum by SoothingShrimp!
  5. 1.subtletanks91 2. wicca32 3. ravensgate 4. Triton (thank you!) 5. ShortGirl - awesome raok! 6. H4n 7. Shrimpinista 8. MLK 9. Soothing Shrimp 10. mengyone 11. Gilby (been looking to get some of these to try before going all in) 12. FireRedShrimp 13. Lucky 13. Teruterubozu 14. Doc4PC2 15. Finchaser 16. Gorillakev 17. Cuddles 18. Ctaylor3737 19. juancho 20. Featherblue 21. Finchaser 22. umarnasir335 -- new to CRS/CBS, but would love more to add to my measly 3 23. JessJesting 24. DETAquarium 25. Oceangirl --Always wanted to try them!!
  6. 1. subtletanks91 2. FireRedShrimp (thank you!) 3. JessJesting (awesome RAOK) 4. Matt. Thanks! 5. Featherblue 6. Pika 7. Stealthypotatoes - thanks! 8.Oceangirl
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