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    Blue Diamond
    Blue Rili X Blue Diamond

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  1. Great job with the vids. Any idea what the next vid is going to be about?
  2. I recently took over someone’s breeding project. He told me he breed green taitibees and ykk. So far a few adults have green head and yellow/orangish tail portion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks one hell of a skrimp man. Congrats!
  4. Hey guys! Just throwing this out there since we barely see them. Looking to buy any of these variants. Thanks Ren
  5. Hey guys I haven't seen them around. Would it be better to breed low grade cbs with SCR to get closer to SCB? Or would it be better to select more black coverage from low grade cbs? I'm assuming the color coverage would be the first step to replicating a SCB? Thanks
  6. Ren

    Ren's CBS cube

    Oh man is been ages since I've seen this tank like this. I let this one go pretty bad. Maybe a revival should be in order but with some new old shrimp stock.
  7. Nice set up? Which shrimp are those that are with the yellows?
  8. Yes I am. Yeah I hear our water is good but I was always little weary about that.
  9. I have CBS that I'm looking to get rid of if you are using active substrate. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. They look great daz. I had a female that got knocked up but she ended up dropped the berries. Too bad I'm waiting until the next female to mature.
  11. Not too bad it's been a week since I put them in my tank. I just lost a baby that got shipped with the group. The females are becoming a little more greener not so much for the males. They seem to be active and feeding like every other neo. I have 3 females that are saddled at the moment. I'm just waiting on a male to mature so he can do the dirty dirty.
  12. That must of been a fun project. I still remember when you showed a sneak peak on PT.
  13. I wonder what can pop out when we mix soothings' nessies and our gjs...
  14. Thanks hopefully if they are true green jades I hope they look like yours in the subsequent generations
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