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Everything posted by Merth

  1. Anyone got any real information on either of these shrimp. I really want a dark blue shrimp like the royal blues but in a Neo species. Is there any others that breed pretty true. I know Soothing has his dark blue velvets which may be the closest thing, but was wondering about some of these others I have seen or heard mentioned.???
  2. ya anything I do in them will definitely need a step stool at the least. Only planning on putting 4 tenners on the third shelf up. The very top shelf is gonna be for dry storage as its only 1 foot from the ceiling (test kits, supplements and the like). Im building with the idea of flexibility in mind. The second and third shelf can support 8 tens sideways if necessary. The bottom shelf can support 6 or so 20's if I decide to stay small tanks. Currently I'm planning a couple big tanks on the bottom as grow outs for the angels. I really am leaning towards about 5 rimless tanks in the 4 gal range for the second shelf on one side. These will be project tanks for selective breeding eventually. Its all about the funds tho so we shall see what the future brings.
  3. Ok finally had time to work on it a bit: made a few modifications...extended it to be able to hold upto 8'1" of tanks (picture two 75's side by side). Used 2x6 with a 2x4 backing on center shelf to eliminated the need for a center brace from first shelf to second (allowing 2 75's to fit). This shouldnt be an issue since the second shelf is going to be a project tank/workspace primarily. Also decided to give myself more room between shelves which eliminated the top shelf for tanks space instead it will be just be storage. Overall dimensions basically its about 8' 7" long by 2' deep by 7' high.
  4. Merth

    Rack 12/12

    From the album: Merth

  5. IF it can go wrong it will . I acquired some crs and some tibees from Jaime (Ravensgate) a couple months ago. After almost a month and no deaths I thought I was out of the woods so I thought I was safe to add to the colony so I got some crs and cbs from Tanner (tanmanaz19). Everything was fine at first. One of the cbs was berried as was one of the tibees. I actually was able to spot at least one baby before disaster struck. This summer we got into the habit of closing the fishroom door to keep the baby out of the tanks. Well the wife decided to turn on the heater while I was at work. With the door closed and the heater vent right over the tank the temp shot up to 84 degrees. When I got home and saw dead shrimp of course I freaked out. Did a wc and put a fan over the tank and closed the vent. Got the temp down to 70 degrees and breathed a sigh of relief. Next day I check the tank and the water is cloudy...shoot! another wc and now I'm down to 3 crs and 2 tibees. Next day tank water is totally cloudy again. I can only believe its going through another cycle, bloom something. So this time I do about a 90% wc hoping for the best. Next day cloudy again...when I say cloudy I mean I can barely see anything through the water. Params 70% temp 7.0 ph 5 gh 0-1 kh 140ish tds Ive lost all but 1 crs, 2 tibees, and 2 (out of 30ish) chocolate neos. Now Im thinking maybe bacteria infection or else my FSS is leaching something (only about 3-4 months old). I gave up...I will reset the tank once I finish the new rack and try again. This all happened a week or so ago just haven't had the heart to discuss it . I really loved those shrimp and feel like I failed them I'm sorry Jaime and Tanner and Bryce I feel like I let you guys down also. And to the new people here sorry I havent welcomed as I should have
  6. No gh in our water Stef leads to molting issues and finally death
  7. Merth

    Cobalt Aquatics

    These guys are having a nice giveaway on facebook, you can enter either by sending me a friend request and I'll send you a link (giving me bonus entries hint hint) https://www.facebook.com/grahamrg Or go directly to their page and enter https://www.facebook.com/cobaltaquatics :( Good Luck
  8. Merth

    Off topic I know

    4 week update batch 2: and new breeding pair
  9. From the album: Merth

  10. Merth

    Blue angels

    From the album: Merth

  11. Merth

    4 weeks

    From the album: Merth

  12. I just had the displeasure of my tank reaching 84 and it was.a nightmare , deaths,bacteria bloom, algae bloom you name it
  13. Added or adding to facebook groups...those with websites that sell shrimp products could add a banner to their website. Those that sell shrimping products could mention to buyers the forum.
  14. Probably different from most folks but I have tons of babies in established tanks that I do nothing to. I top off with tap water 8.0ph gh0-1 and kh 6-7. temps are in the 78-80 range. I dont do water changes on neo tanks unless I move them and lower the level to make it easier to carry. Lots of floaters mainly duckweed which I took a small cupful out the other day and there were at least 5 babies in that less than half sandwich baggy. So probably pretty unorthodox but it works.
  15. Merth

    Off topic I know

    quick update about 3 weeks old, if you look close you can sorta see they are starting to develop the angel shape. Sorry pics sux so bad iphone camera is all I have to work with.
  16. Merth

    3 weeks

    From the album: Merth

  17. Might be too much ferts between the soil and the eco. Turn into an algae farm.
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