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Everything posted by Merth

  1. Looks great Jer! I never can figure how peoples plants look so great without co2 and ferts! wink wink
  2. Merth

    Off topic I know

    Once they pair off its simple to get a spawn. The only way I know to sex them is during the spawning the females breeding tube is way bigger than the males. Some angels are good parents and will raise the spawn. Mine got 6 chances before I pulled the eggs to try artificially. The next spawn im gonna try to let them do it themselves since the other male is paired now and because I dont have the space for a third spawn.
  3. Merth

    Off topic I know

    They consistently spawn every 2-3 weeks. Funny thing is the male I wanted to pair with my female took matters into his own hands wont let the original male of the pair anywhere near the female now.
  4. Merth

    Off topic I know

    Almost 2 weeks old down to 17 but learning alot batch #2
  5. Merth

    Batch 2

    From the album: Merth

  6. I guess i'll join in on the short fat white guy club. Welcome!
  7. Mark My two cents is it looks great the way it is the one thing I personally would do is add a background to hide the can and some of the tubing. Im not very artistic or creative but the right color black, blue, tan might make the rest really pop!
  8. Some forums have a referral box when u register?
  9. ive never done it but seen others that have?
  10. Ive often wondered if the survival rate would be better if they were put in a well established breeder box for the first couple weeks befor egoing to general population
  11. Merth

    Off topic I know

    Not a great vid but trying to keep a form of journal
  12. Congrats Oblong!! Looks like the yellows may be coming sooner than later :)
  13. Merth

    Off topic I know

    Only took 3 days longer than I thought. I should write this stuff down...nm I am right here
  14. Merth

    Off topic I know

    Sent from my iPhone
  15. My blue velvets act like its a race. They basically swim/run laps around the tank.
  16. Good points Oblong! Brine shrimp is a beatch! Im sure many have it down to a science unfortunately im not one of them. I read and I believe it was DK from TPT that said pick your poison basically. Fish, shrimp or plants trying to do more than one will pretty much drive you crazy imo.
  17. Mine looks like she is only carrying like 6 or 8 eggs is that normal? Maybe since it is her first batch? Im used to seeing the neo's full to bursting.
  18. Yes quite a difference in appearance of them. The one I posted actually looks alot different in person as well. She has much more brown to her and as you can see from the CRS next to her that the pic is pretty washed out from the flash. She has quite a bit of white to the shell as well. I actually had to look twice to see if she was the tibee or the CBS. I can tell the difference by the amount of brown on her.One of my other ones has a nice blue color to the head area but thats it. Oh and she got alot browner and whiter when I started mixing borneo wild color in the diet. As far as the mix go she could have the possibility of being mixed with tibee, crs,or cbs or even chocolate neo (if that can even occur, I think I read it is possible in tibees).
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