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Everything posted by Merth

  1. LOL you gotta move up bro! Just think if those 50 tanks of yours were loaded with Taiwans the kinda money you could make. Seriously fish are more lucrative than shrimp by far but think how much space you need to stock 30 4" fish and thats just one grp. Plus you gotta be able to hold them til you find buyers. If my angels survive I have potentially at least 100 babies if not more (angels can lay upwards of 1000 eggs). I will need at least a 55 gal just at dime size and would have to find buyers. Just think how many thousands of shrimp you could have in just one 55g tank (I know terrible footprint for shrimp). Not too mention baby shrimp are so much less demanding than any fish I know with the exception of maybe guppies. Like any supply and demand business model you gotta diversify. I personally do it because I am cheap lol (you should know!) Raising them as a group from babies to get the one fish I want to add to my main tank and sell the rest to at least break even seems so much better than dropping $25 on a single fish. And because I like the challenge, I have to tell myself all the time No I cant have another breeding grp unless I get rid of what I have first.
  2. Around here african cichlids are the hot thing. What I have experienced is a nicely colored male will fetch anywhere from $20-$25. Typically these are about 6 months of age. Venustus in the LFS at about 2" go for about $40. I was able to pick up 7 of them for $7 at a local auction. The red empress I got for $2 a piece. I know of 3 different sources that toss them into a grow out pond/tank and take to auction once big enough that will trade about 5-10 fry for a full size male. So if getting them for low enough price I can either raise to sell or trade for fish to add to my community tank. In a nutshell worst case I can get 3 full size colored up males for $60 as opposed to about $75. Best case I can get 6. Or I can grow them out and sell individually and hope at least half are males netting me a couple hundred in profit. If I separate and get proven colonies (provided I have an excess of females) thats even more cash. Thats what I love about this hobby endless possibilities.
  3. Yep I was aware of the meaning behind the generations and I think Rachel once posted that she considers them the same way you listed it. My question was more to the point of does it really matter what F# they are? Is there an expectation of breeding results, hardiness, loss of quality as the generations continue? I know through selective breeding traits can be defined and eventually breed true in successive generations, but does it really matter in general terms? Or are we just looking at the possibility of unique characteristics which possibly can be bred into a new line and understanding the lineage it took to get there?
  4. I dont think its entirely necessary tho it does better with it. I had some in really hard water and it slowly melted away. Also didnt have enough lighting or co2 so 3 strikes and it was out. I do have some in a medium hard (kh is 4) that survives but grows extremely slow.
  5. The biggest issue with my tanks is having both low ph and high ph inhabitants. Currently I have 4 shrimp tanks housing 4 different types of neos. One of those tanks is housing CRS, CBS and Tibees. I want to separate each type to their own tank and be more aggressive in culling for quality. I also have venustus fry that are about 1.5" right now. These will eventually get sold/traded. I plan on keeping one male, once old enough to sex, to add to my 75g african community tank. Then I have the angelfish babies that I'm trying to artificially raise and if successful will need grow out room. I have about 30 red empress fry the breeder is holding for me. And of course the 100 gal planted which my angel breeders are in. I have 6 L144's I would like to start breeding as well. So ya lots of stuff going on and not enough tanks or space for everyone.
  6. Ya I saw this when you posted on TPT and it looks cool and is an option as well but Im more concerned with a gaggle of air tubing. When it comes time to run it I will debate which way to go. I do like the simplicity and having the controls all in a central location but I foresee a mess of tubing everywhere.
  7. Ive been looking at the alita's so probably will go that way. Looking at a closed loop system of pvc and nozzles. Ive thought about the automated or at least a drain and fill system for water changes but since my tanks will be housing so many different varieties of shrimp and fish I will actually be using different water for the changes and I think I will run into more issues than just doing it the old fashioned way.
  8. Currently it will hold (4) 10s, (1) 20L, (1) 1/2 29. I am making it to eventually have the ability to add a 100g grow out and potentially as many as (10) 10's. Endless combinations and possibilities. I just want it all consolidated and upgradeable. Also want to incorporate a large air pump to run all the sponges.
  9. Merth

    Small rack

    From the album: Merth

  10. Well this is going to be my first real wood rack. I made a couple small ones as a trial. They only took a few mins
  11. What is the significance of the generation?
  12. Finally getting started on it. Dont expect miracles I still gotta work and kids come first
  13. Merth

    New rack

    From the album: Merth

  14. Merth

    New rack

    From the album: Merth

  15. Never had much luck with mysteries my self.
  16. Ya Bryce I can usually sex at the 3-4 week mark. Particularly when the fry are seperated and basically gut loaded with golden pearls and crushed brine shrimp flakes.
  17. Rofl ...Salmon! She is so right
  18. I would love some fry when they get big enough Bryce (either white var). I might try to get my hands on some koi swordtails as well, I hear they are tough to find ones that arent sterile.
  19. And my first thought was hmm a cholla wood hook-up :)
  20. Welcome Barbara! Talk to SoothingShrimp about his yellows
  21. Guppies are great! Nice find! Dunno if i told you when I was setting up my blue velvet tank I had a lone female cycling it. No males for months...lo and behold babies
  22. They are some of Jaime's so she is going to have to clarify the crossing i cant remember
  23. Merth

    Off topic I know

    No its there 7th spawn but the first ive pulled. They should go free swimming tomm
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