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Everything posted by Merth

  1. Piece of moss between her and camera
  2. Merth

    Off topic I know

    Trying out the embedding youtube video
  3. Merth


    From the album: Merth

  4. 1. Merth 8. Soothing Shrimp 22. JerSaint 41. Mosspearl 76. MarkNJD15 Ill join in and pick the dreaded spot
  5. Maybe a peat bag in filter? would of course release alot of tanins making viewing less than desireable.
  6. my lights are only on about 6 hrs a day. Any more than that and i have a hair algae infestation it seems.
  7. I put lots of driftwood in mine to help with ph somewhat.
  8. Merth

    Sales threads

    My two cents is dont change the system ban the bitchers
  9. Rofl if this was TPT you would have been warned to keep posts on topic already.
  10. Merth

    Sales threads

    Didnt want to derail any threads but wanted to say I love the idea of being able to comment/ask questions of seller!
  11. 1. Mosspearl 2. Merth Im so in! I come here first and foremost outta all the sites I visit several times a day. Its great to be around like minded individuals that can have discussions without acting all supreme and starting drama, no overzealous mods shutting down discussions/posts without bothering to read the whole thing. And heck I kinda like all you guys
  12. I have same issues with my yellows..plenty of saddles but no berries. Lose about one every other week or so for no reason.
  13. Yes they can i had them in mine. They dont churn it up much. I found i still had trapped gases even with them in there.
  14. I think the biggest issue would be trapped gases in the soil releasing and affecting params
  15. Oh ya I hear ya Ive seen many colors on the RCS. These are the chocolate culls which iirc were line bred from rcs. The eggs are almost black. Im gonna have to pull it to its on breeder box lol. I cant stand it.
  16. Thanks Bryce...by the way with the berries being so dark, picture a dark chocolate bar, is that any indication in your experience of the babies? Ive had a few rcs with darker eggs but nowhere near this coloring.
  17. My latest project tank
  18. Merth

    Blue velvet?

    From the album: Merth

  19. A little better pic of a big berried rcs
  20. Merth

    Big berry

    From the album: Merth

  21. I know this is a horrible pic but i caught a berried rcs along with a berried chocolate cull. Hard to tell but the cull had a ton of red so was moved into the rcs tank. anxious to see what the babies look like. you can sorta see how dark the eggs are
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