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Everything posted by Merth

  1. When I used to breed guppies/platys/swords I custom made a "fry saver". I used what I think they call chicken fencing available at Home depot (at least they used to carry it). It was made of plastic and the holes were just big enough to keep the mommas out. I made a sorta stand which kept the momma in the top of tank but allowed the babies to fall to the bottom. I had a huge difference in survival rates this way.
  2. Merth


    Ya Bryce I hear ya, but with having alot of young people working for me i tend to expect it. Its the generation I belong to 40+ that I know were taught better that irks me.
  3. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=4741
  4. Merth


    Man some people are so irritating. Is it really too much to ask for some common courtesy? Ive been slowly coming to the conclusion that it isnt just the "kids" today that have no values or respect for others its much broader and seems to be accepted by many! I hope that each of you that have had any form of communication with me have had a favorable opinion. No disrespect meant to anyone just needed to get that off my chest!
  5. Ha i was lucky and clicked it by accident early on
  6. Very nice and welcome Tanner!
  7. Looks really nice...personally im too scared to use excel or ferts in my tanks
  8. More reply options at bottom by submit reply and you'll see the option to attach files
  9. tried from imageshack but says not allowed
  10. It does let you browse and pull from your pc/phone whatever but it has to be less than 500kb in size
  11. ya it was me logged me out for some reason before I realized...gotta figure the pic thing out might as well delete the whole thing for now
  12. Pics are tough to upload?? Feel free to clean this up its frustrating me lol
  13. I like this one minus the logo of course http://demo.nicetheme.com/forum?theme_id=156193
  14. Merth


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