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Everything posted by Merth

  1. 1. kell73k 2. Metageologist 3. mlsthuy1 4. Poopians 5. r45t4m4n 6. H4n 7. Countryboy12484 8. mayphly 9. EbiBunBun 10. Crazyfishlady 11. Elo500 12. roborep1 13. Ren 14. Vinn 15. junglefowl 16. Soothing Shrimp 17. Slycat929 18. Tanman19az 19. RyeGuy411 20. Archie1208 21. egrfx 22.sbarbee54 23. christinenha 24. Nick_R 25.dendrobatez 26. Fishprinceofca 27.cindygao0217 28. Jadenlea 29. Ronanggl 30. davesays 31. Vinn 32. Featherblue 33. Merth
  2. Winners in order drawn: 15 14 1 7 9 Please pm me preference of stickers or tabs and address for mailing. Will send as soon as possible. Stickers will go to first two in order drawn that want and tabs to rest. Thanks for playing and Happy Holidays!
  3. If you have the "real" L144 with actual blue eyes they are super rare almost completely disappeared from the hobby. Most have the more common black eye version which is the leucistic form of the common bn. If you look at the vid I posted earlier thats what they are. With the real form I dont know what you would get. Both the pseudo L144 (aka lemon bn) and the green dragon have been line bred outta commons as far as I'm aware neither of which actually occur in the wild. I could be wrong but thats what I have read.
  4. Merth


    Thanks guys just frustrated! And ya I knew better. And btw Han I just recommended u to a friend wanting to know where he could get some flame moss And im sure u can fill in the letters where asterics are to figure it out but starts with AZ
  5. Merth


    Just wanted to let ya'll know that a certain large seller (a****dens) still is terrible. Against my better judgement I joined a group order with some local club members to pick up a couple mosses and some red and brown crypts. Between us we had almost $300 order. First off they charged overnight shipping on live goods of $61 and a box fee of $9. They sent a confirmation saying order was complete and shipping UPS. It was shipped Priority (instead of overnight) and by USPS. We ended up picking it up when it arrived at PO 3 days later. 20% of the order was missing and labled backordered. 40% of the order was a melted mess. 20% was melted but may come back and 20% was ok. I mean really how hard is it to properly ship plants. Im talking moss, crypts and swords utterly destroyed?? Well most of it was in bags half full of water, folded overand stapled. Nothing wrapped in newspaper or paper towels. Recycled shipping box was used and no additional padding inside with the bags. On the complaint they stated they dont guarantee any shipping regardless of method during December. And each of the items should have been photgraphed individually in order to process any sorta DOA. I kinda understand the policy however the guy that picked up was so worried about getting the plants into water to try to save them he didnt think to take pics....what a disaster!!!! Once again another horror story involving them!!!
  6. common or brown is dominant longfin is recessive longfinXlongfin should produce at least half if not more longfin longfinXshortfin should produce 25% longfin green dragon X albino = 50/50 green dragon X L144 = brown /common
  7. Randy is in Canada not sure he ships to US but there are plenty of US sellers here with great stock
  8. I believe Steve was referring to the original TB or PRL breeder still keeping value not the offspring
  9. LOL shrimping and Doctor Who seem to always go together tho I must admit I have never watched it. Welcome back Moss!
  10. oh also was curious if possibly it grows faster in hard water? Possibly using rodi or an active substrate would lessen the chance of getting it?
  11. do you water these plants above the water line? I mean like a misting or do they get all they need just through the parts that are in the water?
  12. This stuff has got to be the biggest pain ever! It doesnt matter how long lights are on, how often I do water changes, how long tank has been runnng, or how heavily its planted. Hair algae always shows up especially in my mosses. Anyone else have this problem? If so how do you combat it? Ive heard best treatment is to pull the moss and just replace with algae free, but it still shows up eventually. I dont want to use excel or peroxide as the mosses dont seem to recover well from this treatment. I dont use ferts for fear of killing shrimp. I've heard amano shrimp will eat it but I dont think I want them in my shrimp tank which means they need a tank of their own and constantly moving mosses into their tank to clean it up. Anyone else have any ideas?
  13. got mine off newegg although it took about 2 weeks to come in from china I believe
  14. My first question would be what is your purpose? Resale, selective breeding, just enjoying? Based on the answer would help determine the choices. I personally love the deep red wine reds, the blue auras, the green hulks.
  15. 1. christinenha 2. Vinn 3. Roborep1 4. mayphly 5. Jadenlea 6. Duff0712 7. Shrimpie 8. Phreeflow 9. James Aquatics 10. Elo500 11.EbiBunBun 12. ANBU 13. Metageologist 14. r45t4m4n 15. swissian 16. TheShrimporium 17. Featherblue 18. RyeGuy411 19. littlebirdie 20. Mlsthuy1 21. Allicat 22. Fishprinceofca 23. Rodan76 24. Dendrobatez 25. Ren 26. Dahlyvh fixed list for ya!
  16. pantyhose from dollar store...cut off feet and tie end. instant bag
  17. In the spirit of the season and being grateful for all the awesome people here I wanted to give a little something back. I've just started on my "fishroom" so am waiting to get dedicated shrimp tanks going so nothing there and really no spare plants so finally came up with a couple ideas. Normal list format and I will select 5 winners (if there are that many) on dec 24-25. I will give away by choice in order winners are picked 2 packs of 3 warning stickers and 3 packs of 50 osmocote plus root gel tabs. and shipping is on me as well! Good Luck and thanks again for all the sharing and caring!
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