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Everything posted by Merth

  1. I use stainless skewers that I got with a bbq set. Just skewer it and stick in
  2. Some of the aquatic stores over there are absolutely incredible. Little hole in the walls with more stock, variety and viewing goodness than any LFS I have seen here.
  3. that size tank you might be better off using dry ferts as a source of minerals instead...they arent as "clean" as salty shrimp but fish arent near as finicky as shrimp.
  4. when I know I cant clean my pleco tanks for a couple days I use sweet potato....slightly blanched and doesnt fungus or foul. I have left it in as long as a week without seeing any breakdown. Some of my plecos barely touch it and others tear it up.
  5. Merth

    Highfin Swords

    Careful with highfins I have heard the males have a hard time breeding I'm guessing something about the finnage getting in the way?? Breeders use reg fin males with the high fin females....take with a grain of salt as this is hearsay and not first hand knowledge.
  6. Depends how much u are making...coffee grinder does work as does a pill grinder
  7. Ya I already have the salty shrimp and for the sulawesi and tb's I will definitely build from RO. Really was thinking a less painstaking way for the Neos!
  8. Thanks for your reply for the purpose of discussion this question would be primarily focusing on Neos using an inert substrate. I have successfully kept them using straight tap remineralized with salty shrimp gh+. What I have observed is they do okay but I don't think they breed and thrive as well as they could based on reading and seeing others tanks for the last couple years. (8.2 ph 4-5gh and 9-10kh with tds of around 300) I am getting close to setting up a rack with a TB tank, a sulawesi tank and 3 Neo tanks. I already have an RO system still in the box in preparation but I want to have the ideal params for all three types and since I am in the preplanning phase I'm trying to have an idea for water management before beginning. In theory I would like to have 3 separate water change containers prepared in advance for each type along with straight RO for top offs.
  9. free bump tho I wont enter due to not having a tank setup for them 1. Metageologist 2. ANBU 3. h4n 4. DETAquarium 5. Rodan76 6. Soothing Shrimp 7. Nick_R 8. Poopians 9. davesays 10. r45t4m4n 11. Bonstoneric 12. Ch3f
  10. This may be a really dumb question but Im trying to get a handle on it before experimenting. If I add 50% tap and 50% ro water will it revert to tap conditions or somewhere in between? In other words if 8.2ph 0-1gh 9-10kh at 50% added to 7.0ph 5-6gh 0-1kh become 8.2ph 5-6gh 9-10kh? I suspect it will be somewhere in the middle like maybe 7.6ph 2-3gh and 4-5kh? Sorry if this is dumb I cant seem to find the answer or maybe just not understand it lol.
  11. Merth


    Feeding frenzy
  12. Dont trim it too soon...alot of times it starts growing really nice and people trim it to keep short before the roots get really established.
  13. Yep start fresh and dont add seeded filter to fresh filled water if using tap otherwise the chlorine/chloromines will wipe out your existing bacteria
  14. Anyone else have access that could have taken them?
  15. My next rack will hold be a triple stack with 20 longs on top and bottom and 3 tenners turned sideways in middle.
  16. alot of folks use these in their sumps as biomedia as well due to how cheap they are especially at the dollar stores.
  17. Sad thing is serious shrimpers spend as much on cameras as they do on shrimp but thankfully it allows the rest of us to enjoy them as much!
  18. Plants arrived today! Perfect condition and well packaged! No hitchhikers found!
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