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Everything posted by Merth

  1. I thought astaxanthin was good for yellows as well as reds
  2. Merth

    WHY ME!!!

    Or better yet as in most cases can barely speak english to the point of frustration and just give it up!
  3. 50% weekly on fish tanks but most of them are kept overstocked
  4. Holy cow thats pretty! That would be Birthday, Christmas and anniversary rolled into one
  5. Merth

    Fry Food

    ya might want to give them a few minutes soak so they dont swell up on them
  6. Merth


    Couple pics of my first spawn L144 longfins
  7. Merth

    Fry Food

    No I just pinch them in...by the time they sink in water column they have absorbed water
  8. Merth

    Fry Food

    I prefer the hatched live bbs...teaches the fry how to hunt and I see better growth and activity from the fry however I use the decaps when my live arent ready yet.
  9. Just let me know and I'll pop in mail I dont run co2 anymore
  10. Ive got 1/2 a packet i can send u if u want to try it out before u buy?
  11. Try champagne yeast found at home brew shops as well as evilbay and other online shops...it lasts longer than reg bakers yeast
  12. Merth


    Aquarium salt 1 tbsp/gal and temp raised to 84 at a rate of 2 degrees per day...typically clear in a few days but continue treatment for 2 weeks in a minor case. I do 50% wc every 3rd day
  13. I think your tank is beautiful. I was torn in trying not to vote for every one of them. Looking at the fts it really looked more like a beautiful planted tank then a shrimp tank. I agree would have been nice to have 3 closer up photos where you could have highlighted specific aspects and possibly some of your livestock.
  14. Always sux to lose them especially the breeders sorry for your loss!
  15. I was going to comment on another thread but didnt want to hijack or derail it with opinions. My question is this ...with the increasing amounts of products finally being more readily available compared to a couple years ago it becomes confusing to the average or casual shrimper as to what is necessary. I understand the need to provide the most stable and "perfect" environment for our babies especially when we are talking about shrimp that costs upwards of $50+ apiece. What I'm curious about is the expense related to alot of these products really so beneficial to the average hobbyist? Is someone keeping rcs for instance going to see increased longevity, increased growth, better breeding, better survival rates, increased hardiness? Or are these products really designed for folks keeping the high end shrimp in order to increase survival rates and thereby allowing them to breed and sell? Cause really whats the point of breeding and selling these super fantastic shrimp that the average hobbyist may fall in love with and splurge to buy only to lose them because they dont have the products and skills to keep them alive? Sure its great for the seller (for a time) but is it really in the best interest of promoting the hobby? I know this is probably a can of worms but would love to hear opinions
  16. http://www.planetinverts.com/what_is_that_bug_in_my_aquarium.html If you scroll down you can see one in relation to a crs
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