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  1. Like
    Merth got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Tax Day ROAK   
    1. GBR
    2. Crazyfishlady
    3. Steve R.
    4. Metageologist
    6. Shrimpin' Granny
    7. zodiac
    8. Sumo82
    9. Spialz
    10. Elo500
    11. TheGardenofEder
    12. Aiko =)
    13. swissian
    14. sai_dee
    16. Soothing Shrimp
    17. stangmus
    18. ANBU
    19. 35ppt
    20. roborep1
    21. Adrand
    22. Greenteam
    23. seiji64
    24. Shrimple Minded
    25. 9thdragon
    26. Kelsier
    27. davesays
    28. 07armando17
    29. Serenityfate
    30. nmac15
    31. Lyana
    34. lind
    35. Evilguppy
    36. r45t4m4n
    37. Merth
    38. Xiaov
    40. DETAquarium
    41. nightshadebel
    42. Fishprinceofca
    43. lamchops
    44. Aennedry  =^._.^=
    45. LadyShrimp
    46. ShrimpyRicky
    47. Dahlyvh
  2. Like
    Merth got a reaction from munakgirl in ROAK and more!   
    1. Mlsthuy1
    2. Vinn
    3. GreenAcres
    4. mbenjamin16
    5. James Aquatics
    6. Merth
  3. Like
    Merth reacted to Crazyfishlady in The truth behind snails.   
    Well I was a 'freaker-outer' when I had my first hitchhiker. Why - because so many things I read screamed to 'get those suckers out of there now!'. 
    I have to be careful in my betta tanks, but that is because my bettas will eat a lot of snails. But each betta has a 'pet nerite' as I like to call it, and the nerite has a job to do and is also pretty darn cute.
    As I started to get into the planted tanks more, I would get hitchhikers and... again OMG freak out. I'm on a FB page of very local folks that do planted tanks and I can still remember the pic one person posted of their shrimp tank with (what looked like) hundreds of snails and he was furious. That helped instill the fear of those 'pond snails'.
    Then one person finally told me - you got a pond snail hitch hiker... lucky you! My jaw dropped. What? Lucky? Then I read about the 'too many snails means YOU are doing something off, not them'.
    I will admit the knee jerk reaction of AHHHH get them out!!! Took time and I still closely watch, but I have tried to warm up to the 2 pond snails currently in the snowball tank and even thank them (yes... out loud, when no one is looking) when I see them cleaning the glass.
    This is my betta "Bubba's" pet nerite. The snail's name is Sam - like the sidekick/bff in Lord of the Rings, ha ha They have been together for about 9 months now.

  4. Like
    Merth reacted to mosspearl in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    My massive ball of pellia. It takes up a whole corner in my 10 gallon. The ball is sitting on a rock in the back corner. It's larger than both my fists put together. This stuff grows like crazy for me. That's a white cloud in the last picture for size reference.



  5. Like
    Merth got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Tax Advice   
    Gotta love the system! Its kinda like I get an incentive bonus each month that hits the P+L so the more I get the less I get the following month. Kinda silly to bust my butt to get a good one which only hurts the next one. LOL
  6. Like
    Merth got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Tax Advice   
    If I remember correctly as a sole proprietor you can be sued and lose everything you own...as an LLC they can only get what the business assets are.
  7. Like
    Merth got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Petco $1 per gallon 12/28/2014-01/24/2015   
    Last time I went I bought 2 55's 3 40's and 6 tens np
  8. Like
    Merth got a reaction from mosspearl in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    In my limited experience I would agree cherries are like cockroaches hard to kill and hard to stop reproducing. My blue velvets are just getting established but seem to be equally as hardy. After 3 months and a couple different sources I have my first berried yellow. I have lost at least half if not more of the yellows during this time (mind you all params are the same in these tanks). My chocolates are in crs params and although I lost most in the big crash some have survived. They seem to be very hardy tho its definitely true the conditions ideal for crs were not condusive for the neos to thrive. They are getting their own tank and time will tell.
  9. Like
    Merth got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Shrimp nature sample pack december raok   
    Congrats Bryce!
  10. Like
    Merth reacted to Vinn in Is this saddle normal or should I be worried?   
    Holy...I've never seen any shrimp with such a huge saddle. I did however have one BD shrimp produce at least twice the amount of eggs as my other BDs

  11. Like
    Merth reacted to christinenha in Another Christmas RAOK!   
    This is awesome! Thanks! ^^
    1. christinenha
  12. Like
    Merth reacted to Vinn in Another Christmas RAOK!   
    1. christinenha
    2. Desireenfh
    3. Mlsthuy1
    4. Metageologist
    5. Glasshalffull
    6. Elo500
    7. Vinn
  13. Like
    Merth reacted to OMG Aquatics in Another Christmas RAOK!   
    1. christinenha
    2. Desireenfh
    3. Mlsthuy1
    4. Metageologist
    5. Glasshalffull
    6. Elo500
    7. Vinn
    8. H4n 
    9. Poopians
  14. Like
    Merth reacted to Triton in Another Christmas RAOK!   
    1. christinenha
    2. Desireenfh
    3. Mlsthuy1
    4. Metageologist
    5. Glasshalffull
    6. Elo500
    7. Vinn
    8. H4n
    9. Poopians
    10. Archie1208[/font][/color]
    11. Soothing Shrimp
    12. ShrimpyRicky
    13. Junglefowl
    14. Triton (I totally want the stickers LOL)
  15. Like
    Merth reacted to RyeGuy411 in Another Christmas RAOK!   
    1. christinenha
    2. Desireenfh
    3. Mlsthuy1
    4. Metageologist
    5. Glasshalffull
    6. Elo500
    7. Vinn
    8. H4n
    9. Poopians
    10. Archie1208[/font][/color]
    11. Soothing Shrimp
    12. ShrimpyRicky
    13. Junglefowl
    14. Triton (I totally want the stickers LOL)
    15. RyeGuy411
  16. Like
    Merth reacted to wicca32 in babies come monday morning   
    L144 is not common its the blue eye bn. believe me i got ripped a new on on planet cat fish about that topic lol. the green male and albino long fin female gave me at least 75% albino out of it. i saw very few greens come from the cross. and he had crossed it with other colors that never produced albino. as or the the L144 and green not sure what will come from it because these are pure L144 no other color in them. same with the greens they were from wild stock and never crossed with other colors. so there should not be a brown in the mix either way. i got backgrounds when i got these fish and know back grounds. yes i was a bit suprised when i got over 50/50 mix in the albino. i figured it would be majority of the babies green because in most thing albino is recessive and both have to carry the gene to produce albino. not sure how i would get brown from a green though so could you explain that one?
  17. Like
    Merth got a reaction from h4n in Rant!!   
    Thanks guys just frustrated! And ya I knew better. And btw Han I just recommended u to a friend wanting to know where he could get some flame moss
    And im sure u can fill in the letters where asterics are to figure it out but starts with AZ
  18. Like
    Merth got a reaction from randy in What is your "ideal" mixed Taiwan Bee tank?   
    Randy is in Canada not sure he ships to US but there are plenty of US sellers here with great stock
  19. Like
    Merth got a reaction from DETAquarium in PRL x TB?   
    I believe Steve was referring to the original TB or PRL breeder still keeping value not the offspring
  20. Like
    Merth got a reaction from countryboy12484 in What is your "ideal" mixed Taiwan Bee tank?   
    Randy is in Canada not sure he ships to US but there are plenty of US sellers here with great stock
  21. Like
    Merth reacted to randy in Most Wanted Shrimp   
    I was ordering some TT and my source told me the pure ones are harder to find now (most are now mixed with TB gene for pinto), but he has this improved version of it. So I ordered 20 of them for myself ;-)

  22. Like
    Merth reacted to aquariumlover10 in RAOK Brazilian Pennywort   
    Ok so I got way more then I expected, I put as much as I could in my tank while lewaving room for my other plants and enough swimming room for my fish.
    Here's some pics.
    In bag

    Out of bag

    Tank before

    Tank after

    What I have left over

    Don't worry,.the leftover will go to a good home, i am most likly giving it to my grandpa, he has a 55g that's he is making a south american bioyope and a 140g african river biotope.
  23. Like
    Merth reacted to aquariumlover10 in RAOK Brazilian Pennywort   
    Hey ss, so is this what your tank looked like?

  24. Like
    Merth got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Any one uses Seachem Purigen in shrimp tank?   
    pantyhose from dollar store...cut off feet and tie end.  instant bag
  25. Like
    Merth reacted to EricM in any other gamers?   
    nice. I build my own systems also.  Working on a full liquid cooled x99 system right now.
    I have my own racing rig, I try to get a couple sessions in a week of iracing.
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